Aether Minci (The Another Story) (2024)

This Aether Minci is Non-Canon version of original Aether Minci from "The Another Story" stories.

Same as in Original version story, Aether Minci or simply called only as Aether, is one of Main Characters in Story Based Genshin Impact Roleplay (The Another Story version). He is the strongest Aether and strongest character in Genshin Impact Roleplay Multiverse and one of the strongest character in Genshinverse. He also known as God of Teyvat and God of Multiverse. He is the founder and Great Commander of the World Guardian Corps. He is the incarnation of The True God and True Creator's avatar form, The Voice of The Divine.

Tier: Human Level - Planet Level (Normal) | Planet Level - Multiverse Level (Basic God Form) | Multiverse Level - Beyond Extra Dimensional Cosmic Level (The Creation Level) (Divine Form) | Outerverse Level (True Divine Form) | Outverse Level (Full Potency of True Divine Form Power & Via destroying All Fictions in Fiction War arc)


  • 2 Story
    • 2.1 Early Life
    • 2.4 The Great Aether War
    • 2.5 The Homecoming
    • 2.6 The God of Destruction, Aether (Aether The Slayer) arc
    • 2.7 The Revenge of the Queen of the Abyss Order (The Return of Lumine) arc
    • 2.8 Aether VS Aether The Dai Kaizer, First Chapter: The Sacrifice of Aether arc
    • 2.10 The Future Self of Aether arc
    • 2.11 Fiction War arc
    • 2.12 The Final Battle arc
    • 2.13 The New Story arc
    • 2.14 The Revenge and The Redemption arc
    • 3.1 Forms
    • 3.2 Abilities
    • 3.3 Attack Technique
    • 3.4 Ultimate Greatest Technique
    • 3.5 Special Technique

Appearances & Personality

Aether has the appearance like bright blond hair, slim body builds, golden-yellow eyes, and fair skin. Different from the version in the game, Aether has a medium cut hairstyle without a long braided ponytail (before the arc against Unknown God, Aether still has a medium cut hairstyle with a long braided ponytail which then after approaching the battle arc with Unknown God, Aether cut his ponytail).

He also has 2 personalities, one is his real personality which is also his divine personality and the other is his normal personality which is very childish and spoiled.


Early Life

Aether born after, The True God and True Creator, create him from his avatar form, The Voice of The Divine, and his female twin sibling, Lumine. The True God and True Creator, come to Mondstadt and he give the baby Aether to the Librarian Lady, which also known as Lisa Minci. He asked Lisa to take care of baby Aether and raise him and become his mother.

Little Aether grows and develops like any other child, he also became a very spoiled, cheerful, hyperactive, and little bit of a crybaby kid, it's because his mother really loves and pampered him. When he turns 4 years old, he was given to Ningguang, who was a good friend and best friend of his mother, Lisa, to be nurtured for a while, while his mother was preparing to become the Supreme Leader of Mondstadt for 1 year. 1 year later after his mother consecrated as The Supreme Leader of Mondstadt, little Aether returned to his mother back.

After he turned 6 years old, finally, he was sent to an elite school in Mondstadt where the school is also very famous for its very genius students, where it is known that Aether there is the most genius student in all the generations at the school. He is even the smartest student in 100 years at the school, he only took him 4 years to graduate from that school or when his age is turned into 10 years old, because of his geniuses, which normally the students at that school, at least take 12 years of study to graduate from that school.

Little Aether has a lot of friends and he also has some close friends like Albedo, Razor, and Venti, for Albedo, they have been best friends since they were 2 years old, where Albedo's mother, Alice is a good friend of Lisa, his mother. Aether and Albedo became very close and became good friends, where Aether also promised that he would protect his friend from anything, Aether's treatment of Albedo was indeed very overprotective but too excessive where Aether often scolded him if he didn't listen to his words or if he made mistakes and problems, even Aether didn't hesitate to hit his face very hard that it sometimes made Albedo cry bitterly, and sometimes Aether often hit his face for no reason just because he thought Albedo's face was too smug. Nonetheless, Albedo was also getting used to Aether's treatment towards him, he considered that Aether's treatment of him was a good treatment aimed to protect him, and for Razor, they have been friends since they were 4 years old were at that time his mother, Lisa took Razor from Wolvendom and made him her disciple and godson, and since then, Razor has lived with Aether and Lisa in their house before finally, Lisa built him a house on his 10th birthday, near their house, and for Venti, Aether has known Venti since he was a baby, because Venti also often helps his mother in any matter. When Aether turns 6 years old, Aether then for the first time meets with Mona that soon will become his older sister figure. He meets Mona when at that time Mona is just moving from Fontaine to Mondstadt alone because her master who nurtured her just passed away a few days ago and her master suggest her to come to Mondstadt and meet a Grand Mage named Lisa Minci, which that time Lisa also start to make Mona as her disciple because of Mona's master request to her before she passed away, and since then, Mona starts to live with Aether, Razor, and Lisa before finally she also built her a house on her 15th birthday, near her and Razor's house. Since then, Mona starts helping take care of Aether and Razor and becomes an older sister figure to Aether and Razor.

When he turns 10 years old, he first time seeing and meeting his separated twin sister when he and his mother visit Natlan. His twin sister, Lumine was raised by a businessman and a war commander from Natlan. After that meeting, the both side parents of Aether and Lumine agreed that the two of them could live together for a while. After 2 years later when their age is 12 years old, they start to become a traveler and visit every world in this universe.

The Genshin Journey & Adventure (The Teyvat & World Adventure)

2 years passed, and now they're 14 years old. After 2 years they visited many other worlds in this universe, and now they decided to return to earth to Teyvat. After they got back to Teyvat, they did not know that there had been a time anomaly as a result of their journey back to Teyvat which was where they returned to Teyvat hundreds of years ago where this is where they will begin to know about the great secrets of the planet and the world they live in, and also the conspiracies that have been carried out by the gods there, especially about Khaenri'ah. In short, Lumine who was the first to know this after she accidentally saw the destruction of a country which was Khaenri'ah by the gods especially the Unknown God, began to immediately return to meet Aether and tell Aether about it, after telling a short story with Aether, they finally also decided to leave the earth, away from Teyvat for a while because at this time in Teyvat it was not safe, but on their way to leave, they were intercepted by the Unknown God because Unknown God has known if they have known and witness the destruction of Khaenri'ah by her, and finally, the Unknown God defeated and separated them, when Aether gets thrown 500 years to the future to the current time when Lumine are still staying on the current past time. After 3 months got fainted, finally Aether regained consciousness, and at that time he's being on the beach, he lost his memory and his original power which is called Aether Element. It's also his first time met Paimon while fishing, when that time Paimon accidentally gets hooked on Aether's fishing hook, then they got acquainted and started an adventure together and looking for his sister, just like the original game version or the usual version but with some differences and the relationship between the characters here is more closer, and on his adventure here, Aether bit by bit started to regain his memories back.

After being separated for a long time, they were finally reunited again, and now Lumine is become the Queen of Abyss Order. Since then, the two of them have always been in conflict with each other due to differences in views and opinions about peace in Teyvat, like Lumine want to defeat and eliminate all Archons because of their actions that help the Celestia gods together with Unknown God destroying Khaenri'ah according to her, and that's why Lumine forms the Abyss Order to oppose the Archons and disturb everyone who associated with the Archons. Because of that, there was a conflict between Aether and Lumine, Aether choose to be an alliance with the Archons and nations in Teyvat and tries to protect the people from his sister Lumine and Lumine tries to eliminate people which she considered as follower of the Archons and she also expressed enmity against the 7 Nations.

One day, the Unknown God is returned again and decided to invade Teyvat, the 7 Archons unite together and try to defeat the Unknown God, but their power with the Unknown God is not comparable and make them cannot defeat the Unknown God, and therefore, Teyvat eventually was under dominion of the Unknown God. Aether and Lumine who know about that eventually decide to declare war with Unknown God. Long story short, Aether and Lumine, who already obtained the power of the 7 Archons, decided to meet the Unknown God in Celestia, and there was a great battle between them. Aether and Lumine, who already had the power of 7 Archons, were finally able to match the power of the Unknown God, and here also finally Aether and Lumine regained their original power and that power was upgraded to cosmic power otherwise known as Cosmic Element. Eventually, the Unknown God use her full power to defeat Aether and Lumine until she transformed into her Ultimate Form, with this form, Unknown God can at will manipulate the cosmic energy and cosmic elements and turn them into deadly attacks, her telekinesis power also can destroy one planet at a time. At this point, that Aether and Lumine began to be overwhelmed when fighting Unknown God, and in here also Aether's god power began to appear even though only a small part, even so, with this power, Aether and Lumine can match the Unknown God again and finally they both managed to defeat her and sealed her with the help of the 7 Archons.

After the battle with Unknown God and after they defeat the Unknown God, Lumine decide to attack the 7 Archons with her new power. With this new power, Lumine can easily defeat the Seven, Aether who know that, then he tried to stop his sister who trying to finish the 7 Archons. Because of that, eventually there was a contention between the two of them which ended in a fight between them. Their battle took place so fiercely, that even the whole Teyvat could see their battle from below, this battle even brought down Celestia and made a temporary apocalypse throughout Teyvat, it is said that this battle lasted for 1 month non-stop until finally Aether managed to defeat Lumine and seal it in the black hole, in outer space. After Aether defeated Lumine and sealed her in the black hole, he restored the entire Teyvat which was almost destroyed after that great battle, he also restored the Celestia which was previously destroyed as a result of their battle. And, that's when Aether is considered as Teyvat's savior, this is also where he started his journey as a God.

A few years later, an incident occurred which caused the Archon War to return and known as the Second Archon War or Archon War II, this was due to a power struggle over who deserved to be the god of all Teyvat. This eventually caused chaos everywhere throughout Teyvat, people were terrified and this second Archon War nearly brought apocalypse in the world. No one can stop them until, Aether realize it if there's something wrong with Teyvat, for info, only Mondstadt that not affected by this second Archon War at that time and the war occurred for a month and during that month Aether was in Mondstadt until he was about to leave Mondstadt, he saw a lot of chaos around the outside of Mondstadt. After he know if this all caused by this second Archon War, he immediately rushed to go to Celestia and coincidence that the 7 main Archons were there. Aether initially asked them to stop the war between them, but the Archons ignored it and instead threatened Aether, because of that, Aether became very angry and start to challenge the Archons who were there to fight with him. In short, Aether finally managed to defeat them easily, and to make up for their behavior, Aether took their Archon power which made them powerless. And because of this, Aether now considered as "God of Teyvat" because of his success in stopping the second Archon War and saving Teyvat back from destruction, he also becomes a new God figure for the whole Teyvat.

The New Adventure (Meeting The Outsiders, The Formation of World Guardian Corps, & The Multiverse Adventure)

1 year after his battle with Lumine, he decided to become the Guardian of Teyvat and his universe and he has also realized the existence of the parallel worlds and start his journey to the parallel worlds. One day while Aether was in Fontaine, he found a strange portal that know if this portal connected the Genshin World with another fictional world, which is eventually made an event called Outsider Effect, which is the event when the outsider or character from other fiction is entering this universe. This is where Kratos appears who is a character from God of War, and he is also the first outsider that visit the Genshin World, he comes with the head of an Archon that is known if that is Pyro Archon's head and later is known that he's the killer of that Archon, knowing that he is targeting the gods in Celestia and Archons, Aether doesn't stand still and start to chase him until they finally stopped at Stormterror's Lair. Feeling that he uncomfortable and threatened by Aether's presence, Kratos immediately took out his sword and attacked Aether, initially Aether tried to stop him by negotiating with him, but it was ignored and Kratos continued to attack him until his sword is slashing Aether's face and Aether got an incision on his face. Eventually, Aether began to take out his sword and fight against Kratos, in short, Aether managed to defeat and kill him by stabbing his sword right in Kratos' heart which finally Kratos died and after that incident, Aether immediately revived back the Pyro Archon that previously deceased.

After that incident, eventually more and more portals appeared connecting the Genshin Worlds with other fictional worlds throughout Teyvat, even the Space Agency from Mondstadt and Snezhnaya detected the appearance of many portals throughout the universe and 3 days later a new outsider appeared and he was Dante from Devil May Cry, In short, Dante also targeted the Archons and considered them as devils, and what we know after the Archons power was taken by the Aether, they were now powerless and looked weak, only a few could survive with their martial skills, when Dante started to slaughter the gods and Archons in Celestia, Aether came because he was asked by Venti to defeat Dante, and in short they had a sword fight and finally Aether won again.

After 3 hours, suddenly appeared a very large Portal outside the earth and from that portal, came Ultraman Belial, who is an Ultraman Series character. With his giant size he could easily ravage several cities in the Mondstadt area. When seeing this, Aether thought about how to defeat that creature because there is a difference in the size of them, finally Aether began to really use his Ultimate God power. And finally with his Ultimate God power, he can easily defeat Ultraman Belial by throwing him into a black hole in outer space.

Because of the emergence of many portals that connecting the Genshin Worlds and other fictional worlds, eventually there is more outsiders that enter Genshin Worlds and some of them come to cause a trouble, and also Aether has defeated them many times and several outsiders who have been defeated in this event is, Darkseid, Arceus, Dark Zagi, Galactus, King Ghidorah, DarkKnightmon (X-Antibody), Demiurge (Shin Megami Tensei), Lord Drakkon and also SCP-001 "The Gate Guardian".

Feeling unable to protect the entire universe and some of parallel worlds alone, Aether finally decided to create a military corps and he named it as World Guardian Corps, eventually he recruited several people to become his commanders such as Bennett, Razor and he also recruit Kazuha too when at that time he was visiting Beidou's house with his aunt, Ningguang, and his mother, Lisa. Feeling insufficient for the number of commanders, he decided to find someone who wanted to be his commander again and Aether decided to choose his best friend, Albedo. However, it turned out that Albedo was not interested in that, and refused Aether's offer to become one of the main commanders in the World Guardian Corps. Aether also couldn't force him because of his friend's safety reasons, he didn't want his friend Albedo to be in danger. While Aether was thinking about, who will be the next commander again, Venti eventually came, to offer to become his commander. In first, Aether refused because Venti was an Archon and Aether really hate Archon because of that incident, the Second Archon War, but Venti continued to persuade him and finally Aether agreed to make Venti his commander, Aether also made him his right hand and also the Vice Grand Commander of the World Guardian Corps. And finally that's where they started their adventure as World Guardian Corps troops. Before that, Aether had given Venti and 6 other Archons a new power called the Cosmic Element, and for Venti, he get more power from Aether, compared to the other Archons. This was done, so the Archons could protect Teyvat when the World Guardian Corps wasn't there.

And this is where the adventures of Aether and the World Guardian Corps begin, they protect the universe and parallel worlds from outsiders for thousands years, they have defeated many outsiders who disrupted the balance in their universe and another parallel worlds and this is too where they realize that actually there is another universe in outside of their universe that also linked with the parallel worlds which they have visited and protected or they have realized that there is a Multiverse, and they also eventually became the protector and overseer of the multiverse, and eventually the figures of Aether and the World Guardian Corps were spread throughout the multiverse that contains countless of universes and against outsiders who disrupted the balance in the multiverse, this is also where Aether Minci is considered as the God of Multiverse.

The legend about them even reaches their neighbor's Fiction, Honkaiverse, and it turns out that they also experience the same thing with Genshinverse, they also experience the Outsider Effect. The Herrschers and some of the characters that protecting the Honkai Universe were not so capable to protect Honkai Universe from the outsiders who came and messed up their universe until finally the World Guardian Corps is arrive and came to help them to protect the Honkai Universe and fighting the outsiders who were trying to disturb the Honkai Universe, and in here too, that Aether and the World Guardians Corps realizes if there is still another universes outside of their multiverse and that is the another fictional universes, and finally Aether and the World Guardian Corps are considered the saviors of their universe. He also can easily erase the existence of the supreme entity of Honkaiverse, who known as The Will of Honkai when they decided to destroy the whole of Honkai Multiverse to recreate it again, only with his thought and will, and create them again to become one of his supreme servant, it happened because at that time he unintentionally accessed his Divine Will power. Aether was also finally considered the "God of the Honkaiverse", and the Herrschers eventually became Aether's servants and was under the command of the main commanders of the World Guardian Corps.

The Great Aether War

Great Aether War is an event which is a great battle of several Aethers from different universes who assemble in one universe called Universe of Great Aether War, and they all fight with each other, so only a few will survive. This event was deliberately created by Aether Minci to keep the balance between universes, because the number of the other Aethers existences, continued to increase and cause anomalies like the appearance of 2 Aethers in one universe and story, and both become the main character of that universe story, and this must be resolved immediately, so this doesn't break the balance between universes and if this is not resolved immediately, it will destroy the story and universe concerned and will also have an impact on the other universes and other stories around it. In the first Great Aether War, Aether Minci fell directly into the war and became the absolute winner and the only survivor in that war, and for the next Great Aether War, Aether Minci decided not to go to war and only watched their battle from his Divine Realm.

The Homecoming

Millions years after the odyssey of Aether and his World Guardian Corps friends, they finally returned to the Original Universe and returned to Teyvat again. After not being in the Original Universe for almost 12 million years, it turns out that Teyvat in the Original Universe has experienced very rapid and significant technological advance, especially in space technologies and colonies, and every nation also has its own planetaries colonies and even its own galaxies colonies.

To be continued...

The God of Destruction, Aether (Aether The Slayer) arc

One day, appeared Aether from another universe who spread terror in several other universes by killing the Aether in that universe and taking their power, and he was known as The God of Destruction, Aether The Slayer.

With his demigod power, he slaughtered several Aethers in the other universes until he gained the entirety of his god power. After gaining and accessing his god power, he could easily destroy 1 or more structures in the universe. Knowing that there is another Aether that has the god power, like Aether Minci, he has the ambition to defeat him and take his strength and also unite his body so that Aether Minci's power can blend perfectly with his body, he also already knows about the legend of Aether Minci which is the strongest Aether and the strongest being in the multiverse that made him even more ambitious to defeat him.

Finally, Aether The Slayer arrived at the Original Universe and began to search for the existence of Aether Minci, at that time many Aether from other universes were currently in the Original Universe. Aether The Slayer started to create chaos thereby slaughtering several Aether who were there and also slaughtering several innocent people until finally, many soldiers from several Nations and the Teyvat Union troops started trying to stop him but they were no match for the evil Aether, Aether The Slayer, until finally, the World Guardian Corps intervened and led directly by Razor, trying to stop this evil Aether, but they were in vain, Razor was easily defeated and almost made to die by Aether The Slayer. Knowing the tremendous power of Aether The Slayer, Razor immediately reported this to his Great Commander, if Aether The Slayer was a very dangerous threat and not an arbitrary enemy, which ultimately World Guardian Corps and Teyvat created a level 10 threat scenario or Ultimate Threat Level.

Finally, Aether The Slayer met Aether who was traveling from Snezhnaya to Liyue along with Venti, Childe, and Kayla. Without thinking, Aether The Slayer immediately attacked Aether which in the end there was a fierce battle between them, at first, Aether The Slayer was overwhelmed by Aether until finally at their climax battle at that time, Aether The Slayer managed to corner Aether and attack him with a surprise attack called the Dark Ultimate Slasher, where he tore Aether's chest horizontally and then punched him with a Dark Ultimate Punch which left Aether in great pain and dying. But at the same time, Aether managed to defeat him with Aether Ultimate Slash which made Aether The Slayer's god power disappear and also made him dying. Aether The Slayer, finally chose to retreat, while Aether who at that time was enduring the pain because of the attack from Aether The Slayer, finally fainted and Venti and his friends immediately took Aether to a hospital in the Liyue area, and when checked, it turned out Aether fell into a coma as a result of his battle with Aether The Slayer.

After his defeat with Aether, Aether The Slayer decided to regain his power back, by killing several Aether secretly until he regained his god power back. He started spreading terror openly again after he regained his god power, even though his god power was not as strong as before but, it still made him a very dangerous threat with a level 10 threat or Ultimate Level Threat. He began to again terrorize the inhabitants of the Original Universe, and he also often moved to another universe to escape the pursuit of the World Guard Corps, he also massacred many World Guard Corps army until he finally gets his god power back that stronger than before, he could easily defeat Bennett, Razor, and Kazuha, when they both chased Aether The Slayer to the Traveler Universe.

When his god power had reached its peak, he decided to immediately seize the body of Aether who was in a coma so he could take his strength and unite his body with the body of Aether Minci. Finally, he began to terrorize Teyvat in the Original Universe and ravage the 7 Nations, knowing that, finally Aether, who was in a coma, was immediately transferred from Liyue to Mondstadt to be hidden, knowing that Aether was currently in Liyue, immediately, Aether The Slayer went straight to Liyue and began to terrorize there, he killed many people to get information about the whereabouts of Aether, but they were all silent until finally he went to the Jade Chamber and slaughtered the guards there and several elite troops, from the World Guardian Corps. He also interrogated Ningguang to tell her about the whereabouts of Aether now, but Ningguang refused to tell him and chose to keep protecting her nephew, until before she was finally executed by Aether The Slayer. When she was about to be executed, suddenly Venti and several other rescue troops immediately came and saved Ningguang and evacuate her to Mondstadt. When about to chase them, suddenly, Zhongli and the other Archons except for Venti immediately appeared and blocked Aether The Slayer pursue them, finally, the six Archons also fought against Aether The Slayer until finally, they all had to die with him because of Aether The Slayer's power, which is horrible.

After he defeated the six Archons, he finally continued his journey to Mondstadt to immediately search for the whereabouts of Aether, because only Mondstadt he had not visited at the time of his search for Aether. On the other hand, it turns out that Childe has also prepared all the rest of his army to protect Aether, he considers whoever they are if their origin and their place of residence are in Teyvat in the Original Universe, Childe considers that he is responsible for protecting them all. When Aether The Slayer arrived at Mondstadt, he immediately began to carry out his actions by destroying several cities and also slaughtering a large number of soldiers there, until finally he reached the center of the city and started destroying everything there until finally, Childe came to invite him to a 1 vs 1 duel, Childe tried to fight Aether The Slayer to the death, but unfortunately, he also ended up being killed by him, on the other hand, Aether's condition got worse until he finally died or there was no sign of life anymore from him, everyone in the hospital felt very sad and lost, especially his mother, Lisa, and his aunts, Jean, Ningguang, and Yelan. Finally, for the body of Aether not to fall into the hands of Aether The Slayer, they decided to immediately evacuate and escape from Mondstadt to a safer place, when they were in the park south of Mondstadt City Center, it turned out that Aether The Slayer was waiting for them there, he forced them to immediately hand over the body of Aether, previously, Aether The Slayer had defeated and killed Bennett, and Razor, when he tried to attack the hospital, but when Aether The Slayer had taken control of the area in the hospital, he realized that Aether was not there anymore, but with his omniscient ability, he could tell where Aether was going to be taken, and he had blocked them first when they passed the park south of downtown Mondstadt. Because the request from Aether The Slayer was ignored, he finally decided to forcibly take Aether's body, but suddenly Kazuha come and directly attacked him and Kazuha also managed to overwhelm Aether The Slayer by trying to carry out surprise attacks continuously to drain the stamina of Aether The Slayer, but unfortunately, Aether The Slayer managed to reverse the situation and he immediately killed Kazuha by stabbing him. After that, Jean also suddenly attacked him and there was a small fight between Jean and Aether The Slayer until finally, Jean had to die in the hands of Aether The Slayer, then unexpectedly Ningguang and Yelan also tried to fight him but they also had to die in the hands of Aether The Slayer, until when Aether The Slayer would approach Lisa to seize the body from Aether, Venti immediately attacked Aether The Slayer which eventually led to a small battle between them, Venti at that time managed to make Aether The Slayer cornered and even he almost beat him too, but unluckily, Aether The Slayer managed to beat him and make him dying with his Ultimate Destruction Shoot. At the last moment, Lisa burst into tears because there was no hope, especially since the her beloved son was dead, Venti, who was dying, asked Aether The Slayer to stop her actions, finally, when Aether The Slayer would approach Lisa and Aether, Lisa immediately perform her Lightning Shock to him which made Aether The Slayer bounce 20 meters from them, with great anger Lisa fought Aether The Slayer with all her strength and anger, but soon she was defeated and knocked her out which also make her unconscious. Feeling that he had won, he casually approached Aether's dead body and began to absorb all the power from Aether's body. Venti, who were dying, begged Aether The Slayer to stop his actions, but Aether The Slayer did not pay attention to his request until Venti finally begged Aether to come back to life and help them all. In short, when Aether The Slayer will fuse his body with the body of Aether Minci, suddenly Aether was able to wake up and regain his consciousness back and immediately attacked him with Aetherkinesis which made him bounced away.

Aether finally got revived again. Aether The Slayer who saw this was very surprised because he thought that Aether was dead and would never live again, but in the end, he didn't really care about it because he thought that he already had the power of Aether. Finally, Aether pushed Aether The Slayer into the outer space and there was a terrible battle there, this battle is also known as a battle with a level range to the multiverse level. This battle has tremendous destructive power, even to the point of destroying many planets, stellar systems, galaxies, galaxy clusters, galaxy superclusters, even destroying many universes, until in short, Aether managed to make Aether The Slayer cornered with his Aether Beyond Breaker that almost made the existence of Aether The Slayer almost destroyed, but then he managed to counter the attack with his Final Ultimate Destruction Breaker, until finally, they do a finisher collision, with Aether using his Aether Beyond Slash and Aether The Slayer using his Final Ultimate Destruction Slash, until finally, Aether's Aether Beyond Slash was able to hit the vital point of Aether The Slayer which finally made Aether The Slayer die at that moment. During Aether The Slayer's dying moments, he swore that he would really defeat Aether next time before finally, Aether sealed him into a Dark Dimension, and after that battle, Aether, who saw the devastating damage throughout the multiverse, finally restored it right away as before, everything that was destroyed and died was returned back and finally, he returned to Teyvat in the Original Universe and he met his mother, his aunts, his friends, and the others again.

The Revenge of the Queen of the Abyss Order (The Return of Lumine) arc

3 months after the defeat and the sealing of Aether The Slayer in the Dark Dimension, an unexpected thing happened, it turns out that all this time Lumine was also sealed in that Dark Dimension where the black hole that made by Aether to seal Lumine at that time, is connected with Dark Dimension, where finally Lumine decided to kill Aether The Slayer there and took all his power, and Lumine finally can escape from that Dark Dimension.

After Lumine managed to get out of the Dark Dimension, he immediately headed to Mondstadt to find Aether, and in short, he managed to meet Aether in the Windrise area, at that time Aether was with Venti, Kayla, and Childe, and just without thinking Lumine immediately attacked Aether, and in the end, they dueled. Seeing Lumine's strength which was much stronger than before, Aether was overwhelmed when she faced Lumine at that time plus Aether had realized that Lumine had absorbed the power of Aether The Slayer and this made Aether feel very afraid of her sister, in short, Lumine managed to punch Aether's face and made him fainted immediately when Lumine was about to bring Aether who had fainted, quickly, Childe immediately tackled a surprise attack on Lumine which made Lumine's hand slightly injured and finally Childe, along with Kayla and Venti, immediately took Aether away from there.

Eventually, for a while, Aether will be evacuated to Liyue because Mondstadt is no longer safe again, and he will be very tightly guarded, where his all commanders will all assemble with their division forces to protect Aether from Lumine. Lumine finally returned to her Abyss Order Kingdom and began to gather all of her Abyss Order troops to immediately declare war with the 7 Nations in Teyvat and take over all of Teyvat. Knowing that Lumine and her Abyss Order troops had begun to move, Venti, who replaced Aether as Great Commander for a while, immediately ordered his division and several divisional troops in the World Guardian Corps along with troops from the Teyvat Defense Forces Division and several soldiers from the 7 Nations, to immediately stopped the movement of Lumine's Abyss Order troops, he also considers Lumine as level a threat level 10 or Ultimate Threat Level. In short, there was a big battle between the alliance of the World Guardian Corps and Lumine's Abyss Order troops, which in the end was able to repel Lumine's Abyss Order troops. One month later, because it felt safe, because there was no sign of threat from the Abyss Order, Aether finally started returning to Mondstadt and doing her usual activities. At that time, Aether, together with Venti, Kayla and Childe, wanted to travel to Snezhnaya, while on the way, Lumine suddenly confronted them and immediately attacked Aether, finally there was another fight between them, where Lumine could easily defeat Aether at that time, and when Aether began to be cornered, Lumine immediately offered to have Aether join him, she promised to protect Aether and would become a good sister figure and at the same time be a mother figure for him, but Aether refused and that's what made Lumine angry and immediately punch his face until he fainted. After that, Lumine immediately summoned her Abyss Order troops to attack Venti and the others and immediately took Aether away from that place and took him to her Abyss Order Kingdom.

After Lumine managed to kidnap Aether and take him to the Abyss Order Kingdom, Lumine finally carried out his plan to take over all of Teyvat and even the entire multiverse, starting with spreading terror on Teyvat and attacking the 7 Nations in Teyvat, until they asked World Guardian Corps to fight, until the World Guardian Corps finally lost, and Lumine managed to strengthen her army and take over the entire Universe and even the entire multiverse, just in 6 months. After taking control of the entire multiverse, Lumine began to order all the Abyss Order troops to hunt down the remaining World Guardian Corps members and their loyalists then killed them. Childe and his Snezhnanya troops are the only factions that defected to the Abyss Order Kingdom, this certainly makes Lumine happy because many World Guardian Corps superiors, have close relationships with Childe, Lumine finally appointed him as Commander of the Abyss Order army and ordered Childe to lead the hunt for the World Guardian Corps. Childe deliberately did this because he thought there was no hope after Lumine had also defeated Venti and the rest of his World Guardian Corps, to the point that the World Guardian Corps troops originally numbered 80 Quintillion people scattered throughout the multiverse, leaving only 3000 people left which made Venti raise Lumine's status as a threat from level 10 to level 12 or Final Level Threat. Then, after Lumine defeated Venti there were only 100 people left and including several commanders from the World Guardian Corps, Lumine ruled the multiverse with her tyranny for about 2 years.

2 years later, when some of the remaining members of the World Guardian Corps and some of their loyalists, led by Venti, decided to carry out the rescue operation of Aether from Lumine, they had also been hiding for 2 years in underground and caves in the Falcon Coast area. Finally, the Aether rescue operation began and Venti along with Bennett, Razor, and Kazuha, and several other World Guardian Corps members began to head to the Abyss Order Kingdom palace. When they got there, they realized that the palace looked deserted because Lumine wasn't there at that time. Lumine at that time was with Childe at the Snezhnaya palace, and it turns out that all this time Lumine had feelings for Childe, and at that time they were making out together at the Snezhnaya palace, this also made Kayla jealous but she can't do anything and for Childe, he also deliberately doing this, is to protect Kayla and also their adopted son, little Razor. A little info about little Razor, this little Razor was created by Kayla when she found out that Razor had died in the arc of The God of Destruction, Aether, she created a little Razor by taking some hair samples, it's not known how she created the little Razor at that time. In short, at that time, Lumine and Childe were going to do "something" in Childe's room, but she realized if there is an intruder that entered the Abyss Order palace and took Aether from there, immediately, Lumine teleported back to the Abyss Order palace and immediately headed to the room where Aether was placed, but she was too late because Venti and the others managed to bring Aether away from there. Lumine, who was very mad, ordered his troops to immediately pursue Venti and the others, she also told Childe to alert her troops to find Venti and the remaining World Guardian Corps troops, until finally Venti and the others managed to bring Aether to their hiding place safely.

Venti finally tried to revive the fainted Aether, and finally, Aether was able to wake up and regain his consciousness back, but not long after, Lumine and her Abyss Order troops that already knew their hideout, immediately surrounded them, and quickly too, Venti immediately teleported them all, to the safer place, Venti teleported them all to the Guilli Plains area, but it turned out that Lumine also already know about it and it turned out that the Guilli Plains area was also surrounded by Abyss Order troops. Lumine suddenly appeared in front of them all and urged them to immediately give Aether back to her, Aether, who was still traumatized by what had happened before, could not do anything about it and tried to hide behind her mother. Lumine, who continued to insist, began to run out of patience and decided to take force Aether from them, Lumine immediately approached Aether but suddenly Venti immediately blocked her and there was a fight between them, and because of the difference in strength between them, Lumine could easily defeat Venti and killing him, after killing Venti, Lumine immediately began to approach Aether again and finally, Razor and Kazuha began to dare to fight Lumine, but for Razor, his fate had to be the same as Venti, and Kayla, who knew that Razor was dead again, began to cry again, until finally Bennett with Kazuha also began to try protect Aether together with Xiao and the another adeptus, wherein the end they also had to die until in the end, Aether also felt resigned and asked Lumine to stop this all, with tears, Aether asked Lumine to immediately stop all of this and instead, he would be together with Lumine, but Lumine refused that thing and said that she and Aether will rule the whole multiverse together, and it turned out that she also kidnapped Albedo and tortured him, this made Aether even sadder and urged Lumine to stop everything, but Lumine did not care about it and this is what made Aether very angry and took his courage to stop Lumine.

Finally, Aether with his anger managed to unleash his true God power and he also finally unleashes his new God Mode form called Divine Form/Divine Mode although when Aether first time accesses this form, this form was still not completely perfect. Then, there was a very fierce battle between Aether and Lumine, and this was the second multiversal scale war after the battle between Aether and Aether The Slayer, even some of the war observers from the remaining World Guardian Corps, to create a scenario called End of Existence Scenario because they think that the battle between Aether and Lumine can destroy the existence itself, until they also categorize Lumine as a level 12 threat or Final Level Threat and also with an End of Existence scenario. In short, finally Aether managed to push Lumine with her Aether Divine Shoot, but when Aether wanted to re-seal Lumine by making a black hole, suddenly Lumine attacked Aether again with her Multiverse Reality Breaker which eventually created a cosmic anomaly and cosmic spacetime distortion around the area where they were fighting, and finally Lumine managed to escape from there and then counterattacked with her Lumine Divine Buster, but Aether managed to avoid that until in short, the climax of their battle began where they released all their strongest moves, that Aether unleash his Aether Divine End and Lumine unleash her Lumine Divine End, finally Aether managed to win and cornered Lumine, Lumine finally gave up and admitted defeat, and when Aether was about to approach Lumine again, Lumine immediately moved her sword to stab Aether, but Aether who already knew about it arrived. suddenly he immediately stabbed Lumine before Lumine managed to stab him, but again, Lumine managed to escape and return to Teyvat, she asked Childe to help her defeat Aether, but Childe refused, Lumine who also understood it, eventually only asked Childe, to helps hide her from Aether, but Childe still refuses and instead attacks Lumine, he also turns out if he has defeated several commanders from the Abyss Order troops previously, and his troops at that time also began to surround Lumine. Aether with his anger, finally arrived in Teyvat and he arrived in front of Snezhnaya's palace. Feeling cheated, Aether immediately approached Lumine to kill her, but before that happened Lumine finally decided to commit suicide by stabbing herself. Aether eventually approached the dying Lumine and Lumine began to say, if actually she really loved Aether as her twin brother and as her younger brother, and in her death spirit she also gave some messages and revealed some things to Aether, and Aether began to slowly start crying after hearing all messages and expressions from his brother. Eventually, Lumine died and Aether began to cry loudly, lamenting his sister's death. After everything ended, Aether decided to restore everything, everyone who died like Venti, Bennett, Razor, Kazuha, and the members of the World Guardian Corps came back to life and everything that was destroyed was restored to normal again, but only Lumine was not brought back to life so that Lumine can rest in peace in there.

Aether VS Aether The Dai Kaizer, First Chapter: The Sacrifice of Aether arc

After going through a long adventure, Aether decided to take a break from his duties as the Great Commander of the World Guardian Corps. He also laid off his commanders such as Venti, Bennett, Razor, and Kazuha. Aether finally returned to Mondstadt accompanied by Venti at that time, so even though Venti technically was off from his duties as Aether's Right-Hand and also the Vice Great Commander of the World Guardian Corps, he still carried out his duties as Aether's Right-Hand and companion personally. When he returned to Mondstadt he was well received by the residents there, especially his mother, Lisa who was waiting for him. Finally, Lisa invited several residents around her house and also the Knights of Favonius to have a party at her house to welcome her son who had returned and decided to take a break from his duties as the Great Commander of the World Guardian Corps. At that time, a lot of people came to the party, even guests from Liyue, such as Ningguang, Zhongli, Keqing, Hu Tao, and Ganyu. Finally, for a full night, they enjoyed the party. Aether, who was enjoying the party, decided to find Mona because he also missed her quite a bit, but he's been around the house many times, he couldn't find Mona anywhere, finally, he took the initiative to call Mona, and finally, the call was connected, Aether who missed her also talked for quite a while with Mona until he finally asked why she didn't come to the welcoming party this time, and it was found out that at that time Mona was having the flu, which caused her not to be able to come to the party, finally Aether who already know about it decided that he would visit her tomorrow because for now, he was too exhausted too. The next day, very early in the morning, Aether then immediately went to Mona's house with lots of fruit and some sweets too. He also arrived at Mona's house and it turned out that at that time Mona was with her personal nurse and doctor. Mona also said that when she was sick, Lisa visited her very often, she also called some of the best doctors and nurses at the downtown hospital to be her personal doctor and nurse. Aether who heard that was very happy and also wanted his older sister figure to get well soon. During Mona's illness, Aether also visited her very often and accompanied her at home until 3 days later, Mona recovered from her flu and she can do her normal activities again.

2 months passed, at that time Aether who was walking with Mona in Springvale was visited by Bennett who at that time looked very in a hurry, he asked Aether to immediately go to the Multiverse Observation Center in Mondstadt, finally, they with Mona immediately headed for there. Bennett said that if he caught a signal from another multiverse, previously Aether already knew the level of the cosmic dimension that exist from the Universe level to the highest, The Creation which is located on The Outside of The Genshinverse, indeed the Megaverse level and above are already outside the Genshinverse because Genshinverse itself has a cosmological range as big as the Megaverse itself. Bennett said that they managed to detect an entity/creature/figure with a very strong existence, approaching their multiverse. Elsewhere, a figure similar to Aether Minci appeared who was slaughtering several people near a beach, and there also appeared Dainsleif who was known from Another Universe (New Alternative Universe).

One day, at that time Aether and Mona were attending a festival in Sumeru, suddenly Dainsleif from another Universe came along with his followers to meet Aether and Mona, he immediately provoked Aether if he was an evil god, he said if Aether quietly silence kills the residents and creatures in the multiverse who do not recognize and regard him as a god. Aether who heard this immediately felt annoyed and asked Another Dainsleif to show evidence if he had slaughtered his own people, finally, Another Dainsleif immediately showed Aether a video of himself massacring several people on the beach which according to Another Dainsleif was located in the Cuijue Slope area. This was also confirmed by the people who were with Dainsleif at the time, who had also seen firsthand some of the massacres committed by Aether. Aether continued to deny it, but Another Dainsleif and the masses there continued to press Aether to confess until finally Mona tried to calm them down but Dainsleif suddenly hit her until Mona was almost unconscious, Aether who saw that was very angry and wanted to attack them all before Original Dainsleif (Dainsleif from the same Universe as Aether who is also the 3rd commander of the Teyvat Defense Forces Division) came and immediately dispersed the mob by teleporting it elsewhere. Dainsleif Original asked Another Dainsleif not to disturb Aether and his Universe, he immediately asked Another Dainsleif to leave here and he also said that Aether would never do that, and because of this finally, Another Dainsleif decided to temporarily retreat and leave that place.

The next day, sure enough, that gossip about Aether massacring peoples who disagreed with him, began to spread throughout Teyvat and even the world, and the latest news about it was gossip where Aether massacred several divisions of World Guardian Corps and killed the commanders of those divisions as a result of spread news of the massacre perpetrated by the Aether. As a result of this news, many people had become very resentful of Aether and were also afraid of him. Aether also began to feel shunned by some people, and people's trust in Aether is decreased, this also confused his mother and his relatives why people were getting more and more away from Aether, every time Aether and Mona passed somewhere, there must be some people who would immediately move away from that place. One day, when Aether, Mona, and Venti were in Liyue, they were suddenly confronted by Another Dainsleif and his followers there also appeared Venti from the Universe of Freedom Nations, where this Venti also wanted Aether to stop being their god and stop became the Commander of the World Guardian Corps, there were also Zenith and Stish who had been deceived by these words from Another Dainsleif, finally, Another Dainsleif attacked Aether, Mona, and Venti. At first, Aether just decided to try to dodge the attack but because Another Dainsleif continued to brutally attack him, Aether finally decided to directly face the Another Dainsleif, and finally, Aether managed to corner Another Dainsleif which finally forced him to retreat once again.

As a result of this, there was also a split within the World Guardian Corps, some of the higher-ups in the World Guardian Corps decided to rebel against Aether, so only the main commanders like Venti, Bennett, Razor and Kazuha with their troops were still loyal to Aether, and of course, because of this, a battle broke out between them which caused the World Guardian Corps to split apart. Suddenly Imitation Aether Minci appeared in front of them, the Imitation Aether Minci said that the real Aether would soon destroy the entire multiverse because of his anger and disappointment, he said that they must unite their strength to stop Aether before that happens. Aether's naysayers side agreed with Imitation Aether's words, while Venti, Bennett, Razor, and Kazuha's side rejected it, finally, Razor angrily attacked the Imitation Aether which finally made a fight between them. Because Imitation Aether Minci appearances almost the same as the original Aether Minci, so Venti and his friends find it difficult to deal with it. Finally, Imitation Aether Minci and Aether's naysayers party decided to immediately leave the World Guardian Corps headquarters and start forming their own alliance.

Meanwhile, in another place, Aether who was walking with Mona in the Musoujin Gorge area, was suddenly intercepted by Another Dainsleif and there also appeared Imitation Aether. Imitation Aether said to Mona that she must stay away from Aether because one day he will destroy the multiverse because everyone has rejected him, Mona who is still loyal to Aether said that Aether would never do that because he is a good boy and also he is already become her little brother figure that Aether itself promised her to not to be a troublemaker. Finally, Another Dainsleif attacks Mona, causing her to be injured, and this makes Aether very angry and finally attacks Another Dainsleif. Immediately Imitation Aether Minci attacked Aether and there was a 2 vs 1 fight between them. Finally, the Imitation Aether Minci revealed his identity and the Aether called himself Aether The Dai Kaizer which is the Aether from another multiverse which he calls the Kaizer Multiverse where he is also the God of the Multiverse just like Aether Minci, and many people in this multiverse have also considered Aether The Dai Kaizer as the savior of the multiverse from the destruction that will be wrought by Aether. Another Dainsleif also continues to provoke Aether by thinking of her as the God of Destruction, which also gradually makes Aether feel more sad and angry and begin to lose control of himself. Mona continues to calm and wake Aether so as not to hear what they are saying, he says that they are doing this on purpose to take over this multiverse from Aether. Aether The Dai Kaizer asks Aether to just surrender immediately and give this multiverse to him which Aether obviously will refuse. Finally, to continue to suppress Aether, he immediately summoned Aether The Slayer to fight with him, where it turned out that Aether The Dai Kaizer has the ability to restore a lost existence and he returned the existence of Aether The Slayer to be his follower. In short, finally, Aether managed to corner Aether The Dai Kaizer and also managed to beat back Aether The Slayer.

Another Dainsleif who continued to provoke Aether was finally killed by Kazuha, with his Cosmo Musou Amatsu Slash, and he also decided to finish off Aether The Dai Kaizer with his finisher, but unfortunately Aether The Dai Kaizer managed to counter it and attack Kazuha right away until he was dying. Aether who knew about it became very angry and immediately returned to access his Divine Form and fight Aether The Dai Kaizer brutally. On the sidelines of their fight, Aether The Dai Kaizer said that it was too late for him, to save this multiverse and restore people's trust in him, which turned out to be Aether The Dai Kaizer's troops from Kaizer Multiverse had started to enter the multiverse and started attacking many Universes. in it, he also decides to destroy this multiverse with his army's Multiverse Destroyer Bomb and will recreate it as he wishes. Aether became very angry, began to lose control, and immediately killed Aether The Dai Kaizer very brutally, before having time to finish Aether The Dai Kaizer, Aether The Dai Kaizer said to Aether that the Multiverse Destroyer Bomb had been launched and in 15 minutes the entire multiverse would be destroyed. Finally, Aether finished off Aether The Dai Kaizer with his Divine Sword and he decided to save the multiverse by sacrificing himself. At first, Mona refuses and says that Aether can stop all of this without sacrificing himself, but Aether says that if he has to do all of this to atone for everything that has happened, he also starts to accepts all the slander from Another Dainsleif and Aether The Dai Kaizer who says he is a God of Destruction, therefore he wants to atone for it by proving that in fact he really loves this multiverse and all its inhabitants, he will sacrifice himself by becoming a particle and energy that will protect the entire multiverse from all harm, or in other words, he will merge his existence with the multiverse itself. Mona tearfully begged Aether not to sacrifice himself, she said to Aether, if Aether could overcome this all without sacrificing himself, she also said that she loves Aether very much and doesn't want to lose Aether.

Finally, Aether uses his Aether Ultimate Finale to destroy all of Aether The Dai Kaizer's troops and destroys the Multiverse Destroyer Bomb belonging to Aether The Dai Kaizer's troops. Venti and the others along with Aether's naysayers side immediately came to the place, he found Aether who was helpless in Mona's lap and also Mona who's trying to heal Aether, they said that they had been lied to by Another Dainsleif and Aether The Dai Kaizer which turned out to be working before and considered Another Dainsleif's actions a betrayal. They who already knew this decided to make peace and reunite the World Guardian Corps, but it was too late, because Aether had made up his mind to sacrifice herself to protect the entire multiverse, until Venti, Razor, and Kazuha also cried trying to ask Aether not to sacrifice himself. Before sacrificing himself, he told Mona that she has become a very kind and caring older sister figure to him, and since now, Mona would succeed him as the Great Commander of the World Guardian Corps, he also said that all the inheritance belonging to Aether, would belong to Mona completely, he also give Mona all of his power, and he also said to the others, that even though he would soon be uniting their existence with the multiverse, they, the World Guardian Corps are also responsible for protecting this multiverse. Finally, Aether turned itself into a particle of light that was scattered throughout the multiverse, and finally Aether disappeared. Mona, Venti, Razor, and Kazuha who witnessed this wept bitterly lamenting the death of Aether, also with everyone who finally realized that the Aether that was rumored to be the destroyer was wrong and he instead saved this multiverse from the Aether The Dai Kaizer they previously had think of as their savior later who turned out to be their real enemy.

Aether VS Aether The Dai Kaizer, Final Chapter: The Last Battle & Aether from the Future! arc

3 days later after Aether's death in the Musoujin Gorge area, suddenly Aether The Dai Kaizer is resurrected because it turned out that Aether's Aether Ultimate Finale managed to reset the entire multiverse itself back to what happened before the arrival of Aether The Dai Kaizer to the multiverse, but indeed he didn't reset the memory of the residents so that the residents of the multiverse could realize what is really happened, where Aether also spread some memories in her light particle fragments throughout the multiverse which caused all residents in the multiverse to get memories from Aether about this incident all finally made them realize the truth, but especially for the people who were nearby him, such as Mona, Venti and several other World Guardian Corps, they were not affected at all by the reset that occurred. After the Aether The Dai Kaizer managed to awaken, Aether The Dai Kaizer immediately absorbed all the light particles from the Aether that had been scattered throughout the cosmos, he did so to get the full power of Aether . After successfully absorbing all the Aether's light particles scattered throughout the multiverse, while waiting for his body to recover, Aether The Dai Kaizer decided to temporarily return to his multiverse.

3 days later, Mona who has just become the new Great Commander of the World Guardian Corps, has gotten into trouble because it turns out that another fleets from the Kaizer Multiverse, starts attacking their multiverse again and attacks a Universe called Universe 190290. Mona with her new power from being given by Aether can feel everything that is happening in the multiverse, even knowing that Aether The Dai Kaizer has revived and has absorbed Aether's light particles that are scattered throughout the cosmos in this Multiverse. Mona with this power feels like she already fused with the multiverse cosmos and has omniscient abilities with the Multiversal range and beyond, she can know all the things that happen in the multiverse even she knows all the things that happen in the Genshinverse, it seems she also understands what Aether The Dai Kaizer will do next. As expected, Aether The Dai Kaizer finally started attacking straight back, and finally the troops from Aether The Dai Kaizer managed to defeat the World Guardian Corps troops which were then led by Venti, this caused 80% of the territory in the multiverse to eventually fall into the hands of Aether The Dai Kaizer. After successfully controlling 80% of the territory of this multiverse, Aether The Dai Kaizer plans to take over the Original Universe, so he can completely take over the entire multiverse. Actually, he could have easily massacred the entire World Guardian Corps and take over this multiverse, but he realized that Mona still holds the power of Aether, and he realized that it was quite difficult to do that spontaneously because there was still Mona who might be his new threat, especially since Mona now is a figure that already has a power of multiverse due to the power of the Aether given to her. He also for now can only play with time while continuously making Mona and the World Guardian Corps depressed and choose to give up, it turns out that he knows that Mona is still not fully in control of her power and is still filled with anxiety and fear. Mona also continues to show a defensive response in this attack, she is still afraid to give command of the attack to the World Guardian Corps troops, Aether The Dai Kaizer also tries to manipulate Mona's omniscient ability which makes it difficult for Mona to predict what will Aether The Dai Kaizer and his troops do.

10 years passed, Mona can only survive with this situation, Aether The Dai Kaizer succeeded with his game to play the situation, bit by bit, Aether The Dai Kaizer managed to take over several Universes until they managed to get 95% of the territory of this multiverse. Aether The Dai Kaizer begins to carry out his plan to invade the Original Universe, he begins to gather his troops and fleet to attack the Original Universe, elsewhere, Mona, who is contemplating because she feels that she is no longer able to deal with all, is suddenly approached by a mysterious voice who says "He will return and come back", and Mona, who realized this, tried to communicate with the voice and the mysterious voice called himself The Narrator. As the name implies, if he is a narrator and storyteller from Story Genshin Impact Roleplay where he tells all the stories that happened in Genshin Impact Roleplay Stories and also tells what will happen to Genshin Impact Roleplay Stories later, he already knows all the stories that will happen in the future on Genshin Impact Roleplay Stories. After talking a lot with The Narrator, finally, the voice of The Narrator suddenly disappeared and at that moment Mona and the World Guardian Corps realized the arrival of the Aether The Dai Kaizer troops who were ready to attack them. Venti immediately took the command of the World Guardian Corps to carry out a massive attack to hold back Aether The Dai Kaizer's troops, he also immediately went to Celestia to meet the gods and Archons there to use all their strength to protect Teyvat from the attacks of Aether The Dai Kaizer, Venti said if this was their last battle, if they lost, then their universe and multiverse would fall into the hands of Aether The Dai Kaizer, just like what happened when Lumine ruled the multiverse back then. Finally, there was a big battle between the Aether forces of The Dai Kaizer vs the inhabitants of the Original Universe and the World Guardian Corps. Aether The Dai Kaizer and his army could easily penetrate the walls of the Original Universe and enter it, they immediately attacked the earth and attacked Teyvat. Many victims fell from the Original Universe, even at that time all the gods and Archons in Celestia had to die to protect the earth from the attacks of Aether The Dai Kaizer's troops, until finally Aether The Dai Kaizer faced the 3 main commanders of the World Guardian Corps, Venti, Bennett, Razor, and Kazuha. There was a fierce battle between them until in short Aether The Dai Kaizer managed to defeat them. At the last moment, when Aether The Dai Kaizer was about to execute Venti, Bennett, Razor, and Kazuha, suddenly Mona came use her power from Aether to access her divine-like form and start attack Aether The Dai Kaizer. Finally, there was a fight between Aether The Dai Kaizer and Mona on her divine-like form and it is known that this fight almost destroyed more than 80.000 planets before finally Aether The Dai Kaizer managed to corner Mona kick her back to earth. Aether The Dai Kaizer returned to earth and soon Mona, who was still able to survive, immediately attacked Aether The Dai Kaizer and there was a face-to-face fight between them. Aether The Dai Kaizer was quite difficult to face Mona, who at that time had the Divine Power from Aether, although this battle was not as intense as before, this battle was enough to overwhelm Aether The Dai Kaizer until finally Aether The Dai Kaizer managed to corner her and beat her and almost made her die.

At that time, they had no hope of fighting Aether The Dai Kaizer, they all felt defeated and ready to die at the hands of Aether The Dai Kaizer, Mona was also crying and begging Aether to come back to help them get back until finally, the mysterious voice of The Narrator appeared again and finally The Narrator showed his form in front of them, he also said at that time that "He has come" Mona and the others knew the meaning of The Narrator, and sure enough Aether suddenly came, but with a different appearance, looking like he was around 20 years old, The Narrator immediately bowed to Aether and said, "My King and My Creator, you have finally come". He also explained to the others that this was Aether from the future, and Aether The Dai Kaizer who witnessed this was very shocked and couldn't believe it, Aether's existence should no longer exist after he decided to merge with the cosmos and also Aether The Dai Kaizer has absorbed all the particles from Aether since 10 years ago. Aether casually replies that his existence is eternal and everlasting, he is basically omnipresence and all the plots/stories, existences, dimensions, and causalities of the Genshinverse are a part of him or in short, The Genshinverse is a part of him, he is the one who controls everything, he is doing this on purpose just to toying Aether The Dai Kaizer where this is deliberately to show his true omnipotence. Aether The Dai Kaizer, who felt played, felt very angry and immediately attacked Aether, and at that time Aether could easily dodge all attacks from Aether The Dai Kaizer, not only that, Aether also easily erased the existence of all Aether The Dai Kaizer's troops. Aether The Dai Kaizer who is fed up with it all decides to destroy Aether with his strongest finisher, Kaizer End, where this finisher can destroy all dimensions, existences, causalities, and stories up to omniversal level range. But Aether again easily countered with her Aether Beyond Blocker which caused Aether The Dai Kaizer's Kaizer End finisher to malfunction, and that's when Aether immediately attacked him with Aether Beyond Shoot which makes Aether The Dai Kaizer bounced away very far. Aether immediately teleported to the place where Aether The Dai Kaizer bounced, and immediately he summons Zenith and Stish to that place, at first Zenith and Stish were confused as to why they could suddenly be in that place until he realized that Aether had summoned him here, at first, they still didn't realize that the Aether they saw and summoned them to this place is Aether, until finally, Aether told them that he was the Aether that they knew, immediately Aether easily took control over them and controlled them to attack Aether The Dai Kaizer, in short, they also use their own finishers to attack Aether The Dai Kaizer until they are almost dying. Mona, Venti, and the others who had recovered from their previous state after Mona used the last of her Divine Power previously bestowed by Aether, to heal them all, immediately followed Aether, and they witnessed the battle between Aether and Aether The Dai Kaizer where at that time Aether The Dai Kaizer already looked very dying, Aether also said to Aether The Dai Kaizer if at this time he had lost and he would immediately finish him off as well as revenge from the victims of Aether The Dai Kaizer, then Aether immediately finish him with Aether Divine Cross-Slash which finally Aether The Dai Kaizer died.

After successfully defeating Aether The Dai Kaizer, Aether was reunited with Mona and the others, Mona finally hugged Aether and cried there, she said that if she had been waiting for Aether's return for 10 years, she kept begging so she could meet Aether again, and Aether who heard this also began to shed tears too, even though not until cried. Even Mona who knows that it is Aether from the future also begins to accept the fact that she will not be with him for long, because Aether has become a resident of the future timeline, she begins to let Aether go so that he returns to the future, she knows that Aether already has his life in the future timeline. Aether also knows Mona's feelings, and because of that, he decided to reset himself back like before, namely, Aether Minci who is a 14 years old child, initially The Narrator rejected that suggestion because it would automatically delete the future timeline, but he couldn't stop it because Aether also really wanted it himself and he also believed that if what his Creator did was the best, Aether finally reset itself back like before. Even so, The Narrator also still loyal to Aether and he also will guide the course of the story according to what Aether currently wants, even though it will be different from what he had previously known. Aether finally reunited with Mona and returned to being a harmonious little brother-older sister couple forever. Aether, Mona, Venti, Bennett, Razor, and Kazuha also finally celebrated this victory by having a quick barbeque feast at that place, together with Stish and Zenith, and they finally enjoyed their night of victory with great fanfare. After being satisfied with the celebration, Aether finally did a reset and restore on this multiverse which made it return to the previous 10 years again.

The Future Self of Aether arc

6 months after the Multiverse Reset event by Aether, and when at that time Aether was buying cotton candy in the Springvale area with Kazuha and Razor, suddenly he was attacked by a mysterious person in a black robe and that person immediately took him to a quiet place at Stormbearer Point. That person immediately opened his black robe and Aether was shocked when he saw that person, that person was very similar to him, the only difference is from his physical appearance where this person had the physical appearance of an adult, yes that person is Aether from the future or also known as Future Aether. Kazuha and Razor immediately approached Aether to Stormbearer Point, and Razor immediately attacked Future Aether with a surprise attack, but Future Aether managed to read Razor's attack movement and immediately dodged the attack and kicked Razor back until he bounced away. Aether who saw this immediately attacked Future Aether, but Future Aether managed to avoid Aether's attack, and Kazuha began to take a position to protect Aether. Future Aether also begins to explain to them that he is Aether from the future, he explains that if he can still exist even though his younger self has erased the existence of the future timeline because he is Aether himself, Future Aether decides to re-create the existence of the future timeline from nothing, but with a situation where the future timeline is separated from the main current timeline because it was Future Aether and not Aether who re-created it, so he came here to meet his younger self because he wanted to discuss this matter with him. Razor who also heard the conversation immediately started to get very excited and he immediately approached Future Aether and asked several things about the future timeline, one of which was about himself, whether he would still be as loyal as he is now or not, and Future Aether who heard this he just smiled and laughed while patting Razor's head and said that all of his commanders were still very loyal to him including himself. Razor, who heard this, became very excited and immediately left Aether, Kazuha, and Future Aether away because he was carried away by the feel of happiness situation. Future Aether finally decided to meet Aether another time and let him go home because he knew that his mother would have a dinner party because today is was Aether's birthday. Aether, who just remembered that today was his birthday, started to look very happy, he immediately ran home to celebrate his birthday, with Kazuha who followed from behind.

Aether finally arrived home and he was already awaited by his mother and the others who were invited to Aether's birthday party, this birthday celebration is also one of Aether's special birthday celebrations because he got so much precious stuff for his gift on this birthday. Lisa also welcomed Aether by hugging her very tightly and kissing her forehead, Lisa also gave a gift of a Dvalin doll of the same size as the original size of Dvalin, and also Lisa gave Aether the heirloom that is a dagger that was once given to her by her mother, named Calestis Tonitrui. Likewise, with his aunts, Jean, Ningguang, and Yelan, who also gave special gifts to Aether and also Mona who gave Aether a bucket of very rare Celestia Roses and a novel that was written by Mona herself as well as an amulet called Sanctus Persea, also 15 minutes later, Albedo, who had just returned from his inspection duty, came to Aether's birthday and he immediately gave Aether the sword that he had made special for Aether as a sign of their friendship over the years. The next day, Aether who was still fast asleep in his room was visited by a mysterious person, she admitted that he was a loyal servant of Aether and came from the future, Aether who was surprised by his arrival was initially confused about who the mysterious person was, but finally, he realized that the mysterious person is The Narrator with his human form after The Narrator tells the narrative of several events that have occurred in the present and future. The Narrator also invites Aether to go to the outskirts of City Hall to meet Future Aether, and when they get there, they finally meet and start talking together while Future Aether treats his younger self an ice cream. After a long conversation, they finally got to the main conversation where Future Aether aims to reunite the present timeline with the future timeline, by asking his younger self to follow the path to the future timeline with the guidance of The Narrator. Aether also refused and said that if she didn't need a future timeline, she just wanted to live happily like this, being a child without growing up. Future Aether only smiled at the answer from his younger self. Future Aether asked his younger self to think again, where he said that there were many benefits that his younger self could get if he later became Future Aether. Future Aether went away by giving his younger self his favorite Chocolate Caramel Candy. After Future Aether left, Aether asked The Narrator what he should do, and The Narrator replied that he better follow the path to the future timeline and put them back together into one continuity timeline, but Aether still disagrees with that either, and he finally decided to leave The Narrator and return to home.

The next day, when Aether and Mona were visiting an art exhibition at City Hall, they were suddenly visited by Future Aether. Mona who saw Future Aether looked so shocked until she stuttered and can't speak a word. Future Aether who saw Mona's expression too smiled and patted Mona's head, and he start to explaining about who he was, he explained to Mona if he is Aether from the future and he is also Mona's future husband, or Aether and Mona are married and become husband and wife in the future timeline. Mona who heard that immediately looks shocked and blushed with a very red face and she also displayed a very happy expression for a while after hearing that, because her little brother figure are become her husband in the future. Aether, who did not remember the future timeline as a result of his self-reset, also showed a surprised and blushed expression at the same time, and looks like can't believe that Mona, his older sister figure are become his wife in the future. Future Aether finally brought them to Starsnatch Cliff and started making small talk while spending the day there. After talking for a long time together, Future Aether began to talk about his plans to guide his younger self, so that he would follow the path to the future timeline together with The Narrator, but Aether still held on to his stance and he once again refused. Many times Future Aether continued to persuade him, and even to the point of subtly forcing him, but Aether still unaffected and still resisted the wishes of his future self, until finally, Aether decided to go home because it was night, and finally Aether and Mona returned home and leaving Future Aether which again failed to convince his younger self.

2 weeks after the meeting between Aether and his future self, Aether who was with Mona at the time in the Liyue area was again approached by Future Aether and The Narrator. Future Aether again forced his younger self, so that he follows the path to the future timeline, he even doesn't hesitate to threaten his younger self if he will kill him if he doesn't want to follow his orders. Aether again insisted that he would not do that because he felt that he was already comfortable with his current life and he also asked that his future self just let him go and let him live on his own accord, he also said that if Future Aether killed his younger self right now, then it was a waste as he would also not allow Future Aether to achieve its goal. Future Aether, who was annoyed with the answer from his younger self, immediately punched Aether in the face until his nose bleeds, and Aether immediately cried very loudly. Mona who saw this immediately hugged Aether who was crying and tried to calm her down while telling Future Aether that he was too rude and shouldn't do that to his younger self. Future Aether, who was still in emotion, start to scold Mona so that she wouldn't interfere in this matter and he also asked that it be better for her to hand over Aether to him. Mona, who was mentally hit by being yelled at by Future Aether, finally started to shed tears and started to cry bit by bit. When Future Aether began to approach them to forcefully take Aether from Mona, Mona suddenly summons a very high hydro wall and Mona immediately took Aether away from there to a safer place. The Narrator begins to tell Future Aether if he already knows where Mona is taking Aether to hide and recommends it better to immediately follow and capture them, but Future Aether says to just leave them because one day they will meet again.

12 days later, when Aether and Mona decided to return to Mondstadt from Liyue, and on their way back to Mondstadt, they were confronted again by Future Aether and The Narrator in the Cuijue Slope area, where Future Aether suddenly immediately attacked Aether which ended with their fight on the Cuijue Slope to Mt. Aocang. This battle can also be said to be quite powerful which is where this fight managed to create a powerful earthquake in the Liyue-Mondstadt-Sumeru-Fontaine area and split several mountains in the Fontaine area. Ningguang who also feels the earthquake because right now she's on Qingji Estuary area, realized that this earthquake was not an ordinary earthquake, decided to immediately find the source of the cause of this earthquake alone, and when she arrived at the Tianqiu Valley area, she saw Aether and Future Aether fighting each other which Aether looked very desperate because of the attacks from Future Aether. Mona who managed to catch up there also asked Future Aether to stop and let them go back to Mondstadt and don't bother them anymore, but Future Aether ignore it where he immediately kicked Aether down and immediately stepped on his body very harshly which made Aether immediately spit out a lot of blood from his mouth. When Future Aether was about to slash Aether, Mona also bravely withstand the sword from Future Aether that had been swung at Aether with her sword and told Aether to run from there, and Aether immediately ran away to Ningguang and hid behind her crying and saying that his future self want to kill him. Ningguang immediately hugged Aether back tightly and tried to calm him down and promised to protect him, and Mona, who was still withstanding the sword attacks from Future Aether with her sword, was finally blown away 16 meters by Future Aether's Aetherkinesis. When Future Aether started to approach Aether, Ningguang swiftly confronted it with her very angry and intimidating gaze. Future Aether who saw this gradually started to look scared and decided to back away slowly while being followed by Ningguang who continued to advance towards Future Aether while holding Aether's hands. Knowing Future Aether was already starting to get scared, Ningguang immediately extremely scolded Future Aether for what he had done to his younger self and Mona, and he could only be silent without being able to reply any word when he got extremely scolded by his aunt. 15 minutes later, Ningguang finally decided to return to the Jade Chamber with Mona and asked Future Aether not to approach them again or else Ningguang would give her nephew a very extreme and severe punishment that her nephew had never received until now, and also Future Aether could only be silent because he got mentally hit by his aunt's anger.

One day when Mona was walking around Starsnatch Cliff alone, she was suddenly visited by Future Aether who then Future Aether kidnapped her and took her as a hostage. After that Future Aether finally contacted Aether who at that time was having dinner with alumni of his former school friends, Future Aether explained that he managed to capture Mona, and if he wanted his Mona to come back to him alive, then he must immediately meet him on Starsnatch Cliff in the next day on early morning alone. The next morning, Aether came to Starsnatch Cliff alone according to the agreement, and finally, negotiation took place between the two of them. Future Aether insists that Aether will follow his wishes while Aether who continues to refuse suggests that it's better for them to do cooperation between Aether from the current timeline and future timeline than Aether having to follow the path to the future timeline because Aether himself is already comfortable with his current life. The fed-up Future Aether finally threatens to kill Mona again if his younger self doesn't want to follow his wishes. Aether who was also angry because of Mona being threatened by his future self, finally immediately attacked Future Aether with his surprise attack, but Future Aether managed to counter the attack and said that if he, his younger self, was very stupid because he still dared to attack him and invite him to fight where Future Aether has given the option of peace or no resistance so that his younger self will not be hurt in this negotiation. Aether, who heard Future Aether's chatter, replied that he was the one who had provoked him from the start to fight, that Future Aether provoked him to attack him by threatening to kill Mona. Future Aether also warned his younger self that it's useless to fight him, because he could never win against him, because he was his future self and he also already absolutely stronger than him even though his younger self is omnipotent but still, he was absolutely still under and won't be able to surpass his future self.

Finally, the fight between them began, where Aether and Future Aether began accessing the Divine Form and fly away from Multiverse. There was a great battle between the two of them, where many countless multiverses were destroyed by the fight between the two of them. Not only that, their fight also reaches beyond the boundary of Genshinverse to the higher dimension which ultimately causes a severe crisis throughout The Creation, which is the highest real physical dimension level structure on the dimensional hierarchy with the level of absolute, and there are many of countless cosmic dimensions structure of several levels inside The Creation are destroyed on this ultimate battle between Aether and Future Aether. After going through several fierce battles, in the end, in their climax battle, Aether immediately launched his Aether Divine Slash attack on Future Aether, but Future Aether managed to block it with his Aether Divine Blocker, then Future Aether also counters attack him, with his Aether Divine Buster while also breaking some of the dimensional structures with a various level around him with his Aether Divine Breaker, who then he absorbed it and turned it into a very powerful energy attack and immediately fired it towards Aether, but Aether managed to absorb the attack and attack it back to Future Aether.

After going through several fierce battles in this climax battle, they finally started to do their final finisher, where Aether immediately unleashed his ultimate divine power which at that time Aether directly accessed his strongest finisher, Aether Divine End which he would use to finish Future Aether, but when At the same time, before Aether managed to finish off Future Aether with his Aether Divine End, Future Aether also directly accessed his strongest finisher to counter the finisher from Aether, and the name is also Aether Divine End, which in the end there was an ultimate impact between the two Aether Divine End finishers which made a very large explosion sound where the sound is heard very loudly throughout the Genshin Impact fiction as well as with a large explosion blast that is very clearly visible from the earth in the Original Universe.

In the end, Aether finally lost on this Aether Divine End finisher clash, where Aether who was already half helpless immediately fell back to earth to Teyvat in the Original Universe with absolute speed, where Mona who knew about the fall of Aether to Teyvat, in Mondstadt at Starsnatch Cliff for more specific, immediately approached him and tried to help him. Future Aether who at that time looked unharmed with the result of the finishers clash immediately returned to Starsnatch Cliff and saw his younger self lying helpless. Future Aether also started to say that it was useless that his younger self tried to fight him because it was impossible for his younger self to surpass him even though he had the omnipotent ability because after all and basically, he was his future self who had grown much stronger than his current self right now. Future Aether immediately approached Aether and he immediately threw Mona who was trying to treat Aether, where Aether who saw it in his dying state tried to fight back against Future Aether but he was unable to do that because Future Aether immediately hit him back so hard that he falls to the ground back helplessly. Mona, who tried to fight back, finally had the same fate where when she was about to attack Future Aether, Future Aether immediately attacked her with Aetherkinesis then pulled her and started beating her until she fell limp. Future Aether then returned to Aether where he began to beat him badly until Aether was completely helpless and almost died. Mona who saw this while crying bitterly asked Future Aether to stop torturing Aether. Mona begins to try to aware Future Aether by saying that if he shouldn't torture his own younger self just because he disagrees with him and doesn't want to follow his will, she also said that Future Aether should be able to become an older brother figure to his own younger self because basically he's Aether's future self and Aether is his younger self. Mona also said that all of this treatment had described how she would be in the future where she said that the treatment of Future Aether was like the treatment of tyrants. Lisa, Jean, Ningguang, and Yelan who also knew about this matter and the battle between Aether and Future Aether also managed to come there, where they were holding back tears when they saw the incident directly, they also tried to stop and aware Future Aether about his bad treatment to his younger self. Aether in his weak voice also explained again why he didn't want to follow the path to the future timeline because he already knew about what happened in the future timeline that he would only become a dictator who became a tyrant for those who opposed him, which actually happened at this time, where Future Aether who continues to persecute him because he always goes against his opinions and his wills, and also likes his previous reason, he didn't want to follow the path to the future timeline because he is already comfortable with his current life. But it turns out that Future Aether still doesn't care about that and remains in his stance, where when he was about to start killing Aether by stabbing him with his Aether Divine Sword, Mona suddenly got up and immediately sacrificed herself when Future Aether started stabbing his Aether Divine Sword to Aether, which ended up the sword stabbing Mona herself. Mona was slowly starting to become unconscious and Future Aether immediately pulled out her sword that was stuck in Mona's back and kicked it right in front of Aether so that Mona immediately fell helpless.

Seeing this, Aether immediately became very angry and suddenly he immediately accessed his strongest form, the True Divine Form, along with rumblings everywhere throughout the world and then a natural disaster that suddenly occurred and hit the entire world, along with the occurrence of cosmic catastrophe that occurred throughout the Genshinverse. However, it turns out that Aether's personality didn't change at all when he accessed his True Divine Form where Aether was still in a state of anger and resentment towards Future Aether when he accessed that form, which in the end suddenly Aether got up and started attacking Future Aether which made he bounced away very far. Future Aether also felt a tremendous power that was very strange from his younger self where he also felt that the aura of power from his younger self felt far beyond and above him. Finally, Future Aether immediately launched a surprise attack on Aether, but it turned out that Aether was easily able to counter the attack, which then finally started a fierce unequal battle on the outer space, where this time Future Aether had to be overwhelmed in facing Aether. In the end, Future Aether immediately launched his Aether Divine End again to Aether, but unexpectedly it turned out that Aether was not affected by Future Aether's Aether Divine End finisher even though Future Aether had used all of his fullpower potentials to perform the Aether Divine End finisher. Aether immediately countered the attack by simply pushing him with his Aetherkinesis so that Future Aether fell back to earth to Starsnatch Cliff and laying helpless while leaning against a large rock.

Elsewhere, outside of Genshinverse to be exact, as a result of Aether accessing the power of his True Divine Form but in an unstable condition, access between Genshinverse and Fictionverse becomes very wide open, even without any barrier at all, which causes many outsiders to enter Genshinverse from all access links massively that causing ultimate chaos throughout the Genshinverse. Not only that but the entire Fictionverse also has been affected by this, where many fictional universes have lost their barrier to the Fictionverse and other fictional universes causing many fictional universes to collide or merge and create ultimate chaos throughout the Fictionverse. Back to Aether and Future Aether, where Future Aether who was helpless at that time, was immediately approached by Aether again with his ultimate anger and hatred. where Aether immediately lifted Future Aether by strangling it and then threw it at the big rock which then Aether made a pocket dimension in the area, where Aether immediately summoned a planet that was 10x the size of Planet Jupiter where Aether used the planet to hit Future Aether directly, until he bleeds so badly. After that, Aether immediately returned the situation back to the real dimension, which then Aether immediately pulled the hair from Future Aether who was very dying and helpless then Aether took Future Aether's Aether Divine Sword and Aether used the sword to slash and decapitate Future Aether until Future Aether died.

Fiction War arc

After Aether managed to finish his future self, and because there was an event where there was an anomaly that would cause all fictions to merged each other with the final state where every fictional universe merged become one with the center was in the Genshinverse itself, it eventually led to a war between all fictions with each other. Finally, The Absolute Councils consisting of Absolute Characters who are The Representatives of The Creator from the fiction that concerned decided to destroy all fictions, and then they would recreate and restore it the way it was. They agreed to choose Aether Minci as the executor for the destruction of all fiction, finally one of the Absolute Councils, The True God and True Creator immediately summoned Aether Minci before him. He said that at this time all fiction had merged and the only way to return everything to the way it was, was to destroy all fiction and then recreate and restore it. Aether, who at that time was still shrouded in revenge and also who already knew that all fictional universes were united in the Genshinverse, finally agreed to this, and he considered this war as a war between Genshinverse vs All Fictions where here Aether said that he would prove how powerful is the power of the Genshinverse, to all fictions.

The day before the battle, Aether told all the residents of the Genshinverse, that they would soon face a great war against all of the fictional universe, and he also promised that he would ensure the safety of the outsiders who are now residents of the Genshinverse when the war later. Finally, the day of the battle began, the other fictional characters who knew that Aether would destroy them all, immediately stopped their battle each other and flocked to attack Aether, and it is also known that in this war, Aether alone faced all the fictional characters who rushing there, or from the Genshinverse side, it's only Aether that joined the battle. One by one other fictional characters who attack him, fell by Aether and Aether who is still with anger and hatred and still accesses his strongest form, True Divine Form, but he is still with his normal consciousness or he doesn't change his consciousness into his divine consciousness or known as False True Divine Form, start to slay every fictional character that exist, this form also causes Aether's fighting style become very brutal and merciless, until finally at the end, there is only few fictional characters remained, such as Kamen Rider Ohma Zi-O, Ultraman King, Demon King Jackal, Beyonder, The Presence, Lucifer Morningstar, Michael Demiurgos, Ellaine Belloc, Gabriel Hornblower, Mister Mxyzptlk, The Thought Robot, Protege, Akuto Sai, Anos Voldigoad, Molecule Man, Franklin Richards, God Doctor Doom, The One Below All, Above All Others, Azathoth, Yog-Sothoth, Nyarlathotep, Immortal Hulk, Inanna, Magnolia Arch, Masakado, Ren Amamiya, Solomon Goetia, Enkidu, Omnipotent Sans, Infected Sans, SCP-3812, SCP-001 "The Gate Guardian", SCP-343, SCP-2747, SCP-3125, Super Tengen Toppa Gurenn Lagann, The Leviathan (The Unwritten), Tubal Cain, Yumiko Shirasagi, Meng Hao, Zhuqiamon, Madoka Kaname, Featherine Augustus Aurora, Kami Tenchi, & The Law of Identity, they finally together launched a combined attack on Aether, but Aether managed to dodge and withstand it and Aether finally finish them all with Aether Divine End, where not only they were lost due to this finisher, but even to destroy the Dimension, Causality, Existence, Plot, and Concept of All Fictions itself even the Genshinverse also disappeared as a result of that and because of that too, The Outverse which is the dimension beyond the Fictionverse and the place where The Absolute Council stay, and "The Narrative from Beyond" also get affected and suffered great damage from the Aether Divine End finisher.

In the end it turned out that there were still 2 person who survived there, Stish and Zenith, they did not disappear because it turned out that before they were had been given the power to transcend any concept that allowed them to survive Aether's Divine End attack. This was done by The True God and True Creator, because he already knew that later Aether would lose control as a result of this event, and if that is really happened to Aether, The True God and True Creator, requests them both to stop Aether, and indeed, Aether, who was filled with anger and hatred, didn't care about what he did even when he knew if Stish and Zenith were still alive, he just killed them by stabbing them.

The Final Battle arc

After killing Stish and Zenith, at that time there was nothing left where the Fictionverse and the Concept of All Fictions had disappeared, which was where Aether then immediately went to The Outverse, and then he began to look towards The Absolute Council, especially towards The True God and True Creator. Aether began to say to The True God and True Creator that he would begin to unilaterally control all works of fiction and become the sole ruler of the Outverse because Aether was now already equal with The Absolute Council. Aether began to create a cosmic sphere the size of a hand which was a projection of the new Fictionverse he had just created. Aether also said that soon his own Fictionverse would be created after Aether managed to defeat The Absolute Council there. Without further ado, The True God and True Creator began summoning a new Aether which turned out to be another version of Aether Minci itself but from a different meta-narrative or known as, Aether Minci from The Main Story. This Aether Minci is also called as "The Original Aether Minci" or simply "The Original Aether" by The True God and True Creator.

Without further ado, Aether finally immediately attacked the Original Aether, and the Original Aether, who was still in his normal form with its innocent gaze and smile at Aether, immediately accessed his True Divine Form and immediately parried and resisted the attack from Aether. The annoyed Aether immediately released his Aether Ultimate Finale technique which created the dividing walls between Fiction and Real World or known as Real World - The Fiction Barrier, suffered a severe crack, which Original Aether blocked it with Aether Divine Blocker and responded with Aether Divine Cross-Shoot that directly hit Aether. In short, there was a very fierce battle between the two of them, where they both exerted all of their strength and techniques which in this battle made the dimensional concept of The Outverse shattered, which will almost destroy The Outverse itself and will almost affect the Real World and Original Aether's Meta-Narrative itself if Original Aether doesn't immediately reduce and repair the indirect damage of his meta-narrative Fictionverse, and protect his meta-narrative Fictionverse. They also continued to fight for an incalculable duration of time until finally at the end of their fight they began to unleash all of their power which is where the effect of unleashing this power is so powerful that it is even more powerful than the Aether Divine End finisher itself, which if at that time The Absolute Council didn't immediately neutralize their unleashed power, then The Outverse will be completely destroyed along with the Concept of the Work of Fiction itself which will have an impact on the Real World later where the Concept of the Work of Fiction will not exist in the real world again if the Concept of the Work of Fiction is destroyed together with The Outverse.

As a result of this unleashed power, both of them ended up having to lose their True Divine Form which was where they were brought back to their respective normal forms. They also continued to fight unarmed until they reach their limit, where in short, Original Aether managed to defeat Aether after beating him badly. Original Aether finally starts to discoursing Aether that what he did was wrong and did not reflect his true self but instead reflected his future self, which is thirsty for power to conquer everything. He also said that they were taught by their mother not to hold grudges easily because grudges can destroy everything and the example of this, is what just happened now. Aether finally started to get up and cried apologizing for what he had done. The True God and True Creator finally appeared in front of them and began to talk to them both, He also again start to discoursing Aether about what he had just done which was a great mistake and sin, where Aether disobeyed and chose to fight The Absolute Council which are the representation of the Authors of the Works of Fiction itself. Aether finally apologized and asked everything to be restored, in which The True God and True Creator again said that no matter what happened, He would always forgive all of His creations, because whatever happened it was all based on His own scenario, and indeed the purpose of all this is actually to recreate the new Fictionverse. Finally, The True God and True Creator together with the other The Absolute Council began to recreate the new Fictionverse of this meta-narrative, after that, The True God and True Creator began to return the Original Aether back to his meta-narrative and return Aether back to Genshinverse, to the Original Universe. The True God and True Creator also restore their powers back to their original state as Aether Minci, The Incarnation of The True God and True Creator avatar's form.

The New Story arc

To be added

The Revenge and The Redemption arc

To be added

Forms, Powers, & Abilities


  • Normal Form: Aether Minci's Normal Form, with his childish personality but with quite extraordinary fighting ability. This form can access most of basic and upgraded ability power of him, with the full potency of the power is on Planet Level destructive range.
  • God Form: Aether Minci's God Form, still with his childish personality, but not too childish like in his Normal Form, he can be very serious if he access this form. This form can access most of godly ability power of him, he can manipulate space, time, matter, and energy with this form, also he can access some of meta power ability with the full potency of the power is on Universal Level destructive range.
  • Ultimate God Form: Aether Minci's Ultimate God Form, which is the strongest enhanced God Form of Aether that upgrade the full potency power up to Multiversal Level destructive range. In this form, Aether nearly ignore his childish personality and become more mature because of his serious state when he access this form on the battle.
  • Divine Form: Aether Minci's Divine Form, which is the true God Form of Aether Minci. In this form, Aether become a divine being and changed his normal personality into his divine personality and act like the supreme being, he also can access all of absolute level of super and meta power ability. This form full potency power is on Beyond Extra Dimensional Cosmic Level destructive range.
  • True Divine Form: Aether Minci's True Divine Form is the True Form of Aether Minci as the incarnation of The True God and True Creator. Aether in this form called as "True Aether" or "True Aether Minci" who is the highest supreme being of Genshinverse after The True God and True Creator. In this form, Aether appears with physical adult appearances and nearly equal with the Absolute Character that Aether in this form not only can destroy the Genshin Impact Fiction, but also he can destroy the whole fictions with his power in this form. This form full potencty power is on Outversal Level destructive range or the whole fictionverse.
  • False True Divine Form: The false version of Aether Minci's True Divine Form that is accessed by Aether when he's still on his normal consciusness and on his ultimate hatred state and he use this form to destroy all fictions and the Fictionverse. The ability of this form same with normal True Divine Form ability.


  • Character & Story Role Knowledge: Aether can know what is his role and other characters role in the story that concerned.
  • Omnipotence: Aether is an Omnipotent being with Omnipotence level, Nigh-Omnipotent for his Normal God Form, Semi Omnipotent for his Ultimate God Form, Omnipotent for his Divine Form, and Beyond Omnipotent and nearly reach True Omnipotent with his True Form (True Divine Form).
  • Absolute Transcendence: Aether has the Absolute Transcendence power, in his Divine Form, he can absolutely transcends everything (Dimension, Causality, Plot & Story, Existence & Non-Existence, even the Concept of Everything in the fiction itself) and has a Pataphysics and Metaphysics power for all of cosmic realm structure tiers range level (Universe, Multiverse, Megaverse, and above) and beyond (Outverse level/Outside of the Fiction Realm).
  • Author Authority: Aether has the Author Authority that makes and allow him to absolutely control and manipulate narratives of his fiction, Genshinverse and the other fictions.
  • Creation Ability: Aether has creation ability that makes him can creates everything that possible and impossible from nothing and something.
  • Absolute Immortality: Aether has the Absolute Immortality, he's absolutely eternal and everlasting, and can't die or destroyed by anything (Even if his physical body is died or disappeared, his existence still exists everywhere) and he also already transcends the Immortality itself.
  • Resurrection: Aether can resurrect his physical body if his physical body is dead.
  • Regeneration: Aether can regenerate himself under any circ*mstances.
  • Divine Power: Aether has a Divine Power which allows him to Control Everything and makes him The Almighty God (Divine Power is a power that only possessed by The Divine Gods who is above the Cosmic Level Tiers).
  • Cosmic Power: Aether has a Cosmic Power which allows him to control the cosmic structure that contains, Spacetime, Energy, Matters, and Causalities. Also, his original element is a part of the power from the cosmic too that upgraded into Cosmic Element. Aether can access this power without limitation or he can affect the cosmic structure that higher than Universe level, like on Multiverse level and above and beyond (Outverse level). With this ability, Aether can destroy a Universe (Can destroy the Cosmic Dimension that more higher than the Universe, like Multiverse, Megaverse, Gigaverse, and above), make a Big Bang and create new Universe (Can create the Cosmic Dimension that more higher than the Universe, like Multiverse, Megaverse, Gigaverse, and above), creates Black Hole, Galaxy, Planet, and the other universe structure and can destroy it too, Shoot the Gamma Ray Burst, Supernova Burst, Hypernova Burst, and more, Controlling and Manipulating Realities and Possibilities, and the other cosmic abilities.
  • 7 Elements Powers: Aether has a power of 7 Elements that more stronger than the 7 Archons's Element Powers versions. This Element Powers also linked with The Cosmic Power who make it trillions times more stronger than the basic versions.
  • 7 Elements Technique: Aether has some technique from the 7 Elements that combined by Cosmic Power too, such as Cosmo Pyro Bullet Shot, Cosmo Electro Cross-Slash, Cosmo Anemo Pyro Great Slash, etc.
  • Cosmic Element Power: Aether has an Element from The Cosmic who make him can control The Cosmic Energy.
  • Cosmic Element Technique: Aether has some basic technique from the Cosmic Element, such as Cosmic Energy manipulation and some attack technique, such as, Aether Cosmo Slash, Aether Cosmo Shoot, Aether Cosmo Blast, etc.
  • Aether Element Power: This element actually is Aether's Original Element Power that also from the Cosmic too, but now this element already upgraded into a Cosmic Element.
  • Matter & Energy Controls: With his Cosmic Power, Aether can freely controls & manipulate matter and energy like, molecule, quantum, elementary, sub atomic, and atomic structures.
  • Magic Powers: Aether also can use Magic Powers at High Level, and it also linked with the Cosmic Power who make it trillions times more stronger than the ordinary versions.
  • Spacetime/Dimension & Gravity Affection & Manipulation: Aether can Affect & Manipulate Space, Time, Spacetime/Dimension, Gravity, and also for Meta Spacetime & Meta Gravity included, for all of cosmic realm structure tiers range level (Universe, Multiverse, Megaverse, and above) and beyond (Outverse level/Outside of the Fiction Realm).
  • Causality Affection & Manipulation: Aether can Affect & Manipulate Causality like, Reality, Fate, Destiny, Probability, Certainity, Control, Law, Rule, Physic, Logic, Imagination, etc, for all of cosmic realm structure tiers range level (Universe, Multiverse, Megaverse, and above) and beyond (Outverse level/Outside of the Fiction Realm).
  • Concept Affection & Manipulation: Aether can Affect & Manipulate Concept of Everything in Fiction (Meta Concept is included in there) for all of cosmic realm structure tiers range level (Universe, Multiverse, Megaverse, and above) and beyond (Outverse level/Outside of Fiction Realm). He also basically already transcends/beyond of all concept itself.
  • Plot/Story Affection & Manipulation: Aether can Affect & Manipulate Plot/Story for all of cosmic realm structure tiers range level (Universe, Multiverse, Megaverse, and above) and beyond (Outverse level/Outside of Fiction Realm).
  • Existence & Non-Existence Affection & Manipulation: Aether can Affect & Manipulate Existence & Non-Existence for all of cosmic realm structure tiers range level (Universe, Multiverse, Megaverse, and above) and beyond (Outverse level/Outside of Fiction Realm).
  • Space, Time, and Spacetime/Dimension & Gravity Immunity: Aether can immune to all Space, Time, Spacetime/Dimension, Gravity, and also from Meta Spacetime & Meta Gravity affection and manipulation for all of cosmic realm structure tiers range level (Universe, Multiverse, Megaverse, and above) and beyond (Outverse level/Outside of Fiction Realm).
  • Causality Immunity: Aether can immune to all Causality for all of cosmic realm structure tiers range level (Universe, Multiverse, Megaverse, and above) and beyond (Outverse level/Outside of Fiction Realm).
  • Concept Immunity: Aether can immune to all Concept (Meta Concept is included in there) for all of cosmic realm structure tiers range level (Universe, Multiverse, Megaverse, and above) and beyond (Outverse level/Outside of Fiction Realm).
  • Plot/Story Immunity: Aether can immune to all Plot and Story for all of cosmic realm structure tiers range level (Universe, Multiverse, Megaverse, and above) and beyond (Outverse level/Outside of Fiction Realm).
  • Existence & Non-Existence immunity: Aether can immune to all Existence & Non-Existence affection and manipulation for all of cosmic realm structure tiers range level (Universe, Multiverse, Megaverse, and above) and beyond (Outverse level/Outside of Fiction Realm).
  • Other Characters Powers: Aether can use & access all of other characters power in Genshinverse without a limitation.
  • Other Characters Summoning & Controls: Aether can summon and controls other characters in Genshinverse.
  • Other Fictions Powers: Aether can use & access all of other fictions powers without a limitation.
  • Other Fictions Characters Summoning & Controls: Aether can summons and controls other Fictions Characters.
  • Cloning Ability: Aether can summon countless of clones.
  • Teleportation: Aether can teleports to anywhere.
  • Weapons Creation & Summoning: Aether can creates and summons any weapons from Genshin Impact and Other Fictions.
  • Items Creation & Summoning: Aether can creates and summons any item from Genshin Impact and Other Fictions.
  • Reviving Ability: Aether can revives dead person.
  • Healing Ability: Aether can heals himself and everyone with his Healing Ability.
  • Another Dimension Creation: Aether can creates Another Dimension/Another Realm with various of dimension construction structure such as, Aether Divine Realm, Ultradimension Space, Beyond Dimension Space, etc.
  • Pocket Dimension Creation: Aether can creates Pocket Dimension with various of dimension construction structure such as, Dark Dimension, Aether Pocket World & Universe, Aether Realm, etc.
  • Power Bestowing: Aether can bestow a power to everyone that he trusts.
  • Expert Martial Arts Ability: Aether has an expert and very good skills on Martial Arts.
  • Expert Swordsmanship Ability: Aether has an expert and very good skills on Swordsmanship.
  • Supergenius Intelligence: Aether has a Supergenius Intelligence, as mentioned during his childhood school times, where it was stated that he was the smartest student in the school for 100 years and only took 4 years to graduate from there.
  • Aetherkinesis: Aether can manipulate Aether/Ether/Quintessence/Primordial and Divine Element.
  • Cosmokinesis: Aether can manipulate Cosmo/Cosmic Element.
  • Pyrokinesis: Aether can manipulate Pyro/Fire Element.
  • Hydrokinesis: Aether can manipulate Hydro/Water Element.
  • Anemokinesis: Aether can manipulate Anemo/Wind Element.
  • Geokinesis: Aether can manipulate Geo/Earth/Land Element.
  • Electrokinesis: Aether can manipulate Electro/Thunder/Lightning Element.
  • Cryokinesis: Aether can manipulate Cryo/Ice Element.
  • Dendrokinesis: Aether can manipulate Dendro/Plant Element.

Attack Technique

Aether Normal Attacks: Aether can do some Normal Attacks skills such as:

  • Aether Slash
  • Aether Cross-Slash
  • Aether Multi-Slash
  • Aether Shoot
  • Aether Cross-Shoot
  • Aether Blast
  • Aether Burst
  • Aether Punch
  • Aether Kick

Aether Super Attacks: Aether can do some Super Attacks skills that can also destroy a Planet, such as:

  • Aether Super Slash
  • Aether Super Cross-Slash
  • Aether Super Multi-Slash
  • Aether Super Shoot
  • Aether Super Cross-Shoot
  • Aether Super Blast
  • Aether Super Burst
  • Aether Super Punch
  • Aether Super Kick

Aether Hyper Attacks: Aether can do some Hyper Attacks skills that can also destroy a Galaxy, such as:

  • Aether Hyper Slash
  • Aether Hyper Cross-Slash
  • Aether Hyper Multi-Slash
  • Aether Hyper Shoot
  • Aether Hyper Cross-Shoot
  • Aether Hyper Blast
  • Aether Hyper Burst
  • Aether Hyper Punch
  • Aether Hyper Kick

Aether Mega Attacks: Aether can do some Mega Attacks skills that can also destroy a Universe - Multiple Universe/Semi-Multiverse Level, such as:

  • Aether Mega Slash
  • Aether Mega Cross-Slash
  • Aether Mega Multi-Slash
  • Aether Mega Shoot
  • Aether Mega Cross-Shoot
  • Aether Mega Blast
  • Aether Mega Burst
  • Aether Mega Punch
  • Aether Mega Kick

Aether Ultimate Attacks: Aether can do some Ultimate Attacks skills that can also destroy a Multiverse - Extradimensional Cosmic scale and can also up to High Extradimensional Cosmic scale (If accessed with Divine Power), such as:

  • Aether Ultimate Slash
  • Aether Ultimate Cross-Slash
  • Aether Ultimate Multi-Slash
  • Aether Ultimate Shoot
  • Aether Ultimate Cross-Shoot
  • Aether Ultimate Blast
  • Aether Ultimate Burst
  • Aether Ultimate Punch
  • Aether Ultimate Kick

Aether Beyond Attacks: Aether can do some Beyond Attacks skills that can also destroy a Multiverse - High Extradimensional Cosmic scale and can also up to Beyond Extradimensional Cosmic scale (If accessed with Divine Power), such as:

  • Aether Beyond Slash
  • Aether Beyond Cross-Slash
  • Aether Beyond Multi-Slash
  • Aether Beyond Shoot
  • Aether Beyond Cross-Shoot
  • Aether Beyond Blast
  • Aether Beyond Burst
  • Aether Beyond Punch
  • Aether Beyond Kick

Aether Divine Attacks: Aether strongest attack skills that can also destroy a Multiverse - Beyond Extradimensional Cosmic scale and can also up to Outerverse Level scale or can affect 1-Uncountable Full Fiction Concept Level that concerned (If accessed with Divine Power), such as:

  • Aether Divine Slash
  • Aether Divine Cross-Slash
  • Aether Divine Multi-Slash
  • Aether Divine Shoot
  • Aether Divine Cross-Shoot
  • Aether Divine Blast
  • Aether Divine Burst
  • Aether Divine Punch
  • Aether Divine Kick

Ultimate Greatest Technique

  • Aether Divine End: Aether Minci's strongest finisher skill, that able to destroy everything such as, Dimension, Causality, Plot & Story, Existence & Non-Existence, even the Concept of Everything in the fiction itself, this finisher could able to destroy all fictions and the effects can also make a rift between Fiction Realm and Outverse, and also can cause some damage and anomalies in The Outverse (If accessed with Divine Power).
  • Aether Supreme Miracle: Aether can create and recreate everything such as, Dimension, Causality, Plot & Story, Existence & Non-Existence, and Concept of Everything on Multiversal - Beyond Extradimensional Cosmic scale and can also up to Outerverse Level scale or can affect 1-Uncountable Full Fiction Concept Level that concerned (If accessed with Divine Power).
  • Aether Ultimate Finale: Aether can create a shockwave that can destroy everything whatever he wants and also it can reset the times on Multiversal - Beyond Extradimensional Cosmic scale and can also up to Outerverse Level scale or can affect 1-Uncountable Full Fiction Concept Level that concerned (If accessed with Divine Power).
  • Aether Divine Blocker: Aether's absolute blocker skills, with this skill, Aether can block, cancel, or reverse all of his opponents attack, whatever is their attacks or skills on Multiversal - Beyond Extradimensional Cosmic scale, and can also up to Outerverse Level scale or can affect 1-Uncountable Full Fiction Concept Level that concerned (If accessed with Divine Power).
  • Aether Divine Buster: Aether's most destructive wide energy shoot and wave shoot/blast that can destroy everything on Multiverse - Beyond Extradimensional Cosmic scale, and can also up to Outerverse Level scale or can affect 1-Uncountable Full Fiction Concept Level that concerned (If accessed with Divine Power).
  • Aether Divine Breaker: Aether can break the Dimension and Existence on Multiversal - Beyond Extradimensional Cosmic scale and can also up to Outerverse Level scale or can affect 1-Uncountable Full Fiction Concept Level that concerned with this skill (If accessed with Divine Power).
  • Aether Beyond Blocker: Aether with this skill can block, cancel, or reverse all of his opponents attack, whatever is their attacks or skills on Multiversal - High Extradimensional Cosmic scale and can also up to Beyond Extradimensional Cosmic scale (If accessed with Divine Power).
  • Aether Beyond Buster: Aether's destructive wide energy shoot and wave shoot/blast that can destroy everything on Multiverse - High Extradimensional Cosmic scale, and can also up to Beyond Extradimensional Cosmic scale (If accessed with Divine Power).
  • Aether Beyond Breaker: Aether can break the Dimension and Existence on Multiversal - High Extradimensional Cosmic scale and can also up to Beyond Extradimensional Cosmic scale with this skill (If accessed with Divine Power).
  • Aether Ultimate Blocker: Aether with this skill can block, cancel, or reverse all of his opponents attack, whatever is their attacks or skills on Multiversal - Extradimensional Cosmic scale and can also up to High Extradimensional Cosmic scale (If accessed with Divine Power).
  • Aether Ultimate Buster: Aether's destructive wide energy shoot and wave shoot/blast that can destroy everything on Multiverse - Extradimensional Cosmic scale, and can also up to High Extradimensional Cosmic scale (If accessed with Divine Power).
  • Aether Ultimate Breaker: Aether can break the Dimension and Existence on Multiversal - Extradimensional Cosmic scale and can also up to High Extradimensional Cosmic scale with this skill (If accessed with Divine Power).
  • Aether Universal Blocker: Aether with this skill can block, cancel, or reverse all of his opponents attack, whatever is their attacks or skills on Normal - Universe scale.
  • Aether Universal Buster: Aether's destructive wide energy shoot and wave shoot/blast that can destroy everything on Normal - Universe scale.
  • Aether Universal Breaker: Aether can break the Dimension and Existence on Normal - Universe scale.

Special Technique

  • Aether Ultimate Acceleration: Aether can accelerate his movement up to immeasurable speed without changing his normal statistic state.
  • Aether Multiverse Reality Breaker: Aether Minci can break the reality and makes some anomaly in multiversal scale with this skill.
  • Aether Multiverse Buster: Aether's destructive wide energy shoot and wave shoot/blast that can destroy everything in multiversal scale.
  • Aether Multiverse Slash: Aether's energy slash that capable to destroy the Multiverse.
  • Aether Multiverse Shoot: Aether's energy shoot that capable to destroy the Multiverse.
  • Aether Multiverse Blast: Aether's energy blast that capable to destroy the Multiverse.
  • Aether Universe Reality Breaker: Aether can break the reality and makes some anomaly in universal scale with this skill.
  • Aether Universe Buster: Aether's destructive wide energy shoot and wave shoot/blast that can destroy everything in universal scale.
  • Aether Universe Slash: Aether's energy slash that capable to destroy the Universe.
  • Aether Universe Shoot: Aether's energy shoot that capable to destroy the Universe.
  • Aether Universe Blast: Aether's energy blast that capable to destroy the Universe.
  • Aether Galaxy Slash: Aether's energy slash that capable to destroy the Galaxy.
  • Aether Galaxy Shoot: Aether's energy shoot that capable to destroy the Galaxy.
  • Aether Galaxy Blast: Aether's energy blast that capable to destroy the Galaxy.
  • Aether Cosmo Slash: Aether's cosmic energy slash that capable to destroy planets and stars.
  • Aether Cosmo Shoot: Aether's cosmic energy shoot that capable to destroy planets and stars.
  • Aether Cosmo Blast: Aether's cosmic energy blast that capable to destroy planets and stars.
  • Aetherkinesis: Aether's telekinesis technique
Aether Minci (The Another Story) (2024)
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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.