80+ Online Review Statistics (2019-2024 Collection) (2024)

Over the span of 2019 to 2024, the usage and dependency of online reviews have expanded rapidly.

It has become a major feature in shaping consumer behavior and business strategies globally.

The emergence of various review platforms has even been noticed, which impacts purchasing decisions across industries.

This makes it a ripe time for businesses to understand the importance of online reviews and make the most out of them.

Therefore, this article will cover a collection of statistics to help you understand the global growth of online reviews.

Top Online Review Statistics

  • More than half of Yelp reviews are 5 stars, showing many users are happy.
  • 81% of people check Google reviews before visiting a business.
  • Fewer people read Facebook reviews from 2020 to 2021.
  • Only 1-2% of buyers leave reviews on Amazon.
  • 30% of online reviews are fake.
  • 85% of users trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.
  • Only 4.4% of positive reviews mention pricing.
  • 56% of people choose businesses that respond to reviews.
  • Two-thirds of people are more likely to hire a lawyer with reviews.

The Power of Online Reviews

In 2024, online reviews hold immense power in influencing consumer behavior and business success.

Nearly 95% of consumers read online reviews before making a purchase.

Positive reviews significantly boost sales and enhance customer trust, while negative online reviews can discourage potential buyers by highlighting issues that sway their decision-making.

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Maintaining high ratings and positive feedback is crucial for businesses. Studies show that a one-star increase can lead to a 5-9% rise in revenue.

Reviews also improve search engine rankings.

The focus on authenticity and detailed feedback ensures that reviews are important in the digital marketplace.

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A brief snapshot of how reviews shape consumer behavior

These statistics highlight the significant impact online reviews have on consumer behavior, showing their importance in influencing purchasing decisions and building trust.

53% of customers expect businesses to respond to negative reviews within a week, while 87% of businesses do not address them at all.

68% of consumers form an opinion after reading between one and six online reviews. Almost 9 out of 10 can determine whether to trust a brand by reading 10 reviews or less.

20% of consumers look at one review site before deciding, and 59%of consumers look at more than two review sites before making a decision.

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87% of people want to see 3—to 5-star reviews on a business before they consider using it.

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Key Online Review Statistics

Online reviews play a critical role in influencing consumer decisions and shaping brand perception.

They provide valuable insights into product quality and customer satisfaction, which enhances businesses’ trust.

Positive reviews can significantly boost sales and customer loyalty, bringing them closer to success.

Here are a few key facts about online reviews in the form of statistics

Online Review Statistics for E-commerce

Web statistics reviews for e-commerce platforms are crucial indicators of consumer behavior and business performance.

It influences trust, sales, and overall business success.

Products with at least 5 reviews have a 270% greater chance of being purchased compared to those with no reviews.

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Customers spend up to 31% more on products with excellent reviews, and 86% hesitate to purchase from online stores with negative online reviews.

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62% of consumers are worried that AI might be impersonating individuals and leaving fake reviews on products.

11% of French e-shoppers leave a review or comment on products only through social media.

Product Reviews Statistics: Shaping Purchase Decisions

93% of consumers agree that their purchasing decisions depend on reviews from other people.

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Product review statistics show that 50% of customers are willing to make a purchase if the company or business responds only to positive reviews.

87% of customers stated that reviews left by common people in businesses have a much greater impact on their purchasing decisions than opinions from celebrities.

60% of consumers refer to comments every week before making purchasing decisions.

The Power of Customer Review Statistics

Customers spend 31% more when products or services have great reviews. However, if there is a negative review, up to 40% of potential customers may be discouraged,

According to research, 62% of people worldwide would stop using a platform if they found out that reviews were being censored,

Up to 58% are willing to pay extra if the products have great reviews.

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96% of customers specifically look for negative reviews to learn how a business solves those issues on consumer review statistics.

Online Review Statistics for Home Services

Online review statistics for home services, such as contractors, plumbers, etc., matter because they influence consumer trust, the choice of service provider, and the positive online reputation of the business.

They are crucial for attracting customers and ensuring business growth in a competitive market.

85% of consumers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.

A survey found that 85% of customers trust online reviews as much as personal recommendations.

This is good news for contractors and local businesses, as it means that a strong online presence with positive reviews can significantly enhance their credibility and attract more customers.

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82% of buyers find review sites valuable in their search, which is why home services and local businesses should provide several review sites.

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57% of buyers will only use a business if it has an average star rating of 4 stars or above on local reviews

Businesses with an average star rating of 4 stars or higher generate 32% more revenue than those with lower reviews.

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Online Review Statistics for Automotive

Online review statistics are critical for automotive businesses such as car dealerships, mechanics, and auto parts stores.

They shape consumer trust in major purchases and ongoing maintenance.

Electric Vehicle (EV) reviews generate more 1-star ratings than the average review in automobiles.

Customer deals: Very few consumers read negative reviews before visiting a new financial service, and 55% searched them on Google.

This has an impact on the overall experience, with only 3.8% of positive reviews and 2.1% of negative reviews mentioning it.

Pricing issues for service departments

Only 4.4% of positive reviews mention pricing, which suggests that more of the mentions come from negative reviews.

Almost 5 times as many negative reviews comment on price than positives. 20.7% of negatives focus entirely on this topic.

Poor communication is a leading factor that contributes to negative reviews 37% of the time.

Online Review Statistics for Financial Services

Online review statistics for financial services, including banks, mortgage lenders, financial advisors, and insurance providers, are necessary since people entrust their money with such institutions.

More than half say that business’ response to reviews is a big deal

56% of online shoppers say that a business’s responses to reviews have changed their perspective on the business.

Customers care about how businesses respond to reviews when making purchasing decisions.

Responses to reviews tell the consumer how the business is going to treat them.

38% of consumers read negative reviews before visiting a new financial service, and 55% searched them on Google.

81% of consumers say that they leave a business review four times a year or less than that, and 20% have never left one.

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Almost 90% of consumers say they use online reviews to make their banking decisions

Online Review Statistics for Legal Services

Online Review Statistics are important for legal services such as laws and firms since people often need legal help in an emergency.

When clients can find it quicker, this can help in success rates.

2/3rd of consumers are more likely to hire a lawyer

Two-thirds of consumers in a survey said that they would be more likely to hire a lawyer with online reviews.

This is especially true for younger consumers. 81% of millennials (age 18 to 35) are more inclined to hire lawyers with online reviews.

Even a majority of Baby Boomers (age 55 to 70) feel the same way.

59% of people say they have used online reviews when choosing a professional service provider, such as a lawyer or doctor.

72% of people trust online reviews of legal services as much as they would trust a friend’s recommendation.

Around 95% of legal consumers read online reviews before making a decision about hiring an attorney.

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Online Review Statistics for Wellness

Online reviews matter in spas, salons, and gyms since personal experience is very important to consumers, and they have expectations about their results.

49% of Americans say that they were influenced to choose their current hair salon based on the online reviews of the business.

87% of customers will skip over any salon, spa, or barbershop with an online rating lower than 4 out of 5.

Around 55% of all reviews revolved around Massage and Hair Color. The rest are hair spas, manicures, etc.

There are awards which reward salons who keep a minimum of 60 online reviews above an average of 4 stars over a 12-month period,

Online Review Statistics for B2B

Businesses rely on other businesses for success, which is why online reviews on software providers, marketing agencies, etc., can offer a track record on such businesses.

B2B buyers check review sites before purchasing

89% of B2B buyers who use review sites say they often or always check review sites before buying any business software.

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33% of them check often, 56% check always, and 11% check sometimes.

More than 50% of all review site users go through online reviews throughout the buying process.

30% of all B2B SaaS marketplaces leverage reviews as social proof to encourage installing apps.

Less than 45% of small businesses will consider more than 5 vendors when reading online reviews.

Online Review Statistics for Travel

Online reviews matter in hotels, resorts, tourist attractions, etc., since it takes a long time to plan while traveling; online reviews on the internet of businesses can make tourists’ work easier, and they will lean more towards that particular business.

A high percentage of travelers do not post unsolicited online hotel reviews, so it is crucial for businesses to proactively solicit reviews from their customers.

Only 22% of travelers will post an unsolicited online hotel review, which is less than one in four.

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81% say they always read reviews before booking a hotel and focus on the company’s response to guest reviews.

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86% of people would pass off a good deal from a company with negative reviews.

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One unaddressed negative review can drive away 30 out of 50 customers.

3 out of 4 customers said they avoid using online ads due to false advertising, making online reviews even more valuable to customers.

Platform-Specific Online Review Statistics

Platform-specific online review statistics provide valuable insights into how consumers interact with and perceive various review sites, such as Yelp and Google Reviews.

These platforms play a critical role in shaping consumer opinions and influencing purchasing decisions.

Below are the customer review statistics of a few platforms.

Google Online Review Statistics

Google is a multinational technology company.

It offers a wide range of services and products, including advertising solutions, cloud computing, software, and hardware.

More than half like to check Google Reviews before visiting the business

81% of internet users are more likely to check Google reviews before visiting the business in person.

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Last year, 63.3% of consumers checked Google reviews before visiting a business, making it the most trusted review source.

The same number of users reported that they would check Google over other review sites.

Google reviews are highly trusted by consumers, with 72% of users trusting online reviews as much as personal recommendations.

Businesses with positive Google reviews can see an 18% increase in their revenue rates on Google search results.

Google hosts 73% of online reviews alone, and it hosts 88% of all online reviews.

Want to dive deeper? Here’s an interesting blog on Google review statistics.

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Yelp Online Review Statistics

Yelp is an online platform where users can post reviews and rate local businesses, including restaurants, shops, and service providers.

Yelp reviews provide valuable insights into consumer experiences across various businesses.

As of 2023, Yelp has over 287 million reviews on its platform. This vast number covers various categories, from restaurants and shops to home services and health providers.

A study indicated that a one-star increase in a Yelp rating leads to a 5-9% increase in revenue for a business.

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On average, 26830 new reviews are posted on Yelp every minute, highlighting the platform’s dynamic and active user engagement.

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By the end of 2022, Yelp 5-star reviews had increased

Approximately 52% of Yelp reviews are 5-star reviews, showing a generally positive trend among users.

The breakdown of the rest is 16% for 4 stars, 8% for 3 stars, 6% for 2 stars, and 16% for 1 star.

This distribution of Yelp reviews, with the majority being positive, suggests that businesses on the platform are generally performing well in the eyes of their customers.

TripAdvisor Online Review Statistics

TripAdvisor is an online platform that provides user-generated reviews, photos, and ratings of hotels, restaurants, attractions, and other travel-related services.

It helps you plan and book trips by providing recommendations based on millions of reviews.

TripAdvisor’s users submit approximately 280 new reviews and opinions every minute to the site.

77% of users say that they usually look for reference reviews on TripAdvisor before choosing a hotel.

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Over 878 million reviews and opinions are available on TripAdvisor, covering more than 8.8 million accommodations, airlines, experiences, and restaurants worldwide.

72% of travelers worldwide say their booking decisions are influenced by online reviews, with TripAdvisor being a primary resource.

Facebook Online Review Statistics

Facebook is a social media platform that allows users to create profiles, connect with friends and family, share content, and join various groups and communities. It also offers messaging, event planning, and advertising services.

93% of Facebook users are suspicious of fake reviews on the platform, so businesses need to ensure the authenticity of reviews.

80+ Online Review Statistics (2019-2024 Collection) (23)

When reviews are shared on social media platforms, the conversation rate is 40 times higher for Facebook.

Facebook holds 19% of online customer reviews, according to research done by Online Reviews Statistics.

Facebook’s consumers’ online review reading rate drops

54% of consumers used Facebook to read online reviews in 2020. However, this percentage dropped to 48% in the year 2021. Facebook has experienced a decline in consumers’ trust when it comes to online reviews, which could be a reason for this drop in numbers.

Amazon Customer Review Statistics

Amazon is the world’s largest online retailer and marketplace, offering a wide range of products and services, including e-commerce, cloud computing, and digital streaming.

Only 1-2% of Amazon customers write reviews

Only 1 to 2% of consumers post online reviews after purchasing an item from Amazon.

Building up reviews at such a slow rate takes longer. A seller would need to sell 10,000 products in order to get 100 to 200 reviews.

Amazon is implementing a one-click review strategy to increase the rate of consumer reviews.

Amazon has over 750 million reviews, out of which 42% may be fake. Some products are more likely to have fake reviews than others.

79% of Amazon online shoppers are influenced by the products with the best ratings and reviews.

56% of consumers said that they would leave a review if they received excellent-quality products.

Fake Online Reviews Statistics

Fake online reviews are reviews posted on various platforms to mislead consumers.

These can be positive reviews created by businesses to boost their ratings or negative ones posted by competitors to harm reputations.

Fake reviews are a growing concern in the digital marketplace.

About 30% of online reviews are fake

Studies have shown that globally, 30% of online reviews are fake or fabricated.

About 700 businesses fabricated their reviews, for which the Federal Trade Commission issued them a fine for fake endorsem*nt.

This percentage differs according to platform and industry.

82% of consumers have read a fake review in the past year.

The credibility of e-commerce is affected due to such fake reviews statistics.

Fake reviews can mislead consumers, resulting in an estimated $152 billion loss for honest businesses annually.

75% of consumers are concerned about the authenticity of online reviews.

69% are concerned about images in fake reviews, and 68% are concerned about fake videos.

Want to dive deeper? Here’s an interesting blog on fake review statistics.

Wrap up

The global growth of online reviews has been remarkable these few years, and they have also immensely influenced consumer choices and business strategies.

Moreover, the increasing reliance on reviews highlights the fact that reviews have an important role in shaping market perceptions and driving purchasing decisions across diverse sectors worldwide.

The above statistics also show the difference in how a business is treated based on the type and number of reviews it has.

Increasing relations with customers requires such businesses to keep looking out for reviews and increase their online reputation by replying to both negative and positive online customer reviews.



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80+ Online Review Statistics (2019-2024 Collection) (2024)
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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.