The Tampa Tribune from Tampa, Florida (2024)

350 CLERICAL-SECRETARIAL 350 CLERICAL-SECRETARIAL 350 CLERICAL-SECRETARIAL I 360 350 CLERICAL-SECRETARIAL 350 CLERICAL-SECRETARIAL- IS TAMPA TRIBUNE Tuesday, May 7, 1)74 SALES JOIN OUR TEAMI Clearwater-Largo Real Estate, Realtor 380 Cleorwater-Loroo Rd 584-im MUTUAL fc United of Omaha arc looking for one too notch salesman. Ph. 253-6024, 9-5. An Equal Opportunity Employer REPAIR SET-UP MAN BEVERAGE VEN07MACHINES Management training program with a nationally establlshod company. Full benefits, solary open rapid advancement tor the right mon.

Knowledge of mechanics necessary fc experience in beverage vending machines preferred. CALL MR. LODEN 977-52U PARTS Sales Clerk Ond Inside Salesman. Apply in Person. Star Time Corp.

6601 E. Hillsboro. GOLF SALES Desires outside salesmon to sell golf equipment. 20-40 hours per week. Write Sports Incentive Box 5824, Ft.

Lauderdale 33310. PART or Full time soles. Male or female. No experience Coll 5 to 7PM. Sat.

8 to 12. 877-9457. SNACK Food Demonstrator to work weekends in supermarkets, Call USED CAR SALESMAN Immediate Must have 'I. year minimum used car sales experience. Benefits weekly draw against commission.

Cor to drive, hospitalization fc other fringe benefits. Coll between Bob McClellon, 879-0571. Southern Car Soles, 701 N. Pole Mabry. S156 WEEKLY GUARANTE POSITION open for wholesale route drivers.

Chauffeurs license re-Quired. Will work as trainee, assume responsibility of route. Apply 109 Governor St. Sealtest Foods. An Equal Opportunity Employer.

MF. Educational Reo's Clean selling position. If you ore creative willing to work we will troin vou for a permanent position. potential the 1st year. Company benefits.

Appts. made for you. Call 229-1828 for Jim Smith. SALES CONSULTANTS OF TAMPA, INC. "Placing Sales Talent 'Is Our Onlv Business" 5600 Mariner (Rm 213) 872-1538 I need an Assistant, can double my earnings witn the right person.

Phone Bill Thom*os, 876-1652. ROUTE Salesman, established route. Excellent earnings. Fringe bene-tit*. Out 2 nights.

Coll FACTORY REPRESENTATIVES To represent Kwik Set Sales Service Company. Manufacturers of one of America's largest selling residential Lock Sets in the State of Florida. Position involves the selling of Kwik Set Lock Sets to established customers, (i.e., hardware wholesalers, building material distributors and prefabricated door and home manufacturers). Excellent starting salary, plus auto, mobile, expense account, excellent fringe benefits and future Incentive plan. All applicants should contact E.

Dean Catlett at 813-933-4011 after 9AM Thursday, May 9th only, for personal interview. An Equol Opportunity Employer SALES REP TERRIFIC OPPTY $8,000 COMM ASK SMITTY 988-7311 Snelling Snelling JOHN Hanco*ck Training Program. Fringe Benefits, salory commission. 224-0102. EXPER INSURANCE MEN OAILY LEADS AVERAGE TO $1000 PER MO.

251-1670 WE Need a Good Insurance Sales-mon to work as Home Office Supervisor. 872-8529. AMBITIOUS Men, Women. Management Opportunities. Commission, Bonus, Full-Port time.

886-8903. SHOES Immediate openings for sales assistant manager positions with one of the nations fastest growing shoe chains. Earn up to $150. to. $225.

a wk. See Mr. Zwirn, Shoes, 309 Westshore Blvd. andS 4306 S. Ddle Mabry.

UNLIMITED OPPORTUNITY SELLV ING SILVER NEW GROWTH INDUSTRY. CALL! JOHN STRAIN, 879-3940. 5 Metal Building Salesman i Must do own estimating Must relocate Send Picture Resume to Rt. 1 Box 5-A i Inverness. 32650 3 AGENT, Insurance Debit.

High' starting pay for trainee or expend enced soles person to start immev diately. Tampa 225-4291. ROUTE Salesman, established Route, Dairy related type route' Experience Route Driver Desired, Must be mature, reliable worker," 5 day week, salary plus cpmmisv sion. Above average salary.Coi: tor appointment. 626-1180.

APPLIANCE SALESMAN'' GOOD COMMISSION LIBERAL Benefits, Fine Retirement Plan. If You Have Sales Experience We Need You. Apply Today, Mrs. Brown. i W.

T. GRANT CO. CLAYTON PLAZA SHOPPING CENTER We Are An Equal Opportunity Em- i piuyvr. i NEW AGGRESSIVE REAL ESTATE ASSOCIATES WHO WANT TO MAKE IN EXCESS OF $35,000 to $50,000 PER YEAR THIS SPACE AVAILABLE I RESERVED TOR: Associates who ort willing to ad-vertist our pisotrties 'and servico our clients. Ask for Don or Bill Watson at 238-3181, 876-6418.

370 i i TRADES FIRST Class All Around Renflna Mechanic. 2 Experienced Helpers. Salary Commensurate with ability. 251-0079 Saturday Sundoy. 877- WELDER Foreman and Weldr.

Musi be Experienced in Dredge Maintenance. Apply In Person, Layne Dredging Company, US 41 and Alalia River. TANDEM Duma Trucks Drivers Wanted. Machines Helpers, Lease Trucks Needed. 677-5137.

DEEP South Electric Is again ex- ponaing its operations and is now hiring experienced Electricians, and Helpers. For the Tompa, St. Pete area. Group ins, profit sharing, paid vacation. 621-5621 for Interview.

ACDUCTMECH. Two Duct Fiberglass mech. Exp. only. 2 Trainees, some exp.

neiptui. Call Mr. Troup, 876-2424. Brown Spivey Air Cond. inc.

3701 Nassau St. MACHINIST CLASS Heavy on mills, iob shop experience preferred, at Southern Machine Tool Company. Good pay with fringe benefits, 48,18 N. Hesperides. EXPERIENCED iron workers needed.

Call 665-2768 after 7 PM. DRAFTING ASSISTANT 'oordination ot Blueprints ond specifications. General drafting assistant, mail distribution, general contractor's otflce. Must be at least 18 years of oge. Apply 5644 N.

Dole Mabry, -Tampa. MELDER-To assemble weld pre-cut stainless parts for citrus processing equipment. 95 MIG welding, Assembly welds per our blueprints, days only. MAINTENANCE MAN Air tools, electric welding equipment, b'ildlngs, electrical, company vehicles, days only. uCHINE OPE ATOR-Lothes, vertical lathe, milling machine, low volume, close tolerance production), days onlv.

EXPERIENCED MACHINIST-To handle set up, tooling, assembly of bearings, moin-cain machine tool equipment. Call Dunedin 734-3563. MACHINISTS Job shop work. Liberal company benefits. Gould Machine Repairs.

Foot of Grant Street. 247-3194. SKILLED SAWMAN To operate Panel Saw, Table Saw, tland Saw. Experience in cutting plastics helpful. Apply In person to Faulkner Plastics 4504 E.

Hills boro. WANTED 2 Beauty Operators, 60 commission or 2 Booths for rent. 935-4858. WELDER Experienced. High salary paid.

621-3071. between 8-5. MECHANIC Salary Plus Commission. Full Range of Company Benefits Including Profit Sharing. Apply Western Auto, 877-4262.

AC SERVICE MECHANIC ONLY EXPERIENCED NEED APPLY QU NT 4311 W. IDA 876-2178 HAIRDRESSER Wonted for new Solon. Master License required. 251-0797. BEAUTICIAN Manage salon.

Capable of hiring beauticians, call 229-sooi. DRAFTSMAN Permanent Employment tor draftsman with structural Plate expe rience. APPLY Plant City Steel Co. HWY 92, EAST PLANT CITY, FLA. MONDAY- FRIDAY An Equol Opportunity Employer PLANT CITY STEEL CO.


Oak at River. 229-9301. An Equal Opportunity Employer 370 SALES EXPERIENCED SALES REPS BILL CURRlE FORD Offers vou, the experienced automobile soles representative, the opportunity to be part of the largesf ond most' modern Ford Dealership in the south. Paying high commissions, bonus, free demonstrator, free hospitalization, free life insuronce, and a great chance to Increase vour present income. For additional information, contact Al Alvarez at 872-5555 or drop by our new showroom at 5815 N.

DALE MABRY NEED Sales Partner in my Life Insurance Agency. 872-9258. SALES REP $8,500 FEE PD Aggressive, career pro for nati firm Co cor bonus Coll Jean 223-2701 Snelling Snelling SALES Manager Trainees. Opportunity Of a Lifetime. If you're experienced in Sales, willing to travel, but are limited where vou ore, we otfer a $200.

Solary plus commission potential to S30.Q00. Coll Now. Mr. Briggs 879-2253. SALESPERSONS Inter'l Condominium Exposition is looking for aggressive persons used to earning high income.

Must hove car and be avoilable Immediately, Call Tues. May 7 tor interview at Causeway Inn South, Tampo, Mr. Woxmon, 884-8495. ONE ot the largest ond fastest growing envelope manufacturers In the state of Florida is looking for a Sales Representative to grow with it. Musi live in the Tampa, St.

Petersburg, Clearwater area, which will oe the man's exclusive territory. Experienced desired but will train. Please contact: Tribune-Times Box Y-li 360 TRADES DUCT INSTALLER Needs 3 Duct Mechanics for central heating air conditioning. experience required. This Is sheet metal fc fiberglass.

Apartment proiects. Contact: Johnny Lopei, after 3:30 PM weekdays. One Mechanic Combination Duct Installer, Glass Metal for commercial installation. Minimum 3 years experience as mechanic for heating fc air conditioning instal lotion. See: Johnny Lopez, after 3:30 PM weekdays.

Helpers Installation 8, Duct Men Need 6 experienced helpers for Apts. Commercial central heating air conditioning. See: Johnny Lopez. Apply: 3 to 5 PM SYSTEMS, INC, 5605 S. Westshore Blvd.

Tompa, Florida PARTS MAN Man to work In Mack Truck Parts Dept. Experience preferred, good benefits ond working conditions. Apply in person to Rav Robblns or Jim Judy ot Cralle-Hall Mack Sales 7810 Adamo Dr. 626-7141 HAIRSTYLIST, Monlcure ond Sham poo Girl Wanted. New unisex salon.

Good pay. Call 9 to 9 any day. 25 1-6 1 98. SEALTEST FOODS NOW accepting applications for ex perienced A-l truck mechanic, excellent pay benefits. Apply in person, 109 Governor St, An Equql Opportunity Employer.

MF. WELDERS MACHINIST Apply Atlas Welding fc Machines, 248-1578. MECHANICS GM experience preferred. Work ovoiloble as general mec names ana new cor preporotion department. Must have own handtools.

Excellent working conditions, fringe benefits. For interview call Mr. Valde-spino. Service Manager, 253-0681, extension 261, Mon. thru 8 A.M.

til 5 P.M. FERMAN 0LDSM0BILE BEAUTICIAN, be your own Boss, Kent Your station, ygs-itsue, y3j- 4379. GOOD STARTING SALARY FOR TALENTED WOODWORKER Train to be a Pipe Master with Americas Fostest Growing pipe Company. Promotion depends on ability. Edwards Pipe Shop.

Call 885-2538. BEAUTICIAN wanted. 60 Guaram tee. Booth lor rent. Phone 877-7941.

EQUIPMENT OPERATOR $540 to $677 a month. Must have exp. in dragline. Day loader grader. Annual sick leave, paid hospitalization insur.

APPLY: 4th Floor, City Hall TAMPA CIVIL SERVICE BOARD AIR Conditioning Heating, Duct Mechanics, installation Mechanics Apprentices Needed. Call for Appointment, 248-4171. PAINTERS Two Marine painters for targe com partment painting. Apply in person, Hendry Corporation, 5107 Westshore Blvd. We are an Equal Opportunity En plover SERVICE DEPT.

TRAINEE Promotion has made position avail able for trainee in photo copy machine repair. Must have car and electro mechanical qualifications. Salary, expenses ond commission. Coll for oppointment, Ray Sills, J4j-j6 in at. peterspuro.

EXPERIENCED heating ond air conditioning serviceman, $4.15 to $4.40 per pension plan, paid vacation, paid holidays, 40 hrs. guaranteed. Time Vj overtime. Belcher Oil 4111. N.

Trosk, i ampo. EXPERIENCED Wire lathe hangers Piece work. 14302 N. 46th Vi mile North of Fletcher. See Pete Gurzvnskl.

KEYPUNCH OPERATOR Full time night shift. 5:30 P.M. til 1:30 A.M. Unlvoc 1701-1710. Full company benefits Insuronce, paid vacations.

Apply: Tampa Wholesale Co. 5015 E. Hillsboro Ave. Coll 626-3131, Mr. Gobel MECHANIC NEEDED Experienced Mechanic On Heavy Equipment.

Must Furnish Own Tools. Fringe Benefits, EOE. Apply In Person, H. H. Pate Excavating, jzuy 44tn Ave.

SEWING EXPER. Sewing Machine Operators. -light ond interesting work making cops. Hign incentive pay witn ex cellent fringe benefits. TAMPA MFG.CO.

1115 Twiggs St. EXPERIENCED Aluminum Sub Contractors Primarily For Patio Screen Rooms. Some Siding Helpful. Must Have Tools Truck. We Seek Only The Best People To Install The Best Products We Will Compensate Accordingly.

Coll Mr. Martin Or Mr. Collins For Appointment. Weatherall Indus tries, 885-1438. Class A Gener ot Contractor.

MACHINIST E-Z Way Products, Inc. 13155 N. Nebraska Phone 971-1961. COUNTER TOP MFG. Needs two men.

experience helpful. Apply 1308 4th Ave. Or call 248-6983 osk for Marcos. WELDER EXPERIENCED in automatic wire feed. E-Z Way Products, Inc.

13155 N. Nebraska. Phone yi-i6i. PHOTO TYPESETTER Printer with good typing ability to operate keyboard tor pnoto Typesetting system. Paid insurance, 253-2602, 238-3468.

OPERATING REFRIG. ENGINEER Permanent position, paid vac, sick leave, maior med. Time '2 over 40 hrs. For interview-appt. Call Tqmpq Storoge Warehouse 248-1186.

EOE WANTED. Form corpenters, lav-out men, laborers, cement. finishers sub contractors familiar with hous- ina Monolithic slabs. In Port Charlotte Area. Call (813) 625-5565 for appointment.

NOW Taking Applications for experienced Mobile Home Plumbers ond Electricians for production line. Only Experienced need Apply. No Phone Calls. Southeastern Shelters Industries, Bavview Blvd. Oldsmor Fl.

MACHINISTS 1st AND 2nd Class Machinists. Must be knowledgeable of setup work. Minimum of 3 years experience In precision milling or turning. Excellent working conditions and bene fits. APPLY: TRAK MICROWAVE CORP 4726 Eisenhower Blvd An Equal Opportunity Employer WELDERS, Sheet Metal Workers, Some experience necessary, excellent company benefits.

885-1693. MACHINIST TRAINEE Tompa Bolt fc Screw Co. Will Train 40 Hour Week Plus Overtime. Company Benefits, Call 248-6141 Or Apply 1913 Fiager St. ALTERATIONS TAILOR For Mens clothing.

Must be experienced. Good pay working conditions. Steady job. See Mr. Mark Shine, Klrbv's Men's Wear, 1707 S.

Dole Mabry. NEEDED LAYOUT MEN, WELDERS FOR Expanding Engineering, Manufacturing and Construction Business. Competitive wage scales, fringe benefits. Principals have operated these businesses for 22 years and ore looking for craftsmen to build with. Call Superintendent.

(813) 621-3470. WANTED: Experienced plasterers ond brick cutters. Phone 634-2559 or 645-9215 after; Receotlonlsf-Clerk. Port or full time. Cabinet Sole.

Assistant Shoo Counter Top Leodmon. Oleson Industries. Inc. 5021 N. 22nd St.

PLUMBERS HELPERS Company Benefits. Too Wages for Qualified persons. Interview 3 PM to 5PM. Apply Howdeshell Mechon-Ical Contractor, 8110 Ulmerton Rd. Largo.

CLERICAL Kennedy Cohen, one of the South's largest TV, Stereo and Appliance chains has an opening for full time cashier. Cashiering and various otflce duties, knowledge of bookkeeping helpful. Excellent working conditions ond company fringe benefits. Call our accounting department at 837-5621. KENNEDY COHEN Equal Opportunity Employer EXEC SECTY.

Lite SH and exp. Plant City $540 FEE PAID AVAILABILITY, INC. 872-2631 1300 Westshore Blvd INA Bldg KEYPUNCH KEYTAPE OPERATORS. We specialize In top paying positions. All shifts available.

Salaries to $560 some fee pd AVAILABILITY, INC. 872-2631 1300 Westshore Blvd INA Bldg ACCOUNTING CLERK. AR ond payroll start $540 Plus AVAILABILITY, INC. 872-2631 1300 Westshore Blvd INA Bldg OPPORTUNITY position available for a secretary who desires an executive position in a law office that wilt chollenge intellectual as well as secreterial skills ond provide an opportunity to Improve personal- talents while being well compensated. It vou are interested call 223-7474 for an oppointment.

OFFICE MANAGER. Exec. Sectv Run busy office. Start Min S650 AVAILABILITY, INC. 872-2631 1300 Westshore Blvd INA Bldg FULL CHARGE BOOKKEEPER.

exp In pegboord 8, gen ledger $650 FEE PD AVAILABILITY, INC. 872-2631 1300 Westshore Blvd INA Bldg BOOKKEEPER TRAINEE. No exp. necessary. Start $365 plus AVAILABILITY, INC.

872-2631 1300 Westshore Blvd INA Bldg PERSON Wanted for general office work. Should have knowledge of 10 Key adding machine fc able to do light typing. Pan American Linen Service, 2806 N. Armenia. CUSTOMER RELATIONS SECTY.

No sh phone contact Impt. start $520 plus AVAILABILITY, INC. 872-2631 1300 Westshore Blvd INA Bldg ACCOUNTING CLERK Accuracy With Detoiled Work. Bank Reconciliation, Etc. 5 Day Week.

Good Starting Salary. Ph, Ms Josephine Glover. 872-9231. RESIDENT MGR. exp.

preferred get apartment $433 FEE PD AVAILABILITY, INC. 872-2631 1300 Westshore Blvd INA Bldg BOOKKEEPER TRAINEE $494 Good figure ability and typing gets this one in plush office, Palma Ceio area No bkkplng exper needed-will Call 839-5461, Job Placement Service LEGAL SECTY. exp. helpful tax division. Start $550 FEE PD AVAILABILITY, INC.

872-2631 1300 Westshore Blvd INA Bldg SECRETARYBOOKKEEP- ER-Great starting salory and my fee poid W. side plush office needs good skills and will pay for Don't miss this opportunity; Call 839-5461, Job Placement Service. LEGAL SECTY TRAINEE. Lite secty exp. dictaphone $550 FEE PD AVAILABILITY, INC.

872-2631 1300 Westshore Blvd INA Bldg EAST Hove many great clerical lobs' on East side-Call for details, and appointments! 839-5461, Job Placement Service EXECUTIVE SH and lite exp. starts vou to $600 AVAILABILITY, INC. 872-2631 1300 westshore Blvd INA Bldg BOOKKEEPERSECRETARY-Top Dollars to start my fee paid! Keep books, type and SH needed. Prestige firm on W. side Career opportunity! Call 839-5461, Job Placement Service ADMIN.

ASST. varied duties re search involved. Start $540 us AVAILABILITY, INC. 872-2631 1300 Westshore Blvd INA Bldg PART TIME LADIES Interview our prospective clients bv phone. No selling straight salary, permanent, part time.

Pleasant employment. Call 877-4275 between 10 AM and 12 Noon. 360 TRADES IMPORTS Car Specialist tor olr conditioning Installation, servicing and repairing. 5050. 7:30 to 5.

Call John Goettino, Serv. Mgr. 885-1476. MECHANICS NEEDED Light Medium Heavy Duty Truck Mechanics needed. II vou would like to earn $250.00 $300.00 per week, with good fringe benefits, 5 day work week.

Phone 248-6221 for Appointment. Ask for Service Man ager. SHEET METAL MECHANIC EXPERIENCED 621-2455 TRUCK DRIVER- JOB requires truck driving and other miscellaneous duties. Must hove chauffeur's license. Only reliable need apply.

Ph. 224-7784. PARTS Clerk with experience, 40 hours per week. Apply- ot Lykes Food Products, 1502 N. 50tn St.

WANTED Hairdresser With Follow. ing; Solon In Town 'N Country Area, can 225-8631. ROCK FOREMAN South Florida rock operation located In West Hollywood areo needs experienced mining foreman with blasting knowledge. Good pay. Call ton tree, 1-800-432-7215 tor appoint ment.

An Equal Opportunity Employer WELDERS, layout personnel labor, ers. Apply ot 9202 E. Broadwov, H. Butler Steel, Inc. CERTIFIED Arc and Acetylene Welder.

Apply 9416 E. Buffalo. 621-5613. ESTIMATOR WANTED Experienced take off person. L.

C. Blonton Gloss Company. 884-0411. TWO carpenters to box machinery for export. Two riggers to load and unload machinery with forklitt trucks.

One machinery painter, must know body Work. Apply a iviacninery, 1214 in. Ave. corner 13th. St.

Tompa. KELLY-Sprinafield Auto Service has Immediate opening for an experienced mechanic. Contact Jerry McKean, 932-4348, for interview. SAM to 6PM. An Equal Opportunity Employer.

BEAUTICIAN Wanted" To be trained as a hair technician for hair re. placements. Salary paid while In training. Coll 238-6411 or apply at 505 W. Hlllsboro.

General Cable Corporation National Manufacturer of Wire and Cable has Immediate openings for. MAINT. MECHANICS Experienced in Maintenance of production equipment welding equipment installation ond other related duties. Job rate $4.43 per hour, -increasing to $4.67 per hour in 4 mths. MAINT.

ELECTRICIANS Experienced In industrial wiring, AC and DC current, industrial troubleshooting, circuit diagrams, and electronics. Job rate $4.43 per hour, increasing to $4.67 per hour In 4 mths.The above lobs enioy excellent company benefits, including, Hosp. Surgical, Vision, Dental, Maior Medical Life Ins. Coverage, Pension Plan, Vacation fc 10 Pd, Holidays. Apply 2515E.Hanna TAMPA, FLA.

An equal Opportunity Employer. ENGINEERS Experienced diesel engineers for hydraulic dredge for West Florida Coastal work. Apply In Person: Hendry 5107 S. Westshore Blvd. An EOE.

TAKING Applications in Alf Departments. Experienced Only Need Apply. Top Wages and Fringe Benefits. See Danny. Apply In Person, Southeastern Shelter Industries, Bayvlew Oldsmor.

EXPERIENCED CATV line workers. Excellent pay ond fringe benefits. For more information coll or write to: Burnup and Sims. P.O. Box 49326, Atlanta, GA.

30329, 404-292. 1213 or 292-1214. Burnup and Sims is on equal opportunity employer. lOOK-fREE REFERRAL Sana roe const rf son. NCEDAUCeAFTS A.rtuMHits C.

lACKHOco*ktATOt 0 MSCIA 253-1477. A 1 ogmcy CLERICAL-Typing, filing, ond general office work. days a week. Call Jim Sutton. 626-1695.

CLERICAL Permanent Position tor responsible Individual. Duties include use of 10 Key Calculator ond Type 60wom. Work In Pleasant Surroundings with full Company Benefits. Call Mr. Wilson, 223-5541.

GTE DATA SERVICES needs Clerk Typist. Call Employment Office, 224-3653 SECRETARY Town 'N Country Area Immediate opening. Typing and dictaphone skills required. Previous experience In accounting helpful. Qualified applicant call Lvkes Electronics Corporation for on interview, 886-6621.

An Equal Oppor-tunitv Employer. COMPUTER OPERATOR on The Freiden' Singer with magnetic ledger card needed Immediately for 3 week part time. Flexible early evening hours. Good pay. Coll 253-0408, Landis Wilkinson Temporary Services.

LEGAL Secretary, large downtown law firm, good skills required, excellent benefits' working conditions. Salary1 commensurate with qualifications. Call 223-2420 for OP-pointment. STATISTICAL TYPIST $7K Luxurious office-Notional Co. HARPER ASSOCIATES 879-2741 COMPANY PAID FEES ONLY CASHIER LARGE finance company needs cashier.

Must know how to type and use adding machine. Good salary opportunity tor advancement. Will pay for experience. General Finance 877-9517. EXPERIENCED DISCOUNT CLERK Familiar with finance, insurance and automobile con tracts.

Good Salary, ex cellent company benefits, an equal opportunity employer. for an appointment, call 935-5117. ask for Dave Gonzales. PART TIME SECRETARY, typing general of. fice work, Westshore area.

879- 6966; SECRETARY I $114 $142 a Wk. CLERK TYPIST II $100 $124 a Wk, POLICE DATA Terminal Operator $114 fo $142 Week APPLY: 4th Floor, City Hall TAMPA CIVIL SERVICE BOARD KEYPUNCH OPERATOR 2nd Shift beginning at 4PM or IBM 029129 experience preferred. Top salary, excellent workina conditions, benefits. Coll after 5PM, Systems Software 4720 Cypress 224-2269. THE LAST THING You should do is stay In a dull situation when vou are in such demand.

If you like figures, and type litelv, see us. FEE NEGOT. STart $433. Call Richard P. Rita.

877-5755 GENERAL Clerk Mary Carter Industries has Immedi ate opening for General ottice Clerk. Experience with Cdlculator and accuracy required. Apply In person Gunn Hwy Henderson or call 920-6611. Equal Opportunity Employer INVENTORY CONTROL CLERK Good With Figures, Light Typing Required. Must Be Willing to Work Overtime.

Large National Concern, Equal Opportunity Employer. Excellent Benefits, 40 Hour Week. Send Resume With Salary Expectations To P.O. Box 1485, Brandon, Flo 33511. Attn: Finance Manager.

FEE PAID BY COMPANY FC BOOKKEEPER, to $175 Wk. Professional atmosphere. SECY. to $140. wk.

No shorthond required. Only light bookkeeping necessary. FANNING PERSONNEL 1311 N. Westshore 872-4831 Longing for Farowoy Places? Travel in the South for leading Not'l Firm. Requirements; attractive, mentally mature, and free to travel.

FEE PAID Start $800 car expenses. Call Richard P. Rita, 877-5755 RECEPTIONIST Full time. Nu Look Kitchens. 3112 W.

Kennedy Blvd. CAN YOU BARK BACK AT THE BOSS Me Need a Super Efficient Executive Secretary who can handle both business personal proiects for the Chairmon of the Board. Must be Exo'd In handling a dynamic boss who expects fast action. Superior typing, SH telephone skills required. New Office In Westshore Area.

We will Pay Top Dollar for the Too Individual. Full Company Benefits. Call Miss Pati Patrick at B79-5730. ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK TYPIST 50 WPM, Minimum. Accurate With Figures, Large National Concern.

Equql Opportunity Employer. EX' eel lent Benefits, 40 Hour Week, Send Resume With Salary Expectations To P.O. Box 1485. Brondon, Fla 33511, Attn: Finance Manager. CLERK-TYPISTS LOOKING For something new fascinating? Openings for computer entry typist.

For national CO. Excellent worklnconditlons benefits. Good pay, ample free parking, near shopping center. No SH. Good knowledge of kevooara essential, sowpm mini, mum.

Coll 877-0451. R. J. Slaton R. R.

Langley DUN BRADSTREET.INC. An Equal Opportunity Employer PERSON experienced In basic bo Okie wpi no inventory control. Typ-- ino required. Salary open to view. GOODY! No SH needed In this unusual position.

Credit Investigation and collection exper helpful. Nat'l firm. Start $700. Call Richard P. Rita, 877-5755 NUMBERS APTITUDE? Immed.

opening for someone who likes working with numbers and has some office experience. Light typing, call 839-6387 tor oppt. SECRETARY-Receptlonist: Good Typist, Minimum Salary $400. or better based on experience. 253- 0467.

KEYPUNCH Operator for Derma- nent position with a national com pany, benefits include paid vacation and holidays, group hosoi- Tanzanon ana ire insurance, write to Data Processing Manager, P.O. urawtr n. lampa i-l. 3J65. An Equal Opportunity plover EXECUTIVE SECRETARY BRANDON Area for engineering construction ottice.

oood tvolno and general office experience neces sary, salary commensurate with ooiiity ana experience. Call Per sonnei manager, 626-2131. GENERAL OFFICE CLERK REQUIRE pleasant person to assume varied responsibilities. Must be occurate typist, capable of rec- ord keeping, and possess valid Florida Driver's License. 40 hour week, excellent company benefits, $95 week.

For oppointment coll, 621-2022. Equal Opportunity Em- plover. ASSISTANT-SECRETARY TO Dentist In Brondon, challenging position in oleosant surroundings. Excellent health. No Experience necessary.

Moll tiono written re sume to 1 10 Knights. Ave. bronaon, Fla. 3351 1. TEMPLE Terrace Golf Country Club needs general office clerk, bookkeeping experience necessary.

Call Mrs. Harris, 9BS-ITI. FRONT DESK SECRETARY $476 MEET THE PUBLIC ASK SANDY 988-7311 Snellina 8, Snelllng ALL KEYED We need vour keypunch skills on temp obs in downtown A fc. Tampa. Top Pay at No tee.

"ABILITY GIRLS" 872-2631 1300 N. Wesishor Blvd. INA Bldg. SECRETARY National Co. Needs Person to handle typing, filing, phones.

In this one girl otflce. Accuracy a must! Excellent fringe benefits. For Inter, Ph. 872-8335. An Equal Opportunity Employer RECEPTIONIST, Light Bookkeeping.

1 Girl Office. No Experience Nee-essarv. 877-4751. RECEPTIONIST WHO TYPES Voriety of duties Convenient bright office $500 Call Judl 877-8011 Snelllng ft Snelllng INVOICE ClerkGeneral office. Must be experienced.

Salary commensurate with ability, $2 minimum hourly. Must be good with figures. Coll Doris, 236-5702. CLERK TYPIST Claims experience preferred but not necessary. Typing minimum 50wpm.

Good, opportunity for advancement, immediate fringe benefits available. Starting solary commensurate with ability. Call $79-6154: ST. PAUL INSURANCE COS. An Equal Opportunity Employer SECRETARY tor Downtown legal firm.

Requirements: General se-cretrial skills, accurate typist, shorthand, legal experience helpful. 223-3991 osk for Mrs. Horton. RECEPTIONIST $390 FEE PD Use your sparkle to light up a nice convenient suburban otflce as Managers right arm Call Judl 877-8011 Snelling 8. Snelling ADVERTISING AGENCY Secretary WE need Secretory-Receptionist who is personable 8, can think on her own.

Must ttave good typing ability general secretarial knowledge. Attractive appearance, previous agency experience Is a plus. Call 877-6079 for appointment. SECRETARY for Engineers Office with good typing, bookkeeping General Otflce experience. Will consider part time.

Call 837-1563, between 91 for appointment. LEGAL SECRETARIES. We specialize In top career advancement opportunities salaries to $700 SOME FEE PD AVAILABILITY, INC. 872-2631 1300 Westshore Blvd INA Bldg KEYPUNCHER One year experience IBM 029 or 129. Day Evening position.

Good Salary Fringes. Apply 9 to 4 Dally. The First National Bank of Tompa, First Financial Towers, Tampa 8, Madison Streest. 31st. Floor.

An Equal Opportunity Employer OFFICE Clerk, Light Typing, Phone Orders, Customer Relations and Figure Work. 621-5566 Tampa East Industrial Park. ASST. OFC. MGR.

Type 40 wpm growth company start $540 AVAILABILITY, INC. 872-2631 1300 Westshore Blvd INA Bldg TYPIST PLEASANT persnn to work part time witn bookkeeper. Must have bookkeeping experience. Apply In person Holiday Inn West, 4732 N. Dale Mobry DICTAPHONE TYPIST.

Exp. and gen otc abilities start $434 FEE PD I AVAILABILITY, INC. 872-2631 1300 Westshore Blvd INA Bldg TYPIST PLEASANT person to work full time with bookkeeper. Must have bookkeeping experience. Apply in person Holiday Inn West, 4732 N.

Dale Mabry, EXECUTIVE SECRETARY TO $9,100 Secretary to president needed with experience, SH, and ability to handle confidential matters as a professional. FEE PAID AVAILABILITY, INC. 872-2631 1300 Westshore Blvd INA Bldg LOOKING For An INTERESTING CAREER? BE AN ADVERTISING CONSULTANT WITH THE TAMPA TRIBUNE-TIMES We ore presently forming class for an in-depth training program where vou can earn while vou learn. We wont to have the finest staff possible when we move into the nation's most modern newspaper printing plant. You will be fought the very latest printing methods, along with continuous training In sales techniques.

We do require that you hove a typing speed of 50 words a minute. Company benefits include: Paid Life Insurance, Retirement Plan, (our Thrift Plan will enable you to save six percent of vour salary, which will be matched fifty cents on the dollar). The Gals in this Department celebrate their Birthday with the Day Off! Stop by our old building today and talk tnis over with: MRS. PETERSON 3RD FLOOR Classified Advertising rtpt. TRIBUNE-TIMES LEGAL GEN, OFC.

Take charge Diverse duties start $520 FEE PO AVAILABILITY, INC. 872-2631 1300 Westshore Blvd INA Bldg ACCTS PAYABLE CLERK Experience necessary, Palma Ceio area, free parking. 251-2401. ACCTS RECEIVABLE CLERK TYPE 45 WPM. $100 WK N.


$72-2631 1300 Westshore Blvd INA Bldg EARN Weekly. Need Typists to learn how to read Court Reporter's Notes. May Work ot Home. 229-1720 9-1PM. CLERK TYPIST.

All you need Is good typing. Co wilt train. Stort to $433 FEE PD AVAILABILITY, INC. 872-2631 1300 Westshore Blvd INA Bldg SECRETARY Experienced person with general secretarial and clerical skills including: Shorthand, and proficient typing. Fringe benefits, Tompo Wholesale Liquor, call 884-1471 tor appointment.

LEGAL SECRETARY. For Senior partner ot maior firm. SH rqd. experienced start $600 FEE PD AVAILABILITY, INC. 872-2631 1300 Westshore Blvd INA Bldg FULL CHARGE BOOKKEEPER.

Take charge to $750 FEE PD AVAILABILITY, INC. 872-2631 1300 Westshore Blvd INA Bldg FREE KEYPUNCH TRAINING Learn top career. Need to type 55 worn Start to $2.25 FEE PO AVAILABILITY, INC. 872-2631 1300 Westshore Blvd INA Bldg 20 PERSONNEL, Immediate employment full ond part time. No experience necessary.

We will train. 879-6569. ACCOUNT Clerk II, Immediate opening, requires High School. 2 years Clerical Experience. Salary 8209.6C Bl Weekly.

Contact Mrs. Betty Meehan, Bureau ot Blind Services, State Agency. Tompo 876-2431. KEYPUNCH 0PERS Days, nltes, week ends. Full time, part time.

Anytime! Top rates! No fee. Special bonus for moonlighters! 1902 W. Kennedy OLSTEN 25M853 STAT TYPIST. Experienced, prestige firm. Start to $7200 FEE PD AVAILABILITY, INC.

872-2631 1300 Westshore Blvd INA Bldg ACCOUNTING CLERKS $5200 $7779 0 year Starting salary based on training i experience. APPLY: 4ttt Floor, City Hall TAMPA CIVIL SERVICE BOARD EXEC SECTY to President Experienced Skilled to $9,100 FEE PAID AVAILABILITY, INC. 872-2631 1300 Westshore Blvd INA Bldg CANT TYPE 60-65WPM 40 to 45 will do It at NORRELL. Tompo 872-7865 Bron 685-4555. TYPISTS, KEYPUNCH, ACCOUNTING CLKS, GENERAL OFFICE.

Greot temporary lobs. Few doys, weeks, months. No fee! Full pay Frl. ot wk you work. 1902 Kennedy OLSTEN 251-1853 PEOPLE GREETERS.

Several good positions. Brlte smile and personality Some NO Salaries to $400! AVAILABILITY, INC. I72-2631 1300 Westshoro Blvd INA Bldg RECEPTIONIST-GENERAL OFFICE. LIGHT TYPING. PHONE 872-4411.

PART Time Secretary for small construction company, eooo tvpisi dictating equipment, light book-keeping, and payroll. 886-4697. KEYPUNCH OPERATOR Immediate opening with national company, one year minimum experience. Must have Knowledge ot IBM 5496 or 129. Hours Monday through Friday Coll 879-3400.

extension 236. An Equal Op-portunlty Employer. TELEPHONE Secretory. Work from home or office. Good pay.

part time or full time. 879-7707. BookkeeoerTvDist With experience (h cost bookkeeping. Will train to our system. 5-day week.

Apply In person, Suite 1100, 412-Madison St. See Mr. Jutllo. TYPISTS STENOS GENERAL' OFFICE WORKERS Put your application in at our Temp le Terrace Office, between ana 5. Call Jean or stop by 933-3427, 1919 E.

Busch. No Fee. Landis Wilkinson Temporary Ser vices. PART time. Church secretary, hours even.

I vviiiw ww rm snw, i- hand. $2.25 per hour. Bavcrest. 886-2536. GENERAL OFFICE, ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE, PAYABLE, PAYROLL, PLUS MISCELLANEOUS.

PHONE 872-4411. j. GEN OFC CLK. Trainee To $110 ACCURATE Employ, Inc. 879-2601 nil N.

westshore Blvd. Room ioo EXECUTIVE SECRETARY This challenging responsible posi tion requires someone witn top shorthond typing skills and several years experience as executive secretary. Excellent compensation package In cluding complete benefit program. Convenient location. Qualified applicants may apply by calling 872-3146 tor appointment.

JIM WALTER CORP. Briggs Division 1500 N. Dale Mabry Tampa, Flo. 33607 An Equal Opportunity Employer IF YOU WANT A Real fun iob, in prestige area, showing conaos ond apts, see us now. Start $500.

Call Richard P. Rita, 877-5755 GENERAL Office duties. 4952 Distribution Drive. 248-2320. SECRETARY and Assistant to Inte rior designer.

9-5, Monday thru Friday. 879-3203. MAG CARD OPERATOR LAW Firm needs experienced Mag Card operator, salary negotiable. Good benefits. Call for appointment, 223-1621.

SERVICE RECEPTIONIST Must have pleasant personality, good company benefits including Profit Sharing. Call 223-7004 for appointment. Bill Hall's Appliances. KEYPUNCH OPERATOR BRANDON area. 6 Mas.

experience required. 6-11PM, 3, 4, or 5 per week, Excellent salary, benefits include sick leave, vacations, bonus retirement plan. Call 626-7177 after 6PM, Mondays thru Fridays, ask tor Keypunch Supervisor. MANPOWER WANTS THE BEST MANPOWER IS NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT AND IS INTERVIEWING TEMPORARY WORKERS. IF YOU HAVE EVER WORKED FOR MANPOWER IN THE PAST OR ARE PRESENTLY LOOKING FOR TEMPORARY ASSIGNMENTS IN THE AREAS OF: CLERICAL TYPING STENOGRAPHY KEYPUNCH BUSINESS MACHINES Contact Us Immediately.

HIGHER WAGES FRINGE BENEFITS REMEMBER, FREE PARK ING AND NEVER A FEE MANPOWER, INC. 236 W. KENNEDY 253-2787 TRAINEE, Supervisor, Some shift work. Work well w-oeoole. $433 ACCURATE Employ, Inc.

879-2601 1111 N. westshore Blvd. Room lira EXCUSE US, FOR BRAGGING, But this iob Is smashing tor a sharp, attractive executive secretary who ossumes responsibility. FEE PAID. -Start $541-1-.

Call Richard Rita, 877-5755 CLERK TYPIST Good pay and benefits. Apply In person 9AM-11 Altermon Transport Lines, 5610 E. Columbus Dr. Equal Opportunity Employer Receptionist No type, weekends only $2.50 Hr Accrs pavoDie cierK S4ie Acct's Receivable Clerk $433 Hostess-Office To $650 Bookkeeper Some school $550 Secretary Solid exper $650 Office Trainee No Type $390 A-l CAREER POSITIONS 518 TAMPA 223-3751 PBX OPERATOR. 11PM-7AM 7AM-3PM.

Hospitalization Insur- once, poid vacation. Apply In per- son, Sheraton Tompo Motor Hotel. EXPERIENCED UNIVAC KEYPUNCH OPERATORS To Work tor America's most dynamic Data Processing Company. Excellent pay, free advancement. 2 full time 12-8PM, interview 10-6, Tampa, $79-2571, Pinellas 822-8555.

AUTOMATIC DATA PROCESSING 1111 N. Westshore Suite 606 EXPERIENCED legal secretary, i day week, call Personnel Manager, 248-2151. PART TIME SECRETARY Hours 1 to 5 Mondays thru Fridays. Must be experienced stenographer and general office background. Call SAM C.

MARTINO, REALTOR 2011 E. 7th Ave. Ph. 248-6111 FILE CLK, Some typing. Spanish speaking.

$390 ACCURATE Employ, Inc. 179-2601 1111 N. Westshore Blvd. Room 100 CLERICAL PERSONNEL Good Telephone Voice 8, Personality To Coll Regular Customers For Order. Write 8, Extend Invoices, Use 10 Key Calculator.

884-8491. TAMPA Manufacturer needs accurate typist to work as sales secretary. $120 per week plus overtime to start. Excellent benefits. Apply at Celtic Corp.

1930 Tompo East Blvd. or coll 621-343V BKKPR, FEE PD. 5650 General ledger and related exper desired. Some tax experience helpful. Top Co.

Call Richard P. Rita, 77-J755 DETAIL PERSON With light typing skills numbers aptitude. Will train you for ossisting Bkkpp. with Accounts payable. Some office exper.

Call 839-6387 for oopt. CLERK TYPIST WE Are A Professional Firm In Need of A Clerk Typist With Good Typing Ability. Our Hours Are 8AM-5PM 5 Ddys. We Offer A Salary That Is Commensurate With Your Ability, Free Parking, An Excellent Fringe Benefit Program. Apply Tc Mr.

Etheredge, Byro en Harless, Thomas, Schaffer, Reed Asto elates, 3106 Morrison Tompo. OFFICE TRAINEE Lite type, will train If sharp AAA EMPLOYMENT 112 Jackson 229-6194 RECEPTIONIST SECRETARY General contractor offers a challenging position In a busy office to a fast accurate typist, with attention to detail. Must be congenial neat. Above average salary. Send complete resume to Tribune Times Box K-296.

All resumes confidential. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY WHERE ARE YOU? We need a highly efficient qualified individual with Excel, typing SH skills, who can handle a fast pace executive work load. This includes both business 8, personal proiects. Exp. required.

Pay commensurate wabllity-exp. Westshore area. Ph Miss Dennis 879-5730 KEYPUNCH OPERATOR Knowledoe of No. 129. Immediate opening.

Call 879-2800 Ext. 234 to arrange appointment. METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE CO. Reolonal Service Center, Tampo An Equal Opportunity Employer TYPIST OUT FRONT $390 Job security Is vour reward for occuracy Big office Call Judl 223-2701 Snelling 8, Shelling EXEC SECTY FEE PAID Co needs top notch gal! AAA EMPLOYMENT 112 Jackson 229-6194 STOCK-SHIPPING CLERK Immed. ooenmo.

Must be good typist, able to edit and take orders. Receive, Store, Pack and Ship goods. Prepare PO's ond shipping documents. Maintoln stock stock records. Misc.

clerical assign- ments. Call 884-8455. GE MEDICAL SYSTEMS An Equal Opportunity Employer. SECRETARY. -4 day work week, start $491 to $565 per month.

Excellent fringe benefits. 2 years secretarial experience 8. shorthond required. Call for appointment 253-0931 ext. 36.

FILE CLERK No typing will train AAA EMPLOYMENT 11 Jackson 229-6194 TYPIST TRANSCRIBER Immediate Opening tor Typist Transcriber on IBM Selectric. Typing correspondence 8, performing secretarial duties. Pleasant telephone techniques good appearance requisite. Excellent Co. benefits available.

Call 879-4772 Mrs. Rodriguez. WESTSHORE LOCATION JR. SECTY FEE PD Lite exper OK. Gd starting spot AAA eMf LUYAAcN 112 Jackson -2I9-4194 LIGHT Bookkeeping.

Must be accurate. Will teach our system. 4843 W. Kennedy Blvd. 876-4305.

SECRETARY, Girl Friday. Personable and ambitious, tree to travel. Salary cOmmensurote with ability. 879-6096 Weekdays. JOBS JOBS JOBS Soles Ass't $5200 Op Receptionist $425 Rating Clerk To $105bonus Coding Clerk $390 Telephone Clerk $346 File Clerk $8100 Personnel Consultants 879-3001 BILLING BKKPR ASST.

Requires ten-key adding machine by touch. 40 wpm typing, light basic bookkeeping procedures. Billing, bookkeeping machines exp. welcome, 5 day work week, salary starts $95 weekly. Con.

tinuous raises with benefits vacation. Apply at Corona Brushes 411 S. Fla. ph. 229-6111.

SECRETARY FEE PAID Good skills needed for position with great future. To $541. Personnel Consultants 879-3001 SERVICE CLERK WRITE up service orders. Light typing, tiling and billing. LANG AQUATECH POOLS 4510 S.

Dale Mabry.835-1441. U.S.A.A. Rate Clerk Must have auto rating experience (not coding). Excellent benefits, 4 day week. Apply in person, 7:30 5:30, beginning My t.

United Services Automobile Association, 215 Mariner Tampa, Fla. An qurf OpporiuWf tmpltyr TYPISTS Urgently needed! 1 day, 1 week, 1 month, suit yourself. Top Vocation Pay-Cash Bonuses KELLY GIRL 1311 N. Westshore Rm 108. 877-8061 F.C.

BOOKKEEPER FEE PD Empl needs Immediately. TB thru P8.L, gen ledger 8, journal. Minimum salary $9,000. Personnel Consultants 879-3001 SECRETARY Tom Sawyer Exeur- sion Boot Office. Shorthand, typing required.

253-5436. EXPANDING business has Three openings. Receptionist, Secretary ond Bookkeeper, with light experience. Unusual opportunity available tor persons interested In an exciting career. Excellent company benefits.

Free parking. Call 248-1123. AAA EMPLOYMENT OFFERS YOU THE LOWEST FEES 1 Weeks Salary MEDICAL SECRETARY TITLE RESEARCH SECRETARY PAYROLL CLERK SECTY-RECEPT KEYPUNCH DATA PROC. CLK SECTY-BKKPR RENTAL AGENT BILLING CLERK RECEPT 4659 W. Kennedy TERMS $693 $550 $545 $540 OPEN $500 GOOD $500 $476 $433 $390 877-8255 TYPIST, from Transcriber ond Receptionist, part time.

Must be efficient, have some knowledge of Medical terminology. Shorthand desirable. Coll 232-7211. DESK CLERK. Must be experienced on NCR 4200.

Hospitalization insurance, paid vacation. Apply In person to Manager's Ottice. Sheraton Tompo Motor Hotel. CAREER OPPORTUNITY Immediate opening lor Director of Agency Services in Large Life Insurance Agency. Past History of Management experience ond knowledge of Life Insuronce Business preferred.

Excellent Income potentiol. Send resume to P.O. Box 10658, Tompo. 33679. SECRETARY IMMEDIATE opening with downtown certified public accounting firm for a highly qualified individual with experience in typing, transcribing general office management.

Salary commensurate with ability. Please Call Mrs. Burhenn at 223-7344 weekdays only GIRL Wanted, must have telephone experience. typing. 5 day week.

Apply: 2701 Adamo Drive. OFFICE CLERK Experienced and accounts receivable. Familiar with posting machine and 10-Key Adder. Spotless Cleaners, 6210 Florida Ave. SECRETARY-FEE PAID No future where you ore? Good typing, lite bookkeeping, and business maturity needed here.

To $120 wk, salory. Coll Mrs. McCaulev MANAGEMENT RECRUITERS Of Tompa Boy. Inc. 879-4450 GENERAL Office Pleasont front desk.

Light typing. Answer phone. 30 hour week. $2.00 per hour. Weekends tree.

Age no barrier. Must be neat. 876-9120, GIRL FRIDAY Experienced in typing and general office duties required. Pleasant working otmosohere. Temple Terrace area.


piece (bniMiiull A I aa3-4tii. 1 I feMeee', fe correct en W.ter I .350. CLERICAL-SECRETARIAL PAYROLL PERSONNEL CLERK Experienced only need apply. We ore looking lor that right person with a full understanding ot payroll, compensation and group records. Send Resume to P.O.

Box (941, Tampa. Florida. 33404. SALES secretary needed. Typing required.

Apply In person, Holiday Inn Tampa Airport, 4500 W. Cypress CLERICAL Tampa Wholesale owners ot Kosh N' Karry Supermarkets has openings tor auolified office personnel. Typing experience preferred. Insurance other benefits. Office easy Access from 1-4, located 5015 E.

Hlllsboro Ave. Apply In person, 'til 5. Resident Manager Excellent opportunity for dependoble person who is cooable of handling Must like meeting people. Chance for advancement. For appointment ph.

879-0658. Bank Teller Instructor needed part time, Tuesday Thursday' evenings, 4 to 9. Must have years previous bank teller experience. For an appointment, call jVUss Tlchenor, 223-1 745. CLERK TYPIST KEMPER Insurance has opening for Victims clerk.

Requires good typist Vim willingness to learn varied Wies. Coll 872-2621, LEGAL Secretary far busy trial awyer. Experience necessary. Excellent benefits. Salary open.

229- JI41. Admiral benbow inn secretary-sales ACCURATE typist, shorthand, responsible person. Hotel experience preferred but not required. tell. 879-1750 tor appointment.

BOOKKEEPER SECRETARY HALLMARK Furniture of Brandon is seeking a full time general Bookkeeper Secretary. Must bdve pleasant personality. Experience preferred. Will train. Good Salary.

Coll Mr. Ward, 689-1291. BANK Tellers. Desire Spanish Speaking Tellers, experience preferred, but will train suitable person. Good opportunity for right person.

Con fact Pooular Bank of Tampa, turner Buffalo and Armenia; 872-66JI. AOMIN ASST. Secy, too 7,200 ACCURATE Employ, Inc. 879-2601 "11H N. Westshore Blvd.

Room 100 PRESIDENT'S SECRETARY S120 wit up. Immediate need lor alert setf-starter. Plush atmosphere. Good boss. 179-4520 Republic Per-sofinel.

KEYPUNCH OPERATOR MorV Carter Industries has Immediate opening tor Keypunch Operator with minimum of 1 year experience orl IBM 029 Or 129 Verification experlence-a plus. Work 37'j hours per week, paid for 40 hours. Salary SU0 per hour phis depending on experience. Apply in person, Mary Carter Industries, Gunn Hwy and Henderson Rd. or call 920-6611.

Equal Opportunity Employer TYPING, Ability required. Immediate openings. Desire to learn new processes. Day or Night Shift. Call 839-7585.

2907 Boy To Boy. SECRETARY Experience in typing general office work. For large apt. complex. Good pay, fringe benefits.

Apply 4515 No. Rome. MEDICAL Secretary excellent typist. Experienced Insurance Forms. Write Tribune-Times Box N-351.

UNDERWRITING ASSISTANt Aetna Life Casualty Has Immediate Opening For a Rating Clerk. Rating Experience Preferred. If you are interested in a Good Career with Excellent Company Benefits. Coll Mr. Mrs.

Dority, ot 879-4550 for an interview appointment. EOE. SECRETARY Position open lor top-notch Secretary with ability to adopt. Must have excellent typing shorthond. Good salary complete Benefit Program.

Coll tor appointment Hills CTA, 238-7902. general office workers Keypunch operators receptionists Earn too SSS's, Pick the days you want to work. Long or short term assignments. We need your skills. Cdfl cr stop by.

Never A Fee. 416 Landls Wilkinson Temporary Services, 253-0408. TYPISTS. LITE SH 1550 ACCURATE Employ, Inc. 879-2601 ill N.

Westshore Blvd. Room 100 INDEPENDENT Casualty Insurance Agency Has Opening for General Office Person with Underwriting Experience or Potential. Downtown Location, Parking Provided. Call 228I65 For Appointment. 'STENOS TYPISTS WE NEED YOUH! Earn vacation while you work, lortg or short terms assignments, takt your pick.

Call or stop by. Never A Fee. Top Pay. 416 W. Kennedy, or 1909 Busch.

253-04M. Landis Wilkinson Temporary Services. FULL Charge Bookkeeper Secretary, able to carry entries through Pi. Balance Sheet. Referencea required, typing necessary.

West-shere Kennedy area. 8:30 til 5, 5 week. Call 877-9494, or Evenings, 884-5979. GIRL FRIDAY TEMPORARY Typss, stenos, key punch operators, all office skills needed immediately. Alf areas of Tampa.

Call 229-5585 or OPply: Girl Friday, 709 Franklin Stflr Room 503. Office ManagerSecretary To un all facets of office for Management Consulting Firm. Too secretarial skills necessary, some light bookkeeping, able to meet public. Extra shore individual who cart work on their own and aid executives in day to day operation ot Business. Top salary and fringes.

CARLTON BROWN 229-2631 STAf TYPIST. Reoorts. memos, greot Benefits! FEE PD. TO 57,200 ALCjU RAIC fcmplOV, inc. 879-2601 111LN.

Westshore Blvd. Room 100 GIRL FRIDAY Maior firm requires bright person to fill variety of duties including light bookkeeping, creating and typing intelligent business correspondence, handling cash transac tions, etc. If you are bondable, hove local experience, ana tnink you con handle responsibility. Call Mr. Bell 228-526.

CLERK Typist II 4 Days 0 Week. call Mrs. Aivorei, ZJ-39I4. EXPERIENCED TWXRellef PBX Operator. Light typing.

Call 223- 421, KEYPUNCH Experience IBM 129 Operator. Free Parking. Excellent fringe benefits. Apply In person Pan American Bank. Personnel Deportment.

715 E. Bird St. Equal Opportunity Employer. RECEPTIONIST With Generol Knowledge of Bookkeeping Be Able To Meet The Public. Call 248-4127 For Air Appointment." BKPR-SECY.

Schedule opptmnts, be pleasant. Brandon area. Si 3 3 ACCURATE Employ, Inc. 879-2601 1111 N. Westshore Blvd.

Room 100 CLERK TYPIST with advancement. Hospitalization Insurance, paid vacation. Apply in person, Sheraton Tampa Motor Hotel. RECEPTIONIST BuSV Ad Agency needs sharp front desk person. Neat appearance and quick thinking necessary.

Call snorron. th-imt. COME ON IN. And sit rioht down ot these nice receptionists positions. A pleasant smile and typing is necessary.

I position near Bron-f don. FEE PAID. Stort $541. Coll Richard P. Rlto, 877-5755 LADY NEEDED Light Offic Telephone work.

Call LOOKING For An INTERESTING CAREER? Be An ADVERTISING 2 CONSULTANT WITH THE TAMPA TRIBUNE-TIMES We ore presently forming a class for on in-depth training program where you can earn while you learn. We want to have the finest staff possible when we move into the nation's most modern newspaper printing plant. You will be taught the very latest printing methods, along with continuous training in sales techniques. We do require that you have a typing speed of 50 words a minute, ability to spell, good vocabulary and neat appearance. Company benefits include: Paid Life Insuronce, Retirement Plan, (our Thrift Plan will enable you to save six percent of your salary, which will be matched fifty cents on the dollar).

The Gals in this department celebrate their Birthday with the day off! Stop by our old building today and talk this over with: MRS. PETERSON 3rd Floor Classified Advertising Dept. TRIBUNE-TIMES 2M-M0..

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Author: Manual Maggio

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Author information

Name: Manual Maggio

Birthday: 1998-01-20

Address: 359 Kelvin Stream, Lake Eldonview, MT 33517-1242

Phone: +577037762465

Job: Product Hospitality Supervisor

Hobby: Gardening, Web surfing, Video gaming, Amateur radio, Flag Football, Reading, Table tennis

Introduction: My name is Manual Maggio, I am a thankful, tender, adventurous, delightful, fantastic, proud, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.