Swap Meet 2011 - Page 2 (2025)

Finally, I hope this is it, here's my list. If you have interest in anything you can PM me or email me with any offers at ororon@verizon.net. Here goes:
Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind, Ratatouille, X-Men Legends 2: Rise of Apocalypse, Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring & L.O.R: Third Age
Xbox 360:
Eternal Sonata
FF7- Advent Children movie
Nintendo 64: Pilotwings
Gungrave: Overdose, God of War1, Devil May Cry1,
and, Samurai Legend Musashi
FF7 (green label, greatest hits, all discs and story jacket intact and in good cond.)
FF8 (green label, greatest hits, all discs and story jacket intact and in good cond.
Guild Wars 2005 2 discs, like new (no sleeve with case)
STAR WARS Battlefront 2004, 3 disc set, like new
STAR WARS Galaxies 2003, 3 disc set, like new
the ELDER SCROLLS III: MORROWIND 2003(game of the year edition) including full version of BLOODMOON,TRIBUNAL, & the CONSTRUCTION SET(like new)
the ELDER SCROLLS IV: KNIGHTS of the NINE 2006 (good cond.)
Zoo Tycoon 2- used (in good cond.)

used white Nerf PSP case in great cond.
used black PS2 controller in good cond.
used(but practically new) black wireless xbox360 guitar(used twice).

Ninja Ressurection
Saiyuki vol. 10: Trouble in Paradise
Soul Hunter vol. 4: Game of Kings
Hellsing Ultimate vol. 1
Inuyasha eps. 16-18: Deadly Liasons
Inuyasha eps.149-151: Kikyo & Kagome
Trinity Blood: chapter 3(eps. 9-12)
Army of Darkness

PLUSHIES(used unless otherwise stated):
Negi (from Naruto)in good cond.
Ichigo(from Bleach, in first substitute soul reaper outfit and first sword, in good cond.)-HOLD
Boris and Natasha from the Rocky and Bullwinkle show(with tags intact)
Fearless Leader from the Rocky and Bullwinkle show(used but in great cond.)

Large Gray Official Bleach shirt with Ichigo's face on front, nothing on back
NEW-XL Bright Yellow Official Nintendo Mario & Yoshi shirt in Japanese
NEW-MED. Black Something, something, something, Dark Side Family Guy shirt
NEW- XL Olive Dark Knight shirt with Heath Ledger's Joker face on front

MANGA(used but most are in excellent cond.):
Disgaea(missing front cover but in good cond.)
Reborn vol. 9(cover has a tear near binding but in good cond.)
Naruto vol.1,4,28,& 43
Hoshin Engi vol.1
Gungrave vol.1
Loveless vol.1
King of Hell vol.1-8 except 5
Anima vol.1&2
Inuyasha Ani-Manga(full color) vol.1-3
Rurouni Kenshin vol.3
the Reformed
Samurai Deeper Kyo vol.2
Vampire Knight vol.1&2
Ouran High School Host Club vol.2-4
Kingdom Hearts 2 vol.2

YAOI MANGA(used but in excellent cond., 18+ only):
Eerie Queerie vol.1&2
Yellow vol.1-4 complete series
Cain vol.1&2
Gravitation vol.4&5
larger Japanese Yaoi manga vol. 8( says Zips & b boy on cover) ( will take pic soon)

Japanese Step By Step
Japanese: A Comprehensive Gramma

POSTERS(used but in good cond.):
large Heroic Age poster
small Blood plus poster with main cast
small Deathnote poster with Light & a bone shinigami behind him
small Trinity Blood poster with main cast
Ghost Slayers: Ayashi poster
Jack Sparrow poster
toy katana sword

Strategy Guides and Comics:
World of Warcraft Strategy Guide
Comics: Red Sonja(She-Devil with a Sword)#1 cover C 2005
Ororo: Before the Storm #1 of 4
Step by Step Manga(with colored pencils)
Soft as Steel: the Art of Julie Bell

small Ichigo & Rukia(in prison outfit) figures on chains in package-HOLD
3 random anime figures(I don't know who they are but pics are coming soon)
Toxic Toons (the Bodybag Brothers and Miss-Cery the nurse), comes with accessories like car battery with jumper cables(says Die Scum on battery) and bottle of poison.- In Package(a little torn on top front but never opened or used).
5 Clone Wars Pez Dispensers with candy unopened: Ben Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Stormtrooper, Grievous, & C-3PO
2 Happy Meal toys from MacDonalds:
bobble head R2-D2 on ship toy
small Darth Vader fighter ship(has wheels underneath)
a Power Rangers pillow case(yes, sorry just the one) the first powers rangers by the way.(clean and in excellent condition)

H.P. TCG: new in package:
1 Rainy-Day Match:Healing
1 Keeping Dobby Quiet(Adventure)
loose cards:
Looking for Trevor(adventure)
Ron the Brave(character,Wizard,Griffindor,Unique)
Hagrid's House(location)
School Broom(item)
Charms(lesson, Potions(lesson)
Spell: Bewitched Snowballs, Troll Bogies, Baneberry Potion, Manegro Potion, and Liquorice Wand(candy)
Naruto: Hyuga Clan Picture Card(Hinata&Negi)
Sasuke Uchiha(ninja,fire)
Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu(jutsu,lightning)
Zatch Bell: Spell Book Cards:
Akur(water, Wirudo(wind), Dioga Gravidon (downforce,superior),Raja Freezudo(ice, Telepathy Radar, Rasheild(thunder), the Phantom Theif Doronma, Brago(unemotional victory), Go Boren(intermediate)
Spell: Sherry, Tremor Mole, Brutal Tia, Zaker, Eido
Event: Milordo-Z(fearless grin), (2) Dr. Hakase
Attack: I Won't Let You Pass
Battle: Scape Gishield(ice)
Partner: Express Train
Battle Phase: Kanchome(trembling with Excitement)
Start Phase: Gustav
MP Cards: Parco Folgore, Zatch Bell( I Love Yellowtail)
Character Cards: Zatch Bell(strong resolve), & Tia(unyeilding defense)


Art Anatomy by William Rimmer(large soft cover)
Anatomy & Drawing 4th Edition by Victor Perard(hardcover)
Photocopied: a collection of Punk memorabilia(large soft cover)
Teen Spirit: the Stories Behind Every Nirvana Song(large soft cover)

I'm most definitely not planning on schlepping all this stuff around with me so if it's not reserved ahead of time, then I'm only going to bring the reserved and most popular items to bring. Sorry but it's just too much. I don't think there's a bag made big enough for all this heavy stuff.

Anything new Doctor Who(Eccelston,Tennant, & Smith). Darker Than Black, Ral and Grad vol.2-4, Demonflowers vol.5, Re-Play vol.3, 07 Ghost vol.3+, PS1,2, xbox & 360 games(rpg& action/adventure games). I'm also looking for a playstation 2. It can be used as long as it's in good working condition.
I'm having computer issues so pictures for some of the items listed will be up as soon as I can put them up. If not, then you'll just have to wait til I get there. Sorry.

A.B 08 & 09-Video Game Rm.
A.B. 10-Manga Library
A.B. 11-Prog. Ops
A.B. 12-Prog. Ops
"Do what I do. Hold on tight and pretend it's a plan."-D.Who 2011

Swap Meet 2011 - Page 2 (2025)
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Author: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

Phone: +59115435987187

Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.