Application to Sponsor, Sponsorship Agreement and Undertaking (IMM 1344) (2024)

Select the type of application you’re submitting to get the instructions on how to fill out the form:

Sponsoring your spouse, common-law partner, conjugal partner or dependent child

Application to Sponsor, Sponsorship Agreement and Undertaking (IMM1344)

Who must fill out this application form?

This form must be filled out and digitally signed by:

  • the sponsor,
  • the co-signer, if applicable
  • the principal applicant (person being sponsored).

Part 1: Application to sponsor and undertaking

Question 1

Check one box to indicate how you wish to proceed if you do not meet the sponsorship requirements.

  • If you check the box to withdraw your sponsorship application then
    • the sponsorship application will not be processed. All fees will be refunded, except for the $85 sponsorship fee.
  • If you check the box to proceed with the application for permanent residence then
    • the sponsorship application will be refused. None of the fees will be refunded.

Note: Check “proceed with the application for permanent residence” if you submit an undertaking of assistance to support the permanent residence application of a family member or close relative on Humanitarian and compassionate considerations.

Question 2

Would you like to receive your correspondence in French or English?

Question 3

You can’t have a co-signer if you are sponsoring your spouse, common-law partner or conjugal partner.

Question 4

If the person you are sponsoring doesn’t have a family name on their passport or travel document, enter all given names in the family name field and leave the given name field empty.

If the person you are sponsoring doesn’t have a given name on their passport or travel document, leave the given name field empty.

Question 5

If you don’t know the complete date of birth, use “*” (star sign/asterisk) to fill in the spaces for the year, month or day, where applicable.

Question 6

Tell us the nature of your relationship to the principal applicant:

  • Spouse
  • Common-law partner
  • Conjugal partner
  • Parent
  • Other (do not check)

If you are a conjugal partner, give the date you entered into that conjugal relationship.

Sponsor personal details

Question 1

If you don’t have a family name on your passport or travel document, enter all your given names in the “Family Names” field and leave the given name field blank.

If you don’t have a given name on your passport or travel document, leave the “Given Name” field blank.

Question 4

If you don’t know your complete date of birth, use “*” (star sign/asterisk) to fill in the spaces for the year, month or day, where applicable.

Question 8
  1. Tell us your current marital status. See the “Key Definitions” for explanations of the different types of marital status.
  2. Enter the date (year, month, day) you were married or you entered into your current common-law or conjugal relationship, i.e. the date your status officially changed from being single to common-law, not the date you started living together.
Question 9
  1. You must tell us if you were previously married or in a common-law relationship.
  2. If you were previously married, a divorce certificate must be provided in order to proceed with your spousal sponsorship.

Sponsor contact information

Question 1

Addresses should be written out in full without using any abbreviations. Use the apartment or unit number, if applicable. Example: 999 Family Street, Unit #3, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K3J 9T55

Tell us your current mailing address (where information should be mailed):

  • Post Office Box number, if you have one. If you do not have a post office box, you must provide the street number
  • Apartment or Unit, if you have one
  • Street number, you must provide this if you do not have a Post Office Box
  • Street name, if it applies to you
  • City or Town
  • Country
  • Province or State
  • Postal code or zip code
  • District, if it applies to you

Note: If you haven’t provided us with an email address, all correspondence will go to this address.

Question 6

By giving us your email address, you are hereby authorizing IRCC to send all correspondence, including your file and personal information to this specific email address. Make sure you check your spam folder in case our messages are directed there.

Sponsor residency declaration

Complete this section only if you are a Canadian citizen living outside of Canada and you are sponsoring a spouse, a common-law or conjugal partner, and dependent children who have no children of their own.

You must check the correct box to confirm where (Canadian province or territory) you plan to live if your spouse, common-law or conjugal partner and dependent children become permanent residents.

Sponsor eligibility assessment
Question 1-18

Check “Yes” or “No” in the correct boxes.

Note: Sponsors living (or who plan to live) in Quebec do not need to answer questions 8, 9, 10 and 15.

  • If you answer “No” to questions 1 to 3
    • You are not eligible to be a sponsor. You should not submit an application.
  • If you answer “No” to question 4, but are a Canadian citizen living outside Canada
    • You may submit a sponsorship for your spouse, common-law partner or conjugal partner and children who have no children of their own.
    • You must, however, come to Canada to live with the sponsored person. If this is your situation, complete the section “Residency Declaration”.
  • If you answer “Yes” to any question between 5 and 15
    • You are not eligible to be a sponsor. You should not submit an application.
  • If you answer “Yes” to questions 13, 16, 17 or 18
    • provide the details including date and place, and
    • read the section “Suspension of processing” for situations where processing may be suspended.
Co-signer sections

If you are sponsoring your spouse, common-law partner, or conjugal partner you can’t have a co-signer. Leave the following sections blank:

  • Co-signer personal details
  • Co-signer contact information
  • Co-signer residency declaration
  • Co-signer eligibility assessment

Application to Sponsor, Sponsorship Agreement and Undertaking (IMM 1344) (1)
Important information

Undertaking by sponsor (and co-signer)

This section explains what your role and responsibilities will be by submitting this application.

Part 2: Sponsorship agreement

Obligations of the sponsor and obligations of the person to be sponsored

All parties (sponsor and person to be sponsored) must read the obligations carefully.


Read the declaration statement carefully before signing. By signing this form, you also declare that you will notify us in writing if there is any change of address and if any other information has changed on the application.

Application to Sponsor, Sponsorship Agreement and Undertaking (IMM 1344) (2)


By digitally signing your application, you certify that you fully understand the questions asked, and that the information you have provided is complete, accurate and factual.

This section must be digitally signed and dated by:

  • the sponsor;
  • the co-signer (if there is one)
  • the sponsored person (principal applicant).

For this form, typing your name is considered to be a digital signature.

Note: A parent or legal guardian must sign on behalf of a dependent child under the age of 18, where they are the principal applicant being sponsored on an application.

The application will be returned if any signatures are missing (see section 10 of the IRPR for more information).

Sponsoring an adopted child or other relatives

Application to Sponsor, Sponsorship Agreement and Undertaking (IMM 1344)

Who must fill out this application form?

This form must be filled out and digitally signed by:

  • the sponsor,
  • the co-signer, if applicable,
  • the principal applicant (person being sponsored).

Application to Sponsor, Sponsorship Agreement and Undertaking (IMM 1344) (3)

Completing the form

You must answer all the questions on this application form unless indicated otherwise.

You also have the option of saving your form and completing it later.

Read and follow the steps below to help you fill out the form.

Part 1: Application to Sponsor and Undertaking

Question 1

Check one box to indicate how you wish to proceed if you do not meet the sponsorship requirements.

  • If you check the box to withdraw your sponsorship application then
    • the sponsorship application will not be processed. All fees will be refunded, except for the $85 sponsorship fee.
  • If you check the box to proceed with the application for permanent residence then
    • the sponsorship application will be refused. None of the fees will be refunded.

Note: Check “proceed with the application for permanent residence” if you submit an undertaking of assistance to support the permanent residence application of a family member or close relative on Humanitarian and compassionate considerations.

Question 2

Would you like to receive your correspondence in French or English?

Question 3

Check one box to indicate if you have a co-signer or not.

Only your spouse or common-law partner can co-sign this application.

Note: If you are sponsoring your spouse or common-law partner, you cannot have a co-signer.

Question 4

Write the following details about the principal applicant you are sponsoring:

  • Family name(s) (surname)
  • Given name(s) (first, second or more)

Note: If you are sponsoring a child to be adopted in Canada who is not yet identified, write:

  • your Family name(s) and
  • “Child” in the given name field or leave it blank.
Question 5

Indicate the principal applicant’s date of birth. If the complete date of birth is unknown, use “*” (star sign/asterisk) to fill in the spaces for the year, month or day, where applicable.

Question 6
  1. Indicate the nature of your relationship to the principal applicant:
    • Spouse
    • Common-law partner
    • Conjugal partner
    • Child
    • Grandchild
    • Parent
    • Adoptive parent
    • Other
  2. If you chose “Other”, provide details (i.e., brother, sister, uncle, aunt, nephew, etc.).
  3. If you are a conjugal partner, provide the date you entered into that conjugal relationship.
Sponsor Personal Details
Question 1

Full name

Indicate your family name(s) (surname) exactly as it appears on your passport or travel document (even if the name is misspelled). Do not use initials.

Note: If you do not have a family name on your passport or travel document, enter all your givenname(s) here and leave the given name field blank.

Write all of your given name(s) (first, second, or more) exactly as it appears on your passport or travel document (even if the name is misspelled). Do not use initials.

Note: If you do not have a given name on your passport or travel document, leave this field blank.

Question 2


Check the box to indicate if you ever used any other name. This could include your birth name, maiden name, married name, nickname, etc.

If you checked “Yes”, indicate any other familyname(s) that you have ever used.

If you checked “Yes”, indicate any other givenname(s) (first, second, or more) that you have ever used.

Question 3

Indicate your gender (F-Female, M-Male or X-Another gender).

Question 4

Indicate your date of birth. If your complete date of birth is unknown, use “*” (star sign/asterisk) to fill in the spaces for the year, month or day, where applicable.

Question 5

Indicate your city or town of birth.

Indicate your country of birth.

Question 6

Indicate your status in Canada:

  • Canadian citizen by birth
  • Canadian citizen by descent (citizenship through a parent)
  • Naturalized Canadian citizen (after immigrating to Canada)
  • Permanent resident
Question 7

If you are a permanent resident or a naturalized Canadian citizen (i.e., you came to Canada as a permanent resident and were later granted Canadian citizenship), provide:

  1. The date on which you obtained this status (whichever is more recent)
  2. Your UCI (Unique Client Identifier)/Client ID number)
  3. Check the box to indicate if your actual full name is the same as when you became a permanent resident. If you checked “No”, provide your full name (family name(s) and given(s) name(s)) at the time you became permanent resident.
Question 8
  1. Indicate your current marital status:
    Annulled Marriage:

    This is a marriage that is legally declared invalid. An annulment can also be a declaration by the Catholic Church that the marital union did not have a binding force.


    This means that you have lived continuously with your partner in a marital-type relationship for a minimum of one year.


    This means that you are officially separated and have legally ended your marriage.

    Legally Separated:

    This means that you are married, but no longer living with your spouse.


    This means that you and your spouse have had a ceremony that legally binds you to each other. Your marriage must be legally recognized in the country where it was performed and in Canada.


    This means that you have never been married and are not in a common-law relationship.

    This means that your spouse has died and that you have not re-married or entered into a common-law relationship.
  2. Enter the date (year, month, day) you were married or you entered into your current common-law relationship.

    Note: This is the date your status officially changed from being single to common-law, not the date you started living together.

  3. Write the family name(s) and given name(s) of your current spouse or common-law partner.

Question 9

Check the box to indicate whether you have previously been married or in a common-law relationship. If you checked “Yes”, provide:

  • Family name(s)
  • Given name(s)
  • Type of relationship:
    • Common-law or
    • Married
  • Dates (From – To) for which you were in the relationship with your previous spouse/common-law partner.
Sponsor Contact Information
Question 1

Indicate your current mailing address (where information should be mailed):

  • Post Office Box (P.O. Box) number, if applicable. If you do not indicate post office box, the Street number must be provided
  • Apartment (Apt.) or Unit, if applicable
  • Street number (No), if applicable. This must be provided if you did not indicate in a P.O. Box
  • Street name, if applicable
  • City or Town
  • From the list, select the Country of your current mailing address
  • Province or State
  • Postal code/zip code
  • District, if applicable

Note: All correspondence will go to this address unless you indicate your e-mail address.

If you wish to have a representative who can conduct business on your behalf, you must provide their address in this section and on the Use of a Representative (IMM 5476) form.

For more information read the “Use of Representative” section in this guide.

Question 2

Check the box to indicate whether your residential address (where you live) is the same as your mailing address. If “No”, indicate the following information:

  • Apartment (Apt.) or Unit, if applicable
  • Street Number (No.)
  • Street Name
  • City or Town
  • Country
  • Province or State
  • Postal Code/zip code
  • District, if applicable
Question 3

Check the appropriate box to indicate if the telephone number is from Canada/the United States (US) or Other (any other country).

Indicate the type of telephone:

  • Residence (home)
  • Cellular (cell/mobile)
  • Business (work)

Write your telephone number including the country code, area/regional codes, etc.

If you have an extension number, write it after your phone number under “Ext.

Question 4

Check the appropriate box to indicate if your additional telephone number is from Canada/the United States or Other (any other country).

Indicate the type of telephone:

  • Residence (home)
  • Cellular (cell/mobile)
  • Business (work)

Write your telephone number including the country code, area/regional codes, etc.

If you have an extension number, write it after your phone number under “Ext.

Question 5

Check the appropriate box to indicate if the facsimile (fax) number is from Canada and United States or Other (any other country).

If applicable, write your facsimile (fax) number, including country code, area/regional codes, etc.

Question 6

If applicable, write your e-mail address using a format similar to the following:

Note: By indicating your e-mail address, you are hereby authorizing Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada to transmit all correspondence, including your file and personal information to this specific e-mail address.

Application to Sponsor, Sponsorship Agreement and Undertaking (IMM 1344) (4)

Sponsor Residency Declaration

This section is to be completed only if you are a Canadian citizen living exclusively outside of Canada and sponsoring a spouse, a common-law or conjugal partner, and/or dependent children who have no children of their own.

You must check the appropriate box to confirm where (Canadian province, territory or the province of Quebec) you intend to live should your spouse, common-law or conjugal partner and (or) dependent children become permanent residents.

Application to Sponsor, Sponsorship Agreement and Undertaking (IMM 1344) (5)

Sponsor Eligibility Assessment
Question 1-18

Check “Yes” or “No” in the appropriate boxes.

Note: Sponsors residing in Quebec (or who intend to) do not need to answer questions 8, 9, 10 and 15.

  • If you answer “No” to questions 1 to 3
    • You are not eligible to be a sponsor. You should not submit an application.
  • If you answer “No” to question 4, but are a Canadian citizen living exclusively outside Canada
    • You may submit a sponsorship for your spouse, common-law partner or conjugal partner and children who have no children of their own.
    • You must, however, come to Canada to reside with the sponsored person. If this is your situation, complete the section “Residency Declaration”.
  • If you answer “Yes” to any question between 5 and 15
    • You are not eligible to be a sponsor. You should not submit an application.
  • If you answer “Yes”to questions 13, 16, 17 or 18
    • Provide the details including date and place, and
    • Read the section “Suspension of processing” for situations where processing may be suspended.

Application to Sponsor, Sponsorship Agreement and Undertaking (IMM 1344) (6)

Co-Signer Personal Details

The questions under “Co-signer Personal Details” are the same as in “Sponsor Personal Details”, except for question8.

Follow the previous instructions to answer the questions for the co-signer.

Note: Remember that all questions in this section are about the co-signer.

Co-Signer Contact Information
Question 1

Check the appropriate box to indicate if the telephone number is from Canada/the United States (US) or Other (any other country).

Indicate the type of telephone:

  • Residence (home)
  • Cellular (cell/mobile)
  • Business (work)

Write your telephone number including the country code, area/regional codes, etc.

If you have an extension number, write it after your phone number under “Ext.

Question 2

Check the appropriate box to indicate if your additional telephone number is from Canada/the United States or Other (any other country).

Indicate the type of telephone:

  • Residence (home)
  • Cellular (cell/mobile)
  • Business (work)

Write your telephone number including the country code, area/regional codes, etc.

If you have an extension number, write it after your phone number under “ Ext.
Question 3
Check the appropriate box to indicate if the facsimile ( fax) number is from Canada and United States or Other (any other country).

If applicable, write your facsimile (fax) number, including country code, area/regional codes, etc.

Question 4

If applicable, write your e-mail address using a format similar to the following:

Note: By indicating your e-mail address, you are hereby authorizing Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada to transmit all correspondence, including your file and personal information to this specific e-mail address.

Application to Sponsor, Sponsorship Agreement and Undertaking (IMM 1344) (7)

Co-Signer Residency Declaration

This section is to be completed only if you are a Canadian citizen living exclusively outside of Canada and sponsoring dependent children who have no children of their own.

You must check the appropriate box to confirm where (Canadian province, territory or the province of Quebec) you intend to live should your dependent children become permanent residents.

Application to Sponsor, Sponsorship Agreement and Undertaking (IMM 1344) (8)

Co-Signer Eligbility Assessment
Question 1-15

Check “Yes” or “No” in the appropriate boxes.

Note: Co-signers residing in Quebec (or who intend to) do not need to answer questions 5, 6, 7 and 12.

  • If you answer “No” to questions 1 or 2
    • Then you are not eligible to be a sponsor. You should not submit an application.
  • If you answer “No” to question 3, but are a Canadian citizen living exclusively outside Canada
    • Then you may submit a sponsorship for your spouse, common-law partner or conjugal partner and children who have no children of their own.
    • You must, however, come to Canada to reside with the sponsored person. If this is your situation, complete the section “Residency Declaration”.
  • If you answer “Yes” to any question between 4 and 12
    • Then you are not eligible to be a co-signer. You should not co-sign this application.
  • If you answer “Yes” to any questions between 13 and 15
    • Then provide the details including date and place, and
    • Then read the section “Suspension of processing” for situations where processing may be suspended.

Application to Sponsor, Sponsorship Agreement and Undertaking (IMM 1344) (9)
Important information

Undertaking by Sponsor and Co-Signer, if applicable

This section outlines what your role and responsibilities will be by submitting this application.

Part 2: Sponsorship Agreement

Obligations of the Sponsor and, if applicable, the Co-Signer; and Obligations of the Person to be Sponsored

All parties (sponsor, co-signer and person to be sponsored) must read the obligations carefully.

Application to Sponsor, Sponsorship Agreement and Undertaking (IMM 1344) (10)


Read the declaration statement carefully before signing.

By digitally signing your application, you certify that you fully understand the questions asked, and that the information you have provided is complete, accurate and factual.

You understand that any false or misleading statement may be grounds for prosecution and the removal of the person you are sponsoring and their family members from Canada.

By signing this form, you also declare that you will provide immediately any change of address and or any other information changed on the application by web form.

Application to Sponsor, Sponsorship Agreement and Undertaking (IMM 1344) (11)


By digitally signing your application, you certify that you fully understand the questions asked, and that the information you have provided is complete, accurate and factual.

This section must be digitally signed and dated by:

  • the sponsor;
  • the co-signer (if there is one)
  • the sponsored person (principal applicant).

Note: A parent or legal guardian must sign on behalf of a dependent child under the age of 18, where they are the principal applicant being sponsored on an application.

The application will be returned if any signatures are missing (see section 10 of the IRPR for more information).

Sponsoring parents or grandparents

Application to Sponsor, Sponsorship Agreement and Undertaking (IMM 1344)

Who must fill out this application form?

This form must be completed by

  • the sponsor
  • the co-signer, if applicable
  • the principal applicant

Completing the form

You must answer all the questions on this application form unless otherwise indicated.

  1. Download and fill out the application form on a computer. You also have the option of saving your form and completing it later.
  2. Once the application form is completed, click on the Validate button located at the top or bottom of the form.

    A barcode page like the one below will be generated:

    Application to Sponsor, Sponsorship Agreement and Undertaking (IMM 1344) (12)

    Note: This barcode page will not appear if you fill out your application by hand.

  3. Do not print your application form.
  4. Sign with an electronic signature and date in the spaces provided.
  5. Give an electronic copy to the person being sponsored (principal applicant) to upload to their online application under the section “PDF Forms.”

Part 1: Application to Sponsor and Undertaking

Question 1

Check one box to indicate how you wish to proceed if you do not meet the sponsorship requirements.

  • If you check the box to withdraw your sponsorship application, then
    • the sponsorship application will not be processed. All fees will be refunded, except for the $75 sponsorship fee.
  • If you check the box to proceed with the application for permanent residence, then
    • the sponsorship application will be failed. None of the fees will be refunded if the application is refused.

Note: Check “Proceed with the application for permanent residence” if you are requesting that an officer review your application for potential humanitarian and compassionate considerations.

Question 2

Would you like to receive your correspondence in French or English?

Question 3

Check one box to indicate if you have a co-signer or not.

Only your spouse or common-law partner can co-sign this application.

Question 4

Type the following details about the principal applicant you are sponsoring:

  • family name(s) (surname)
  • given name(s) (first, second or more)
Question 5

Indicate the principal applicant’s date of birth. If the complete date of birth is unknown, use “01” to fill in the spaces for the unknown year, month or day. Include a letter of explanation saying why you couldn’t include the complete date.

Question 6
  1. Indicate the nature of your relationship to the principal applicant:
    • Adoptive Child
    • Common-law partner living in Canada
    • Conjugal partner outside Canada
    • Child
    • Parent
    • Adoptive Parent
    • Guardian
    • Agent
    • Common-law partner living outside Canada
    • Grandparent
    • Orphaned sibling/Nephew/Niece/Grandchild
    • Other Relative
    • Spouse living in Canada
    • Spouse living outside Canada
  2. If you chose Other Relative, provide details (brother, sister, uncle, aunt, nephew, etc.).
  3. If you are a conjugal partner, provide the date you entered into that conjugal relationship.
Sponsor Personal Details
Question 1

Full name

Indicate your family name(s) (surname) exactly as it appears on your passport or travel document (even if the name is misspelled). Do not use initials.

Note: If you do not have a family name on your passport or travel document, enter all your given name(s) in the family name field and leave the given name field blank.

Type all of your given name(s) (first, second, or more) exactly as it appears on your passport or travel document (even if the name is misspelled). Do not use initials.

Note: If you do not have a given name on your passport or travel document, leave this field blank.

Question 2


Check the box to indicate if you have ever used any other name. This could include your birth name, maiden name, married name, nickname, etc.

If you checked “Yes,” indicate any other family name(s) that you have ever used.

If you checked “Yes,” indicate any other given name(s) (first, second, or more) that you have ever used.

Question 3

Indicate your gender (F – Female, M – Male or X – Another gender).

Question 4

Indicate your date of birth. If your complete date of birth is unknown, use “01” to fill in the spaces for the unknown year, month or day. Include a letter of explanation saying why you couldn’t include the complete date.

Question 5

Indicate your city or town of birth.

Indicate your country of birth.

Question 6

Indicate your status in Canada:

  • Canadian citizen by birth
  • Canadian citizen by descent (citizenship through a parent)
  • Naturalized Canadian citizen (after immigrating to Canada)
  • Permanent resident
Question 7

If you are a permanent resident or a naturalized Canadian citizen (that is, you came to Canada as a permanent resident and were later granted Canadian citizenship),

  • Provide the date on which you obtained this status (the most recent date)
  • Provide your UCI
  • Check the box to indicate if your actual full name is the same as when you became a permanent resident. If you checked “No,” provide your full name (family name(s) and given name(s) at the time you became a permanent resident.
Question 8
  1. Indicate your current marital status:

    Annulled Marriage

    This is a marriage that is legally declared invalid. An annulment can also be a declaration by the Catholic Church that the marital union did not have a binding force.


    This means that you have lived continuously with your partner in a marital-type relationship for a minimum of 1 year.


    This means that you are officially separated and have legally ended your marriage.

    Legally Separated

    This means that you are still legally married, but no longer living with your spouse.


    This means that you and your spouse have had a ceremony that legally binds you to each other. Your marriage must be legally recognized in the country where it was performed and in Canada.


    This means that you have never been married and are not in a common-law relationship.


    This means that your spouse has died and that you have not re-married or entered into a common-law relationship.

  2. Enter the date (year, month, day) you were married or you entered into your current common-law relationship.

    Note: This is the date your status officially changed from being single to common-law, not the date you started living together.

  3. Type the family name(s) and given name(s) of your current spouse or common-law partner.
Question 9

Check the box to indicate whether you have previously been married or in a common-law relationship. If you checked “Yes,” provide

  • Family name(s)
  • Given name(s)
  • Date of birth
  • Type of relationship: common-law or married
  • Dates (from–to) between which you were in the relationship with your previous spouse or common-law partner
Sponsor Contact Information
Question 1

Indicate your current mailing address (where information should be mailed):

  • Post office box (P.O. box) number, if applicable. If you do not indicate a P.O. box, the street number must be provided
  • Apartment (Apt.) or Unit, if applicable
  • Street number (no.), if applicable. This must be provided if you did not indicate a P.O. box
  • Street name, if applicable
  • City or town
  • From the list, select the country of your current mailing address
  • Province or state
  • Postal code or zip code
  • District, if applicable

Note: All correspondence will go to this address unless you indicate your email address.

If you wish to have a representative who can conduct business on your behalf, you must provide their address in this section and on the Use of a Representative (IMM 5476) form.

For more information, read Use of a Representative.

Question 2

Check the box to indicate whether your residential address (where you live) is the same as your mailing address. If “No,” indicate the following information:

  • Apartment (Apt.) or Unit, if applicable
  • Street number (no.)
  • Street name
  • City or town
  • Country
  • Province or State
  • Postal code or zip code
  • District, if applicable
Question 3

Check the appropriate box to indicate if the telephone number is from Canada or the United States (US) or Other (any other country).

Indicate the type of telephone:

  • Residence (home)
  • Cellular (cell/mobile)
  • Business (work)

Type your telephone number including the country code, area/regional codes, etc.

If you have an extension number, type it after your phone number under “Ext.”

Question 4

Check the appropriate box to indicate if your additional telephone number is from Canada or the US or Other (any other country).

Indicate the type of telephone:

  • Residence (home)
  • Cellular (cell/mobile)
  • Business (work)

Type your telephone number including the country code, area/regional codes, etc.

If you have an extension number, type it after your phone number under “Ext.”

Question 5

Check the appropriate box to indicate if the facsimile (fax) number is from Canada or the US or Other (any other country).

If applicable, type your fax number, including country code, area/regional codes, etc.

Question 6

If applicable, type your email address using a format similar to the following:

Note: By indicating your email address, you are hereby authorizing IRCC to transmit all correspondence, including your file and personal information, to this specific email address.

Note: Sponsor Residency Declaration

You must be living in Canada in order to submit a sponsorship application for your parents and grandparents.

Sponsor Eligibility Assessment
Questions 1–18

Check “Yes” or “No” in the appropriate boxes.

Note: Sponsors residing in Quebec (or who intend to) do not need to answer questions 8, 9, 10 and 15.

  • If you answer “No” to questions 1 to 3, and you are sponsoring a spouse, common-law or conjugal partner

    • You are not eligible to be a sponsor. You should not submit an application.
  • If you answer “No” to question 4, but are a Canadian citizen living exclusively outside Canada, you are not eligible to sponsor your parents and grandparents.
  • If you answer “Yes” to any question between 5 and 15, and you are sponsoring a spouse, common-law or conjugal partner

    • You are not eligible to be a sponsor. You should not submit an application.
  • If you answer “Yes” to questions 13, 16, 17 or 18

    • Provide the details including date and place, and
    • Read the section “Suspension of processing” for situations where processing may be suspended.
Co-Signer Personal Details

The questions under “Co-Signer Personal Details” are the same as in “Sponsor Personal Details,” except for question8.

Follow the previous instructions to answer the questions for the co-signer.

Note: Remember that all questions in this section are about the co-signer.

Co-Signer Contact Information
Question 1

Check the appropriate box to indicate if the telephone number is from Canada or the US or Other (any other country).

Indicate the type of telephone:

  • Residence (home)
  • Cellular (cell/mobile)
  • Business (work)

Type your telephone number including the country code, area/regional codes, etc.

If you have an extension number, type it after your phone number under “Ext.”

Question 2

Check the appropriate box to indicate if your additional telephone number is from Canada or the US or Other (any other country).

Indicate the type of telephone:

  • Residence (home)
  • Cellular (cell/mobile)
  • Business (work)

Type your telephone number including the country code, area/regional codes, etc.

If you have an extension number, type it after your phone number under “Ext.”

Question 3

Check the appropriate box to indicate if the facsimile (fax) number is from Canada or the US or Other (any other country).

If applicable, type your facsimile (fax) number, including country code, area/regional codes, etc.

Question 4

If applicable, type your email address using a format similar to the following:

Note: By indicating your email address, you are hereby authorizing IRCC to transmit all correspondence, including your file and personal information, to this specific email address.

Co-Signer Eligibility Assessment
Questions 1–15

Check “Yes” or “No” in the appropriate boxes.

Note: Co-signers residing in Quebec (or who intend to) do not need to answer questions 5, 6, 7 and 12.

  • If you answer “No” to questions 1 or 2
    • You are not eligible to be a co-signer. You should not co-sign this application.
  • If you answer “Yes” to any question between 4 and 12
    • You are not eligible to be a co-signer. You should not co-sign this application.
  • If you answer “Yes” to any questions between 13 and 15
    • Provide the details including date and place, and
    • Read the section “Suspension of processing” for situations where processing may be suspended.

Undertaking by Sponsor and Co-Signer (if applicable)

This section outlines what roles and responsibilities you are agreeing to by submitting this application.

Part 2: Sponsorship Agreement

Obligations of the Sponsor and, if applicable, the Co-Signer; and Obligations of the Person to be Sponsored

All parties (sponsor, co-signer and person to be sponsored) must read the obligations carefully.


Read the declaration statement carefully before signing.

By signing, you certify that you fully understand the questions asked, and that the information you have provided is complete, accurate and factual.

You understand that any false or misleading statement may be grounds for prosecution and the removal of the person you are sponsoring and their family members from Canada.

By signing this form, you also declare that you will immediately notify us in writingof anychange of addressor if anyother information changes in your application.


In this section, the sponsor must sign and date the application form with an electronic signature or it will be returned.

The spouse or common-law partner (if co-signing) must also sign and date the application with an electronic signature or it will be returned.

The sponsored person (principal applicant) must also sign and date the application with an electronic signature or it will be returned.

Application to Sponsor, Sponsorship Agreement and Undertaking (IMM 1344) (2024)
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Author: Tish Haag

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Author information

Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.